Preserved Sheet Malakieth Salendir

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Apr 2, 2015
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Basic Information (Required)

· Full Name: Malakieth Ardon Salendir

· Age: 78 years old

· Gender: Male

· Race: Altalar

· Main Ambition: Malakieth wishes to get enough money to support himself so he can start a family of his own and he is currently doing this by participation in selling chemical/alchemical mixtures, and will soon be running a bakery.

· Special Permission: An Expert fire mage with 60 years of experience

Anliri Salendir was Malakieth's mother and Merruml Salendir was Malakieth's father. They both moved away after giving birth to Malakieth in Regalia, abandoning him with his aunt, Halienirl living on Scribe Road when he was an infant. He had been living in the chamberhalls of the sewers but quickly left when he heard that the Crimsons were boarding it up. He stayed in Regalia in the duration of the bone horrors.

Skill Information

  • School: Fire Magic
  • Level: Expert
  • Source: A Fire Magic Tome plus a private mentor named Adrion Lintus

Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Faded Brown
  • Hair Style: Longer than short, raggedly cut
  • Skin Color: Faded/Light Tannish-grey
  • Clothing: A series of expensive colored robes.
  • Height: 6'6"
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: Fire Magic – Expert

· Malakieth Salendir is an Altalar standing at 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 185 pounds. He has broad shoulders and a slight wedge shape to his body. His strength has decreased due to his magic practice, yet he can still lift himself up but his legs have stayed just as strong as always from the amount of walking he does. His left hip however, will cramp up on occasion from him overworking it in this shipyard. He has torn those muscles a few times, but they are mostly healed. He can't bend backwards too far due to him lifting a crate and then realizing it was to heavy, therefore bruising a few bones and tearing a few muscles that have never fully healed.

· Malakieth is a faded/light brownish-grey color do to him being Altalar. He had a burn scar on his left palm from when he was learning fire magic in the sewers when he miscasted a spell. His right forearm has a scar on it from when he was ambushed by thieves hidden once when walking though the sewers, them slashing his arm with a sword, stealing his bag of books, and then running off. Besides those scars, his has a rather nicely light brownish-grey colored skin complexion

· Malakieth has faded brown hair that is somewhat longer than the average Ailor, coming down to just below his eyebrows, but barely longer.

· Malakieth has an angular shaped face with a long chin and narrowed eyes, yet not to the point of a Chien'ji's eyes. He has an average sized nose. His face is rather muscular, yet his cheekbones protrude slightly.

· Malakieth has blue eyes and looks content when he is not in any mood. He clenches his jaw when he is angry, causing his face to look more muscular. His face loosens when he is sad, causing his face to look droopy. When he is happy, he smiles grandly, causing his cheek bones to be more apparent.

· Malakieth keeps his face clean shaved and has the hair style that is ragged, yet it is slightly longer coming just barely below his eyebrows. His hair color is faded brown.

· Malakieth has no piercings, tattoo's, or earrings. He believes a clean face avoids distractions. He does have a small scar under his left jaw bone from a swordsman whom got too close.

· Malakieth has a smooth, calmly pitched voice that tends to be soothing to the average ear. He talks at a normal rate and has a Regalian accent. He voice will grow horse when he gets agitated though. He speaks common and Elven and is learning Faraddi.

· Malakieth wear a blue silky robe with light grey hemming on the edges of it. It does not completely close around his front side, so his red robe underneath is visible. He wears a red denim (heavy cloth) robe under the blue robe that wraps around his body and is held on with a thick red leather belt. The blue robe fits rather loosely while the red robe underneath is rather tight. He wears leather boots for comfort because he likes the snug feeling they give him. However, sometimes he will put on the heavy-duty Fire Mage robes he earned from his mentor as to protect his other clothes from getting burned while casting. His clothes are rather dirty though from walking around in the sewers of Regalia even though he cleans them every so often. He can obtain the silk because his father left him a fair amount of money that he earned while fighting in the Thellassia and Medlem Altalar Resurgence.

