Preserved Sheet Malakieth Salendir

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I fall back on my previous statement -- seeing as his parents and one of his grand parents did not live on Drowda for a majority of their life.
I still see him being two generations away enough reason for him to lose the taint. And my char app was previously accepted with that, so I believe it to be the way it is.
As long as you have taint and fuck an elf you'll make a drow...two generations refer to non-elves...

I will pick this up for you. Expect a review soon. The life story is pretty hefty so it make take some time to digest it all, but I will take care of you.
@PosidonX7 I have read the application, and all of the previous reviews and I do see a few things that should be updated to allow approval
  • I see that this was approved once, but the expert Dragon Fire was never registered as a special perm. Once this is approved again please make sure to register his special perm for expert magic
  • I am fine with the self proclaimed Drowdar, but not actually being Drowdar thing. The only way I see this getting you in trouble is if your skin seems to indicate you are Drowder, leading others to think you are immune to magic when you are not. That being said, I did look up your skin and you are far outside of the realm of Drowdar skin color so this is just fine.
  • I do still carry issue with a Double Expert fire mage being physically strong though. Please replace this with another strength. Bear in mind that removing this strength does not necessarily imply that he is weak, it just means that he is of average strength for his age and race.
  • In the weakness Heavy remove the reference to hitting harder because of this. A weakness should be just a weakness and not add other minor strengths along with them.
  • Situational Claustrophobia - I don't like that the consequence of this weakness is a show off of one of his clear strengths. Either replace this or give it a different consequence that is determinantal to him, but not those around him. It would be a much better weakness if, for instance, large crowds made him so nervous he couldn't cast any magic. I leave this to your creative freedom to decide the end result however.
  • In order to balance being an expert in two subforms of magic please add a 4th weakness of any kind.
Tag me once you have completed the edits!
If I were to update this app to fit the new lore (remove cold fire), would I have to switch it over to the new character app format? @Staff Roleplay
@Staff Roleplay I would like this to go under re-review to make sure it aligns with any new lore. I have transferred the app over to the new format, and removed cold fire from it. Anything that I have changed/added from the last version has been marked in blue.
Did a quick switch of the weakness I added. I figured Quick to Conjecture applies in a lot more situations than Claustrophobia, which is what I had before.
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review:
  • Alchemy- He spent many years in the sewers working with alchemy due to the number of situations they could be applied in. He might concoct a mixture with swamp blood to help heal wounds, or create some firebite so he can escape or create a distraction. He also studied the effects of materials and fire, which allowed him to create some pretty cool colored fires which he may use to distract others.
  • What is his alchemy skill out of ten? Remember, if he has not attended the School of Alchemy, he cannot exceed a level of 6-7/10.
  • Please put your likes/dislikes into a spoiler titled "Personality and Abilities Expansion"
    • Relationships as well.
  • Your life story is 1900+ words and exceeds the limit of 800-900 words. Please put your current life story into a spoiler titled "Life Chronicles" and flesh out a bullet point list with all the important events in his life, with dates.
  • Make the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!