Preserved Sheet Maili Syllbess'aos

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Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Maili Syllbess'aos
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Human -- Avanthar-Highland Ceardian
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)
Total Points: 20
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (from Highland Ceardian bonus)
  • +15 Blades Combat Skill (from points)
  • +5 Athletic Training (from points)
Body Shape

  • Physical stat: (5*2)+15= 25
  • Body Shape: Ripped
  • Body Fat: Extreme Low Body Fat
  • Common (From Mother, fluent.)
  • Modern Elven (From Father, Fluent.)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Long
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Kiltach with pelts and and clothing under typically.
  • Height: 5'11ft.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Maili can be seen as an annoyance at times, as she'll happily point out something and possibly even mock people for fun. Strangers would typically either find Maili fun and playful in a brash demeanour or a troublesome bully from how extroverted she can be. If one were to hear about Maili they'd probably be told that Maili is incredibly easy to talk to however may banter too much. Most people would however come off an introduction from Maili aware that she is a delinquent.
  • Second Paragraph: Maili deep down feels sure of herself and her actions and is very much confident in her capabilities. She views herself as someone who knows herself better than anyone else does. With Maili's frisky arrogance comes a complex in which this confidence can tune itself into a deep worry on being unfit. Maili will always want to be on peak performance against anything and if this condition isn't satisfied it will make Maili easily aggrivated, worrysome and generally volatile.
  • Third Paragraph: Towards family moreso, Maili seeks independence in spite of them, albeit her family are not malicious in anyway it comes from a place of child-like rebellion. With both friends and family, Maili has a threshold and if the situation calls, Maili is willing to fight for both. Amoungst friends and family, Maili always feels a need to prove something to them and seem suave. Maili is far more willing with friends to show vulnerabilities than with strangers and won't mind being honest with them. With lovers, it'd theoretically mostly be the same. With friends and family Maili can also be more light-hearted and show consideration and content to both; even if it is with benign negligence.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Chaotic Nuetral. Maili hates authority in any form whether that is through family, friends or just law or someone abouve in the hierarchy, Maili will do what she sees fit for herself and people she'd want to be content with. When it comes to seeing crime, most of the time it isn't a big deal unless it is something related with her in which case she'll combat it. Most evil-deeds Maili won't seem to care for unless it relates to her too.
Life Story (Required)
  • Maili was born in Gallovia in a small hut on the date November 11th 286AD to Ingemar and her mother, Oaghanna MacEoghann.
  • Maili mostly lived with her mother as her father was elsewhere at points in times and if seen with her father people would onlook in panic for Ingemar was an Url that'd have resembelance to the mythical beast amoungst Highland Ceardians as the geep-faol or some other otherwordly beast. So in the early years, Maili would mostly be a bit of an annoying child, drawing on walls with charcoal. Dragging mud into the house and screaming for fun. A lot.
  • As she'd grow, she'd begin to take more common interests as an outlet from boredom. Such things were wrestling with whatever she could find around her size and going around wacking trees with wooden sticks, all the while being taught by her mother to play the goat bellow.
  • Maili being still small at a time would be trained by her father but the training would be very much full of mollycoddeling with Ingemar being overprotective, even at the preteen age Maili would become very demanding that she'd see some real training rather than what she'd label it as 'feather pandering'.
  • Into teenage years, Maili became far more troublesome and taxxing being fairly isolated from most people due to the desolate climate. Deciding to go find friends somewhere or anywhere, it was met with a huge amount of concern, especially with Ingemar who would warn her of all possible dangers.
  • Not abiding by Ingemar's preaching, she'd find a group of others, treating it as a show of ego contest. With these people she'd go hunting, wrestle and sword-fight. They'd all have a small hierarchy based on who would show physical peak in most cases.
  • Forcibly she'd be seperated from this life later after a few years into Regalia by Ingemar's wishes for precautious 'safety' Maili would be mostly angry and upset by this decision and tried running off for a good while but escaping an Url was taxxing even for her.
  • Arriving upon Regalia, enraged Maili would find the people of many different cultures to be cushy and odd, she'd often turn to street brawls and random fights from petty arguements to spite Ingemar's messages of staying safe.
  • At the age of twenty, Maili was a bit more seasoned in terms of life in the city and knew a bit more onto how to fit in but still possesed a sense of teenage angst in the time of her early adult-hood.
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Hello there!
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.

Basic Information

  • 'Ailor' is too broad. There are a variety of Ailor cultures to choose from. Please read up on them on the wiki and choose.
Life Story
  • Please include where your character was born/from.
Here is my review:

  • Skill Information
    • You seem to have miscalculated your physical stat. The error comes from including your racial bonus into the calculation, but the only thing that increases it is points invested. Since those points are free, they cannot be used towards body shape. The correct calculation would look like 5 [Blades Combat Skill ] + ( 5 x 2 ) [ Athletic Training ] = 15.
    • This bumps your body build down to Athletic at maximum.

Other than that, I see no issues with this character application. Make these changes in a blue of your choosing and tag me when you've done so! I'll be happy to mark you then as approved.