· Malakieth wears a satchel that goes over his shoulder to hold the necessary items he requires every day in his life. Besides that, he keeps his robes and body void of any jewelry to avoid distractions.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: If it is needed he will wait until the situation favors his odds which makes him appear patient. He waits for things to come to him. If something does put pressure on him, he will wait until he is able to figure it out through calm thinking. He believes a calm and patient mind will always find out the truth. Not in the sense of money, but in the sense of how he takes his chances for he will gamble the odds in situations, even if they become dangerous. If time is short and can't wait, he will gamble the odds with little thought, believing that a 50/50 chance is his best choice. He will always look for the quickest route out of a situation, without looking to see whom stands in his way.
  • Second Paragraph: He will do almost /anything/ to make his goals come true. He can be manipulative to get what he wants and might even frame someone to make it happen. He thinks of himself as crafty because of all this, for it usually works out in his favor. If someone ever accuses him of casting fire, he will act like he has no idea what they are talking about, and will insist that he is just an aspiring baker. He hates being trapped and unable to escape, which makes him sort of aggressive in certain situations. This is all due to him wanting to be able to cast or act in time before something happens that he cannot control.
  • Third Paragraph: Revengeful/Relentless- If something hurts him or someone he cares about, he will not stop until he claims revenge upon them. This side of him comes from when Chlorolan, the one he loved, was killed by an Orc, which can make him seem revengeful/relentless. He is very protective of the one's he holds closest to himself. He can be demented and might take things too far for him to handle if pushed far enough. He can often be seen as greedy by others that do not know him seeing as he heavily guards whoever and whatever he cares about or wants.
  • Fourth Paragraph: If he sets a goal, he won't stop until it comes true. This is due to his aunt constantly telling him to never give up. This also comes from his elven pride and his strong sense of self being. Sometimes his strong-will can take over him and put him in dangerous situations though. He only wishes to have the physical items that are required for him to survive, which makes him very basic. He makes sure that everything he has, has a use; and he makes sure that what he has, he will use. He hates wasting things. He believes in a balance of all things, and thinks that evil or bad is just another point of view, and not necessarily wrong.


  • Expert Fire Mage – He has trained for 52 years with the Qadir in Dragon Fire. He constantly continues to practice his fire magic when no one is looking, and sometimes even uses it to protect himself from attackers. It is his focus of what to learn.

  • Adaptable – He can quickly cope with an inevitability if needed. He learns quickly and tries to prepare himself for anything that will happen from something that has happened. He has a good memory which helps him learn from mistakes.

  • Alchemy- He spent many years in the sewers working with alchemy due to the number of situations they could be applied in. He might concoct a mixture with swamp blood to help heal wounds, or create some firebite so he can escape or create a distraction. He also studied the effects of materials and fire, which allowed him to create some pretty cool colored fires which he may use to distract others. On a scale of 1-10 he would be a 6 since he has not been in any alchemy schools.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

  • Quick to Conjecture (Added to balance out Expert Magic)-- He will often quickly assume that something or someone is going to do something based upon incomplete evidence. This may cause him to take action before thinking about what the consequences might be or rather he thinks of the consequences, but ignores them in his 'feeling' to respond. Many a time this has created an odd position for him when trying to form agreements/alliances between groups when tension is high.


· Jokes- He enjoys laughing because he enjoys life, and when happy, he can be lighthearted. Having a great time with the people around him is always what he strives for.

· Having something to do- He loves being active and working for it gives him a sense of purpose. He wants to be useful and able to bring about some sort of change.

· Food- He likes to try different types of food just because his aunt always encouraged him to try new things. When he finds some sort of food he just wants more and more of it for he likes to enjoy life.

· Love- Anytime a female show attraction towards him, he gets all cheered up. This is due to him feeling like he will never love again because of Chlorolan's death, for which he still feels slightly guilty about.


· Ignorance- He hates it when people are trying to talk about something that they don't know much about, and also when people accuse things without knowing any facts about the situation. It completely annoys him to the point of where he just wants to walk away.

