Preserved Sheet Maksim Vrokov

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step off cuzzo
Jun 7, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Maksim Vrokov
  • Age: 40
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Vladno Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Mace
Skill Information
Total Points: 40
  • +30 Blunt (+15 from Ailor Boost, +15 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Light Bow (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +10 Metallurgy (+10 from Vladno Ailor)
  • +10 Extra Heavy (+10 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Frontline Combat (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Unarmed (+5 from Proficiency Points)
Body Shape: (+15, +5, +10x2, +5, +5x2 = 55)
  • Body Shape: Strongman
  • Body Fat: Built Body Fat
  • Mirnoye (Native Tongue)
  • Common (Learned in Childhood)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark brown
  • Hair Style: Bald with stoic beard.
  • Skin Color: Vladno White
  • Clothing: Heavy trousers with cheap tunic.
  • Height: 6ft
Personality and Abilities
Option Two: Core List
  • Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Character Personality Type: The Architect
  • Character Religion: None
Life Story

Maksim Vrokov was born 267 A.C to Boris Vrokov and Gagarina Vrokov, and is one of two children to come from the couple. In the town of Luyshov, Maksim's father Boris ran a forge, employing the assistance of Maksim and his twin brother Oleg for various orders, ranging from household items to weapons. Maksim learned a great deal alongside his brother, soon becoming a decent smith. Luyshov was sort of a milestone city, so Maksim would learn common from the various travelers that visited his father's forge. His life up through his teenage years was pretty mundane, until when the twin's turned 17 that they got into wrestling. Well, Oleg was really into it, while Maksim learned here and there, though wasn't all too interested in the constant rashes and bruises gained. Oleg became better and better until he was just about the best wrestler in town, while Maksim became better and better in his craft at the forge, soon learning to wield the weapons he made, which he liked to make very big and heavy. Oleg soon learned from the weapons they made as well, both favoring the blunt weapons, due to power.

When Maksim was 26, he and his brother joined the local lord's armed forces and soon began training to become decent soldiers. They became known as the "Vrokov Twins", and recruits soon began joining in larger number. They developed quite a reputation, and their influence was acknowledged through the ranks. Oleg soon became quite good at smashing people's skulls with his mace, while Maksim became a relatively good planner and strategist in the frontlines. The twins continued their servitude to their Lord until they suddenly headed a revolt. They were angered at the fact their lives and the lives of their comrades were taken or nearly taken in the name of personal gain from bureaucrats and monarchs they did not know, instead of having the people's wishes in mind. They were soon forced from the land, as their revolt wrought no fruit.

They hit the road at age 38, becoming smiths in a town they did not know was not too far from Luyshov. In a feat of absolute genius, Oleg changed his name to Maksim and Maksim to Oleg, but did not change their last names. They were soon chased out of town once again, soon after reverting to their original names from before.

The brothers, with nowhere else to go, decided to just head for the biggest city they could find; Regalia. They originally had the intent of opening a forge, though Maksim and his brother discovered the existence of the Molotok Doctrine, and shared many of the same ideals published. Their priorities soon changed, and now have the intent of forging not another weapon or armor set, but a path towards people's government.