Preserved Sheet Maikel Playero

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Maikel Playero



Basic Information
  • Name: Maikel Playero
  • Title(s): Turall Bladesman
  • Age: 35
  • Date of Birth: February 7th, 273 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Alior
  • Lineage: Lexxons
  • Culture: Daendroque
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Dual Shortswords

    • Inventory
    • 30-40 Regals
    • Graduation Ornate Dagger - Sometimes Dulled
    • 3 Steel Daggers
    • 3-4 Solacrox Stones


Skill Information
(35+5=40 points)

  • Combat
  • +10 Fast Blades Combat (+10 Points)
  • Rouge
  • +10 Stealth Rouge (+10 Points)
  • Training
  • +10 Athletic Training (+10 Points)
  • Tactics
  • +6 Squad Tactics (+6 Points)
  • Ritualism
  • +4 Lightgiver Ritualism (+4 Points)
  • Art
  • +10 Dancing Arts (+10 Hobby Points)

Body Shape:
  • 10 Combat Stat + 5 Athletic Training + 5 Dancing Arts = 20 Body Stat
  • Type: Ripped
  • Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Common [Free Language]
  • Daendroquin [Parental Tongue]
  • Olt'vven [Lightgiver Ritualism]
Racial & Ritualism Abilities:
  • Subject the Faiths
  • Lightgiver Ritualism
  • Olt'vven Stones
  • Gem Singing
  • Trans-morph

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: Short & Well-Kept
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Clothing: Average
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Champion (ENFP) - ENFPs have an Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving personality. This personality type is highly individualistic and Champions strive toward creating their own methods, looks, actions, habits, and ideas — they do not like cookie cutter people and hate when they are forced to live inside a box. They like to be around other people and have a strong intuitive nature when it comes to themselves and others. They operate from their feelings most of the time, and they are highly perceptive and thoughtful.
  • Religion
    • Faith of Estel (7.5/10)
Life Story

0-10 Years Old

Maikel Playero was born on Febuary 7th, 273 AC within Girobalda. His father and mother were strictly Unionist, always pushing their worship to the highest they could. They wanted to be on their own level of belief, with the idea that if they held enough worship, something good would come out in the end. However, they pushed the religion too much to where Maikel decided to no longer truly be with Unionism, but to be in spite against it. However, a local Daendroquin man came along within Girobalda and shared his tales of being a Turall Bladesman. When he was young, Maikel was taught by his mother the arts of dancing with the hopes that he'll make it to a higher status. However, Maikel saw the Turall Bladesman as a new escape from his family, in which he managed to convince his parents to have him sent to the School of Turall within Turent, Anglia, at the age of 10.

11-20 Years Old

His first few years were the toughest of his life, being forced to go through exhaustive training in order to prepare his body for the complex agility that a Turall needs for their style of fighting. He saw him and his fellow Turall weren't moderated all too well, in which he slowly managed to sneak around the Academy. He was almost cost, if not for the help of some fellow Turall Trainees that helped him. When he was the age of 14, he started his training on shortswords, daggers, and arming swords. However, Maikel decided to stick with the shortsword, to allow him the reach he needed, due to his smaller stature. When he reached the age of 18, he sought to get as much training as possible, in which he dueled multiple other Turall Trainees. He beat all but one, who managed to beat him through cheating by having a fellow Trainee blind him during their spar. At the end of his time, when he turned 20, he sparred against a Turall Bladesman and managed to beat them, being able to graduate with the others as he got his ornate dagger for his graduation.

21-30 Years Old

Maikel, now a Turall Bladesman and a man of his own free will, decided to return to Girobalda in order to check upon his family. His father passed away due to old age, and his mother was having to take care of their home alone. Maikel decided to use his skills in order to become a Mercenary, doing multiple odd jobs. During this time, he has begun to learn the art of Stealth, as his fellow Mercenaries preferred stealth over brute force. They taught him all they could over the next few years, in which he decided to continue his own path as his mother passed away due to an illness. Maikel remained in Girobalda as he drifted away from Unionism. Over time, he managed to find something more enlightening, the Faith of Estel. During his time, he managed to learn some Ritualism from the leader, who turned out to be a secret Void Worshipper. He decided to cut them down and take them to the Guards for a reward.

31-35 Years Old

The Turall Bladesman managed to keep himself hidden from the faith for a time, practicing the still somewhat new Estel Worship to himself as he publicly acted as a Unionist to please the public. Girobalda became boring when Maikel was the age of 33, deciding to move to Anglia to become a full time Mercenary to start looking for a new Turall student. During his time, he couldn't find a proper student until he found a young man by the name of Ben, who wanted to learn the ways of the Turall and being 20 years old.. He knew he was within the proper age limit, so he decided to start teaching him. When Maikel was of 33, the young Ben decided to try and assassinate Maikel by stabbing him in the stomach. However, Maikel pushed back the young man and managed to defeat him. It turned out that the secret Void Worshipper he turned in, who also turned out to be a fake, and the young man in front of him was the true cultist. This pushed Maikel to keep to himself, in which he continued his search for a younger and better student. Now, at the age of 35, Maikel gave up his search to move to Regalia, having heard news of his cousins's work within the Holy City. Whatever is to come for him next, is up to Estel to decide.
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@Caelamus I put that they have the new Lexxons Lineage! Do I need a full re-review then or nah?
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