· Orcs- He doesn't like them because Chlorolan was killed by an Orc. He gets very hot headed around orcs, and doesn't trust any of them.

· The cold- He has lived in Regalia most of his life. The cold agitates him, and makes him feel useless and weak.

Relationships (Optional)
-Anliri Salendir is Malakieth's mother

-Merruml Salendir is Malakieth's father

-Halienirl Kalum [missing] is Malakieth's aunt: Malakieth was left to her as an infant

-Chlorolan [believed to be diseased] (@YuMortal) was the one Malakieth fell in love with as a teenager: Ran into her while running around in the sewers and a younger boy (11)

-Adrion Lintus [diseased] is Malakieth's fire magic mentor: Met him in the tavern

Life Story (Required)
Malakieth was born in Regalia but left by his parents to his aunt because they wanted to go see the world. His father did show that he cared for him by leaving him enough money to buy nice clothes and travel places if he wanted for when he got older. From ages 1-10, his aunt would constantly tell him that he must make his family proud by doing the things that they never could. She encouraged him to become a mage because no one in his family had ever tried such a thing. At age 12 he finally decided that he wanted to become a fire mage. His aunt approved and that is when she told him about the money that his father had left him. Malakieth had the fantasy of becoming a noble and training to be a fire mage in the military, which was a far-fetched goal that never came true, for he found a better way of going about it. His Aunt made him work in the shipyards of Regalia from the time at which he turned 12 to the age of 18.

At the age of 18, he began looking through the library in Regalia, for he had heard there were books on fire magic hidden amongst the shelves even though the librarians denied the placement of any such books. He searched the Library every day for two weeks, yet did not find the fire magic books. He did not give up however, and proceeded to keep his search on for another two weeks. Just before an entire month had passed from when he started his search, he found a fire magic book wedged between the wall and one of the shelves behind all the books. He immediately took it home after wedging it inside his satchel. As soon as he got home he began to read it and study it. He constantly obsessed and self-taught himself from the book for about a year, while also purchasing many other tomes from undisclosed book keepers in Regalia and studying them too. He became somewhat of a novice in the art of fire magic.

At the age of 19, he decided that self-teachings and simple tomes were no longer a viable way to learn Dragon Fire magic, so he began to search for a mentor discretely to avoid suspicion. He searched for a mentor for about a month until he met an Ailor named Adrion Lintus who spoke about how mages used different elements to color fire. For the next year, Malakieth and Adrion took frequent trips down to the sewers to test Malakieth's abilities and to advise him. This was the point to where he became a student, for he had found a teacher.

Finally, at the age of 25, he began to consider himself a caster after being able to ward off another gang with the use of some quartz dust and an exhausting cast to make a wall of green colored flames, just to scare them off. The reason it took him about seven years, instead of just ten or eleven months to reach caster level, is because he studied every single property and aspect about Dragon Fire and felt like he wasn't ready to move on to the next level of casts until those seven years had passed. He even managed to educate himself on chemistry in the process to learned how fire reacts to differing conditions and elements.

At the age of 48, he finally considered himself a mage due to him being able to cause a massive explosion when he was cornered by a gang of four. It knocked all of them unconscious and gave Malakieth small non-scarring burns due to the distance from the blast he was. He left Regalia for a little while and traveled to Far'ah'deen, where he figured that the heat of the desert would help him learn to cast better and make it easier for him to cast.

Soon after him reaching the age of 65, he wanted to test his abilities. There was a tribe of Qadir that would often steal food and attempt to terrorize the village. Malakieth set off with a group of ten Ailor warriors of the village to go to the tribe's camp and end their raids. As soon as they arrived fighting began and Malakieth stood behind casting fire at the Qadir whom were attacking the Ailor warriors.
He was proud of his mighty cast and at that moment, considered himself an Expert at Fire Magic. Malakieth decided it was time to return to Regalia since he had become an Expert Dragon Fire Mage, and after many sad goodbyes, he returned from where he came.

