Preserved Sheet Maiven Arakida

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score

Maiven Arakida

"There is something wrong with everyone. Everyone."


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Maiven Mao Arakida "Mai-Tao Zihen"
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Chi'en-ji
  • Main Ambition: To find happiness within the world in someway however she is unsure how.
  • Languages Known; Tatsugo - Common
  • Special Permission: Expert Antimage - Distortion Magic
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Golden Color - Only has her right eye because her left eye was taken.
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Two buns in a pigtail style with a white daisy flower crown on her head.
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: A lavender kimono with white flowers sewn on it.
  • Height: 5'2
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Body Build: Hourglass with large hips
  • Weapon of Choice: Anti-Magic - Expert Distortion and Mage Level Rune Block she also has a small knowledge of fencing.
Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Blunt ; From how she was raised within her family, she has become quite blunt. Even going as far as saying that she is too blunt at times, not keeping her harsh words in check has landed her in trouble more than once. Even through the first time she had consequences from it, her blunt rudeness towards a wulong caused her to get attacked. Her harsh words not something she realizes until it's too late but she just shrugs it off now as something normal.
  • Emotionless ; From a traumatic experience as a child she quickly shut herself away from her emotions, finding them only bad and a nuisance. She always hides behind an emotionless facade while she just does what she is told and never listens to her own views. Granted she will be honest when asked to be however, she has no filter because she finds emotions just a problem.
  • Negative ; Over the years as things seemed to just get taken away from her, she has gathered a rather negative vibe of the world. She never finds anything amusing or satisfying in her life, never seeing the true light to things like others do. She seems void of all emotions, just a mindless servant to those who accept her to work.
  • Intelligent ; From her time constantly studying whatever she could as a child, she has seemed to grasp things tighter than others do. She values herself and the knowledge that she holds, always willing to teach someone about something she has to offer. She is constantly finding out new information for those who ask for it, as well as going to new lengths to gather more information for the sake of knowing so.
  • Diligent ; Granted she may seemed to always have the negative attitude she still however has this constant, moving forward aura around her. She is constantly working or at least doing something productive in the slightest. She is a rather hard worker that is seen by several people, always working to do her best and to make things perfect. However that seems to backfire when she always feels that everything is bad compared to how it really is.
  • Faithful ; When she finds something that she enjoys doing and does well, she will remain faithful to that. May it be a talent with magic or fencing, to even the smallest things such as a certain writing technique. When it comes to Maiven she has a constant pace her life seems to work at when given the opportunity to. She is constantly remaining faithful to those who trust her and haven't given up on her.
  • Anti-magic Knowledge; Having studied anti-magic for a time and still continues to practice her magic, causes her to be quite good at her magic. She wishes to get better at her anti-magic however it is one of her stronger traits that she has. She usually continues to study in secret whenever she can within Regalia's walls, usually off by herself.
  • Fencing Knowledge; Maiven practiced fencing for a time, even continuing to learn how to fence while still training with her magic. She continues to heighten her fencing skills whenever she can and sometimes even showing off when she can. She sometimes uses her fencing knowledge to use a regular sword against people who wish to harm her.
  • Nimble; From constantly moving and walking around doing her jobs on the Yang-Tzu isles, she has gotten rather quick on her feet. She is constantly moving and running quite frequently throughout her daily life, however she began to teach herself to walk as quietly as she can. Normally she can get away with things such as sneaking past people if they are not paying attention.

  • Missing her left eye; After recent events within the sewers she was kidnapped and got her eye taken. Because of this she has a hard time noticing anything from her left side and is usually blind sided quite easily. She tends to not notice anything on her left side because of this.
  • Crippling fear of Shendar/PTSD; She can be rather easily triggered whenever she sees shendar or shendar seedlings. After being kidnapped by one in the sewers she now has a big fear of them and always looking around for them. She tends to get rather jumpy around other elves as well from time to time or whenever the word shendar is brought up.
  • Self-Loathing: After recently being exorcised from her dread possession and realizing what she had done to everyone, she feels a heavy sense of self loathing. This causes her to beat herself down even more than she should at times. She always has this sense of regret hanging over her because of what she did to everyone.




