Archived Making Vespids More Popular?

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
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Hello everyone.
At the moment Vespids are really weak.
There only strength in PvP is that they are stronger in a group, but the problem is, there almost aren't any Vespids around.
So how could they be good in PvP?
Well, I have an idea, I don't know if it is good but it might help to get the Vespid population up.
I would love to see more Vespids around and it would be great to have more Vespids in my faction too. :)

-Lets split up the Vespid race in their Subraces. You first do /race b Vespid and then do /subrace b Cinti if you want to be a Cinti. Each Subrace gets their own special kind of powers.
-The Subraces of the Vespid race won't lose their original powers like Spider Truce, Vespid Swarm, …

-Vispi: -Bug Sting : Each Vispi has a 3% change to sting his opponent in a fight wich causes Poison for 15 seconds. The sting also got a 5% change to blind an opponent (allergic reaction) for 10 seconds.
-Wings: A Vispi can jump 2 blocks high because of their wings, however, they can't fly.

-Arachni: -Wall Climbing: An Arachni can climb 5-15 (up to the server) blocks up like a real spider could. After that amount of blocks their legs will give up (because they're tired) and the spider will just stick on the wall, needing to rest for 1 minute to be able to climb on.
-Slow String: An Arachni has a 5% chance to slow an opponent in a fight (think of a cobweb), for 30 seconds.

-Cinti: -Night Vision: A Cinti has a passive ability to see in dark places.
-Poisonous Legs: A Cinti has a 3% chance to poison an enemy when in close combat for 15 seconds.

-Moti: -Wings: A Moti can jump 2 blocks high because of their wings, however, they can't fly.-Pollination: A Moti doesn't need bone meal to make plants grow faster. Everywhere they walk saplings and crops start to grow faster.

-Cora: -Sea Creatures: A Cora could perfectly breath under water, like any crab could.
-Claws: A Cora does 5% more damage with bare fists, because of their big, strong claws.

Please give me some feedback about what you think about it.

-Thank you for your time and attention,
Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius).
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Not a bad idea, but some of the suggestions seem quite easily overpowered, making about EVERYONE become vespid, considering they don't have a huge weakness or anything.
Too OP. Besides, people have a hard enough time just picking a race without adding on all these subraces. Although I do agree that there are almost no Vespids. It's a shame, because if you got a pack of Vespids, they could do some serious damage. I seriously only know of 3 Vespids, and these ones kind of keep to themselves.
Vispi- Sounds all good. Except maybe a higher chance of a shorter timed poison?

Arachni- Maybe being able to fly in spiderwebs would be better than this? Also, if Cinti can see in the dark, then Arachni should be able to see better than that. Maybe taking more damage from fire aswell?

Cinti- Maybe the night vision should be togglable?

Moti- Pollination is to op, maybe be able to bonemeal an area at the cost of 10 xp levels? Also, Moti should probably take more damage from monsters and pvp.

Cora- Maybe higher unarmed bonus, a damage redux and constant slowness debuff? The underwater breathing thing sounds very reasonable.

Too OP. Besides, people have a hard enough time just picking a race without adding on all these subraces. Although I do agree that there are almost no Vespids. It's a shame, because if you got a pack of Vespids, they could do some serious damage. I seriously only know of 3 Vespids, and these ones kind of keep to themselves.

I know of at least six other vespids, myself not included. Still not much of an army though.
There was a reason the Naga poison was removed, as over time it became overpowered.
I'd say you should refine your ideas.
IMO the reason why there aren't many vespid, maiar, dakkar, etc, ect.. is because there are too many races plus the PVP benefits of races. there are 11 races out as of now 3-4 of them are rare as heck to find and most people don't become a race for RP purposes, they use the PVP benefits of said race.

Maybe getting rid of the PVP benefits could help this, but some people wouldn't like that. Same with scrapping some of the races, some people wouldn't like that either. I think the only way to have more players use other races is to have more people join the server, but most likely the new people would choose a race for its PVP benefits..
Actually, there are more vespids than Naga, which I find funny.
Regardless, i would love to see a rise in both race's numbers. That said, the race with the lowest number of approved RP characters is....tied between Dakkar, Half-human Qadir, and Qadir. All with one.
IMO the reason why there aren't many vespid, maiar, dakkar, etc, ect.. is because there are too many races plus the PVP benefits of races. there are 11 races out as of now 3-4 of them are rare as heck to find and most people don't become a race for RP purposes, they use the PVP benefits of said race.