He has recently decided to try and open a bakery in Regalia to give him an excuse to be near fire, therefore, he may continually practice without being under suspicion. To this day, he continues his studies as an Expert in Dragon Fire.

Malakieth was born in Regalia but left by his parents to his aunt because they wanted to go see the world. His father did show that he cared for him by leaving him enough money to buy nice clothes and travel places if he wanted for when he got older. From ages 1-10, his aunt would constantly tell him that he must make his family proud by doing the things that they never could. She encouraged him to become a mage because no one in his family had ever tried such a thing. At age 12 he finally decided that he wanted to become a fire mage. His aunt approved and that is when she told him about the money that his father had left him. Malakieth had the fantasy of becoming a noble and training to be a fire mage in the military, which was a far-fetched goal that never came true, for he found a better way of going about it. His Aunt made him work in the shipyards of Regalia from the time at which he turned 12 to the age of 18. During that time, he had fallen for a Yanar named Chlorolan (@YuMortal). She never realized how much he cared for her and she just considered him a great friend. He kept it a secret from his aunt. However, when he turned 17 Chlorolan was attacked and is believed to be killed by the Orc. He tried to help her but wasn't fast enough, getting himself knocked out in the process. When he woke, he found Chlorolan laying on the ground just barely alive. It wasn't until that moment that she realized that she loved him. He witnessed her fade away moments after her admitting to him how she felt. For months after he was always depressed but slowly moved on with his life. He has a secret hatred for Orcs because of what happened to Chlorolan.

At the age of 18, he began looking through the library in Regalia, for he had heard there were books on fire magic hidden amongst the shelves even though the librarians denied the placement of any such books. He searched the Library every day for two weeks, yet did not find the fire magic books. He did not give up however, and proceeded to keep his search on for another two weeks. Just before an entire month had passed from when he started his search, he found a fire magic book wedged between the wall and one of the shelves behind all the books. He immediately took it home after wedging it inside his satchel. As soon as he got home he began to read it and study it. He constantly obsessed and self-taught himself from the book for about a year, while also purchasing many other tomes from undisclosed book keepers in Regalia and studying them too. He became somewhat of a novice in the art of fire magic.

At the age of 19, he decided that self-teachings and simple tomes were no longer a viable way to learn Dragon Fire magic, so he began to search for a mentor discretely to avoid suspicion. He searched for a mentor for about a month until he met an Ailor named Adrion Lintus who spoke about how mages used different elements to color fire. They talked for a while and became good friends so Adrion invited Malakieth to his home and revealed to him that he was a Dragon Fire Mage. The influence of alcohol may have allowed Adrion to give this information to Malakieth so easily. For the next year, Malakieth and Adrion took frequent trips down to the sewers to test Malakieth's abilities and to advise him. This was the point to where he became a student, for he had found a teacher.

When he turned 20, he still didn't consider himself a caster even though he had been studying magic for a constant two years. He felt that he wanted to learn more and more until he could overpower any threat and scare away any foe. Malakieth constantly kept practicing and studying his fire magic. He often used it to help those who were trapped or cornered by vampires or thieves in the sewers. He moved in and out of many gangs trying to get an understanding of how to use fire to deal with people.

Finally, at the age of 25, he began to consider himself a caster after being able to ward off another gang with the use of some quartz dust and an exhausting cast to make a wall of green colored flames, just to scare them off. The reason it took him about seven years, instead of just ten or eleven months to reach caster level, is because he studied every single property and aspect about Dragon Fire and felt like he wasn't ready to move on to the next level of casts until those seven years had passed. He even managed to educate himself on chemistry in the process to learned how fire reacts to differing conditions and elements.

Malakieth was always using his fire magic – for everything. He used it to warm himself in the cold, cook his food, light a torch, and even to just entertain himself by seeing how bright and big of a flame he could create without over exerting himself. Not only did he use it for himself, but he also used it for others. If he found someone that was wounded he would often cast a fire to cauterize their burn and kill any bacteria that could infect the wound. Adrion was constantly pushing him to make his flame hotter and brighter while also making him cast longer. The mainly practiced their magic in the large round sewer hub room within the sewers because not many pass through there and it is very open. He would practice his casting with Adrion every day for around eight to nine hours a day. Even when he wasn't practicing, he used it for other things as he had always done such as helping and defending others.