Life Story

0 - 7
Maiven was born on a spring morning on April 1st to the Arakida family on the Yang-zu Isles. She was raised in a rather normal family being the youngest of three children. Normally one would think that she would be a happy child, which she was until she was attacked by a wulong when she was around the age of 5. Being injured quite extensively as well as gathering a new found hatred for the creatures. Until she was seven she was put under extensive care with her elder brother tending to her and what she needed.

7 - 14
Around the age of 8 she was finally able to go about without having to have her brother with her every minute of the day. She was raised in the loving home however something changed in her when she was attacked by the wulong. She holds her family dear to her seeing as they were the ones who stood by her side and protected her when she needed it. Around the age of 10 she soon began to learn the art of fencing after a naval man showed it to her. The young man began to teach the Chien girl how to fence seeing how eager she was to learn, at least in her own way. However her training with her instructor stopped around the age of 14 when her instructor had to go back home to Regalia.

14 - 21
Despite her losing her teacher for fencing she continued her own studies into it as much as she could until she was 16. She soon found herself with a magic tome in her hands for anti-magic, given to her by an elder in her village. She began to train under him while still trying to continue her studies in the art of fencing however she soon had to stop her constant fencing training and replaced it with learning anti-magic so her knowledge in fencing went down a little. She continued to train herself in the art of anti-magic by putting runes on herself. . Around the age of 18 she began a job as a maid for noble chien'ji families on the island that she lived on. As she worked she soon found herself yearning to travel to Regalia, soon achieving her goal around the age of 21.
Maiven began to study magic at the earliest age possible before beginning to actually learn it around the age of 14. Because of her golden eyed trait she was able to pick up on anti-magic quite quickly being able to learn it in half the time. She'd be able to reach expert level in half the natural time, reaching expert level around the current age of 24.
However, at some point in time when she was in the woods practicing her anti-magic on a mage that had been bothering people in town, she used her magic a bit to much. Because of this she ended up getting dread possessed which caused her to be more mean and caused her to push people away from her. She'd usually enjoy the fact that people didn't like being around her and would play people into a trap. With that possession as she grew older she soon found herself growing horns along with growing sharper teeth.

21 - Current Day

She soon found herself within Regalia's walls just before the bone horrors arrived, which she was quite thankful for. Maiven soon began to search for work within Regalia, finding herself as a seamstress for any noble that would take her. She has a rather interesting outlook on life that she tends to keep to herself, her brooding nature always never seeming to fail to drive people away. It seems to not bother her though, always willing to form a bond with someone who can handle her negative nature.

She ended up being a rather small part in helping take back the city from Freya Lo, working on the wall to help the resistance get into the city. Within the recent days after the Freya Lo occupation she found herself getting exorsized by an anti-mage that found her out. She now has gotten a new sense of self loathing for herself and has gotten rather sick because of it.

Last edited:
Claiming this app. Will have a review posted tomorrow.
Changes to be made:
  1. In the life story, you mention at 14 she is forced to return to Regalia, yet at 21 she finds herself finally traveling there? This looks like a continuity error, either expand upon this or revise it.
  2. Her knowledge of fencing should be in decline due to her focus on Anti-Magic, make note of this in the life story.
  3. Brooding and Negative appear to be very similar traits, merge the two and add a combat weakness to fill the gap.
Make the above change in BLUE and tag me when done.
In the life story it wasn't her forced to Regalia that was her fencing instructor, I thought I made that clear but I guess I did not.


I have made the changes you asked for I hope its good enough!
Hi hi @Walrusaur_ !

Because of recently looking at the antimagic page and realizing that she has golden eyes because she is a chi. So I made some edits and bumped her up to expert level antimagic distortion. All edits are in this color.
Remove and replace Bad Vision and Brooding and you should be good to go.
Hey nerd. Put Cecil in ur relationships. Also read the convo
Hello! I've added something into her backstory, adding that she was in fact void possessed during a time of her life. If you can, please re-review it and I've added all edits in this color.
Remove the Shortness weakness and this should be good to go.
This character needs a re-review but i posted another app because of the major changes in her life story.
This application is rejected as a new application for the same character has replaced it.