But it does, in a way, help for the Vespid, Maiar, and Dakkar races to be rare, as the server lore states that these races are fairly rare. But even though these races aren't very populated, you do see them often enough. I find that this helps the RP, rather than takes away from it. Vespids are just rare in general, and the Maiar are said to mostly stay in the oceans and rivers and you mostly see them from docks and ships. And Dakkar mostly stay in their lava caves. But you still see them occasionally in Regalia. I think it's extremely lore compliant. Although Tigrans shouldn't be as rare as they are. You hardly ever see them.
Actually, there are more vespids than Naga, which I find funny.
Regardless, i would love to see a rise in both race's numbers. That said, the race with the lowest number of approved RP characters is....tied between Dakkar, Half-human Qadir, and Qadir. All with one.

I know two dakkar. One of whom I killed in roleplay when I was a noob and knew nothing about rp, but (I think) he still rps as that, because I killed him non-legit.

Edit: You said approved. Fail.
No jump boost or Climbing blocks, I think it's the only Opness in this, Grreat idea, if they add these things, I would try Vespid for a week Orr so
I just came back from school and saw how many people reacted on this while I was gone! :O
Thank you all for the feedback people!
Even though there are some negative feedbacks, it helps.
I will probably add some negative powers too.

-Thank you for your time and attention,
Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
As much as I like some of these ideas, would be useless seeing as they plan on removing the race pluggin entirely.
Wait, what???
Why!?! This is the main thing that makes me love this server so much! D:

Replacing it with the skills pluggin, the races will still exist, but there will be no race pluggin, it was stated in a post. Now Im sure they will do something to accommodate certain races like maiar, but for more land-dwelling races, they are planned to have no ability bonuses.
No jump boost or Climbing blocks, I think it's the only Opness in this, Grreat idea, if they add these things, I would try Vespid for a week Orr so

Allright, I got to admit that the wall climbing is a little overpowered.
But the jumping boost isn't, in my opinion.
A chicken can jump higher too because of his wings, but they aren't overpowered I think. xD

-Thank you for your time and attention,
Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
Replacing it with the skills pluggin, the races will still exist, but there will be no race pluggin, it was stated in a post. Now Im sure they will do something to accommodate certain races like maiar, but for more land-dwelling races, they are planned to have no ability bonuses.
yhey mean theyre not going to have a skill for each race... im sad now.
Allright, I got to admit that the wall climbing is a little overpowered.
But the jumping boost isn't, in my opinion.
A chicken can jump higher too because of his wings, but they aren't overpowered I think. xD

-Thank you for your time and attention,
Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
Jump boost, with lag and sh&& pings is IMPOsSible to hit like vampires, peeps with better sprint can just sprint and jump around and can't be hit
Yes Vespids are kinda rare so it's pretty hard to recruit a whole hive to RP with or even for PvP fights. But I'm not a fan of PvP benefits to make a race more popular.
I would prefer these abilities:
- walking through cobweb without resistance - arachni
- transforming/converting food items into string - arachni, caterpillar
- transforming/converting food items into sugar(instead of honey) - vespi

Those things won't give you any important benefits and are only useful for RP reasons. At least I would have use for them. xD
Yes Vespids are kinda rare so it's pretty hard to recruit a whole hive to RP with or even for PvP fights. But I'm not a fan of PvP benefits to make a race more popular.
I would prefer these abilities:
- walking through cobweb without resistance - arachni
- transforming/converting food items into string - arachni, caterpillar
- transforming/converting food items into sugar(instead of honey) - vespi

Those things won't give you any important benefits and are only useful for RP reasons. At least I would have use for them. xD

Well, I'm making some changes about the ideas, I'm also adding weaknesses.
But thanks for the suggestions, it helps. :)

-Thank you for your time and attention,
Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
Minecraft needs honey...and bees.
Look at Human as a race; A 10% chance for an extra log, and a 10% chance for an extra wheat...; yet you're talking about Vespids, which already have combat benefits, not having enough combat benefits?...
If there were a decently sized Vespid hive with good gear and high combat skills, they could be extremely successful. I'm honestly not sure why more people aren't Vespids.
Well, I'm trying to make a good Vespid faction, but the problem is that it's hard to recruit Vespids (there aren't much Vespids XS)

-Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
You want to make a good vespid faction and your problem is the lack of vespids? That means you define the quality of a faction by the amount of members? I don't think that's the point. Members are important, yes. But there are olso other things that defines a faction:
  • story/ideas/creativity: be creative and do something no other factions has done yet, or just do it better! Think about a good story for your faction that makes it interesting: tell people why your faction is worth to join it!
  • presence/appearance: RP in regalia or other well visited places and interact with other players. Get attention whily playing your character.
  • buildings/landscape: Your faction will be the center of your faction-RP. A simple settlements with some huts or tents would be enough to start RPing. But you can do better! In your case: your hive buildings are nice and unique, but I believe you still need things to interact with. What about a cave where you can pretend monsters are coming out of it? A forest would be also a nice place to RP with, especially since vispi need flowers and such things to make honey.
If people hear about your faction they need to get an urgent feeling to be part of it, because it sounds so awesome! The current amount of vespids doesn't matter, because people can change their race. You just need to give them a good reason to do that and that's your faction and the way you RP and entertain them.

If there were a decently sized Vespid hive with good gear and high combat skills, they could be extremely successful. I'm honestly not sure why more people aren't Vespids.
I believe many players don't like insects/arachnids. It's also totally fine to get poked with a stick when you RP at the tavern and the guards won't do anything because it's lore complaint: humans don't like vespids and it's fine to tease them. So RP wise vespids are supposed to be hated and no one want's to be hated - how can you even interact with people if most of them fear you or think you are disgusting?
I also believe the problem lies in your first sentence: "If there were a decently sized Vespid hive..." There is no decently sized vespid hive yet, at least no one popular. ^^
You want to make a good vespid faction and your problem is the lack of vespids? That means you define the quality of a faction by the amount of members? I don't think that's the point. Members are important, yes. But there are olso other things that defines a faction:
  • story/ideas/creativity: be creative and do something no other factions has done yet, or just do it better! Think about a good story for your faction that makes it interesting: tell people why your faction is worth to join it!
  • presence/appearance: RP in regalia or other well visited places and interact with other players. Get attention whily playing your character.
  • buildings/landscape: Your faction will be the center of your faction-RP. A simple settlements with some huts or tents would be enough to start RPing. But you can do better! In your case: your hive buildings are nice and unique, but I believe you still need things to interact with. What about a cave where you can pretend monsters are coming out of it? A forest would be also a nice place to RP with, especially since vispi need flowers and such things to make honey.
If people hear about your faction they need to get an urgent feeling to be part of it, because it sounds so awesome! The current amount of vespids doesn't matter, because people can change their race. You just need to give them a good reason to do that and that's your faction and the way you RP and entertain them.

I believe many players don't like insects/arachnids. It's also totally fine to get poked with a stick when you RP at the tavern and the guards won't do anything because it's lore complaint: humans don't like vespids and it's fine to tease them. So RP wise vespids are supposed to be hated and no one want's to be hated - how can you even interact with people if most of them fear you or think you are disgusting?
I also believe the problem lies in your first sentence: "If there were a decently sized Vespid hive..." There is no decently sized vespid hive yet, at least no one popular. ^^

I wish that those things where easier to do for me. :/
But, I know that the amount of members isn't important.
But I think I might change a few things if I have moved to Fendarfell.
Like RPG conflicts, like you said, flowerfields, etc...

-Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
I wish that those things where easier to do for me. :/
But, I know that the amount of members isn't important.
But I think I might change a few things if I have moved to Fendarfell.
Like RPG conflicts, like you said, flowerfields, etc...

-Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
Those things aren't easy to do for anyone.^^ It requires a lot of time and creativity.
Those are just some ideas, there are much more things you can do and build.
Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.
So, this caught my eye. Personally, I go Vespid 100% for the RP depth it adds to my character, but I can understand what you're trying to say here. However, I personally believe that adding subraces would actually take away from the Vespid race mystery than add to it. There are countless varieties of insects out there on this big blue pearl, and in a perfect world, there could, and correct me if I'm wrong, be a Vespid existing for each and every one of those little sub races. From my eye, it just looks like you're reaching on for added bonuses by adding set subraces IG, so yeah, just my two silvers on the topic.

P.S: Be the imagination brush! :P
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