At the age of 48, he finally considered himself a mage due to him being able to cause a massive explosion when he was cornered by a gang of four. It knocked all of them unconscious and gave Malakieth small non-scarring burns due to the distance from the blast he was. The gang didn't take his rejection of their "asking" for money very lightheartedly. After a few days, the gang retaliated by finding Adrion and holding him captive until Malakieth came looking for him. Eventually Malakieth did find them and chased them. They dragged Adrion back to his own chamberhall while being chased by Malakieth and held a knife to neck. Right when Malakieth was about to send a fireball at them to burn them, they slit Adrion's throat and ran down the hall around Malakieth– for which Malakieth then responded with casting a huge fireball and blasted it at them. The fireball burned everything when it impacted them, and it burned them alive, nearly incinerating their bodies. The cast nearly made Malakieth pass out, yet he had done what he wanted and killed them all. He then tiredly rushed over to Adrion which was quickly bleeding out and Adrion told him to take his thick fire mage robe that was in his storage chest, for it would prevent him from getting burned when casting large flames and explosions. Adrion said with his dying words, "Help all these people for they are very lost and need guidance." Malakieth grieved for months after that, yet he continued to practice his fire magic and do as Adrion had told him – to help and guide others.

He left Regalia for a little while and traveled to Far'ah'deen, where he figured that the heat of the desert would help him learn to cast better and make it easier for him to cast. He lived in a small village of Ailors in Far'ah'deen where he constantly casted his fire magic for everyone there. He made huge bonfires for them during celebrations, heated up blacksmith's pieces of work for them, and even lit the stoves of the village so they could cook food. He also defended the village from attacks done by savage Qadir tribes. He also had kept his fire magic tome and robes from Adrion this entire time and was always putting them to good use.

Soon after him reaching the age of 65, he wanted to test his abilities. There was a tribe of Qadir that would often steal food and attempt to terrorize the village. Malakieth set off with a group of ten Ailor warriors of the village to go to the tribe's camp and end their raids. As soon as they arrived fighting began and Malakieth stood behind casting fire at the Qadir whom were attacking the Ailor warriors. Malakieth stopped for a few moments and put all his focus into one mighty cast from which came a massive wave of fire that went across the Qadir's camp, lighting everything and every Qadir in it on fire. He was proud of his mighty cast and at that moment, considered himself an Expert at Fire Magic. Even though he was proud of his cast, he wasn't proud that he had burned all Qadir in the camp – even the women and children. The people of the village praised Malakieth and told him that civilian casualties were bound to happen and it was a necessary deed to end the raids. Malakieth decided it was time to return to Regalia since he had become an Expert Dragon Fire Mage, and after many sad goodbyes, he returned from where he came.

When he arrived, he came back to a rather different Regalia and his aunt nowhere to be found, yet he just went back to loading and unloading cargo at the docks for another five years. During that time, he had yet again found pleasure in going down into the sewers and helping those whom might get attacked by criminals and vampires while also still practicing his fire magic. Malakieth had soon rented housing within the chamberhalls of the sewers, helping those in need. He had found that moving cargo isn't producing enough money so he had gone looking around the docks asking captains if he could become a member of their shipping crew. After a month of searching, he ran into Vwana Gonheart (@Anime_cookie), a captain of a ship that is trying to start a guild. He joined her crew. Things changed when Vwana started secretly traveling into the sewers very often which caused them to run into each other while in the sewers. Since spent his time at her side helping her and doing almost anything she asked of him. They moved through many different gangs and groups which allowed them to grow closer. Eventually Malakieth fell for Vwana and her for him. Malakieth's fire magic alongside Vwana's Ellon magic made them a powerful pair – though it wasn't to last. Vwana lost her sanity causing Malakieth and her to take separate paths. Malakieth has recently gone through many more gangs then he had before. He spent his time in the sewers studying and expanding his knowledge on Dragon Fire. It wasn't before long that he decided that it was time to slow down a bit. He has recently decided to try and open a bakery in Regalia to give him an excuse to be near fire, therefore, he may continually practice without being under suspicion. To this day, he continues his studies as an Expert in Dragon Fire.
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Indeed use the new format but also probs but lil more detail fam.
I shall have this updated and fixed soon. sorry for the wait.
Oof the tag never worked for me. Sorry!

  • Firstly, I hate to be that person, but being skilled in fighting and magic is unlikely. Either be good in one, mediocre in the other, or so-so at both. I'll allow you to choose which you want.
  • Attractive is not a personality trait. Remove it.
  • So far you have 4 positive traits, two neutral, and one negative. I advise removing a positive personality trait, and then adding in two negative. Here is a helpful list.
  • Being tall is more of a cop out weakness. Remove it.
  • If he's heavy, how is he fast? Lighter people are the quick people.
  • The spears weakness is a huge cop out. I suggest making him struggle in fights when fighting against people with weapons giving how he can't use them himself.
  • Unable to use weapons isn't that great either. If he doesn't use them, that doesn't really apply. See above for a suggestion.
  • Once you have a physical weakness and a combat weakness, create a mental weakness for Malakeith.
Mark your edits in blue, and tag me when you're done.
@Suzzie I do believe i have made all the changes you have requested. Please alert me if I have missed anything.
Few things left!
  • As he was born off of Drowda, he should lack the purple skin and white blue hair.
  • .. Lustful isn't quite the word to use. That implies other meanings. He sounds greedy, even. I'd elaborate more on how it's a negative trait.
    • How reckless does he get? Does he go as far as to hurt others to get what he wants?
  • Warped sounds more like Aggressive.
  • Qadir are no longer a heavy magic using race, since their rewrite. They have an aversion to magic due to their religion. A solution to this conundrum is that Malakieth found a mentor, and directly studied under them in Regalia, likely in secret and in the sewers.
  • If you want to be an expert fire mage, I'd like to hear his progression through the ranks. What age was he when he reached the specific tiers? How intense were his studies, how interested was he?
  • I'm curious to see how Malakeith handles the fact that he is of Drowdar descent but lacks the purple skin and white hair. Does he refer to himself as a Drowdar, or Talar? Does he feel any shame?
@Suzzie I would like to reopen this for review. I went inactive due to a broken monitor and the flu. I have also made edits. Thank you for reviewing my char app.
Alrighty. @PosidonX7
  • Does Malakieth have Northern Taint? It lasts two generations before it goes away. With that, he'll still be immune to magic (and Unable to use it). Read more on it here.
@Suzzie I think I have made the required edits for him to be lore compliant. Thank you for guiding me through all of this.
There we go. His skin color was updated according to the new lore.
I was wondering if I could update this app so that Malakieth is also an expert in cold fire, seeing as I have had him train icly to use it. I would also use this chance to update the app with any lore changes that have accrued and lengthen his life story to fit what has been happening lately. Thankyou.
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I will not be re-reviewing this @PosidonX7 , but I will mark it as needs reviewer. Feel free to update the application- I'll be leaving it to the digression of a fellow lore staff member to decide on the matter.
Unless, of course, you want to leave it as is.
Alright. I have updated the char app according to the new lore, added expert cold fire, and expanded the life story. Thank you for whomever chooses my app.
Alright. I have updated the char app according to the new lore, added expert cold fire, and expanded the life story. Thank you for whomever chooses my app.
You can't really proclaim being a drow, that's like proclaiming that you've got half of your face covered in tumorous growths that are halfing your life span..
"rather when traced two generations away from a Drow (or when the Elven lineage becomes adequately muddled), it simply just vanishes and reverts back to regular Nelfin skin tones. " One of his grandparents are altalar.