Archived Maiar/ Dakkar

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sometimes existing
Jan 5, 2014
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Crimson Doll
Well, these races make sense, but they have so many bad parts to them. Like the glitch where it assumes you are falling when going downwards in lava and water, and when you step on land under water or lava, you take fall damage for it. (Its a glitch but it really sucks for non prems.) As well as Dakkar getting on a boat, only to die repeatedly because of rain, and not be able to get their stuff, or get out of the rain, so they just keep dying, as their stuff despawns and their power level crawls to zero. Maiar isn't as bad as Dakkar, just gotta get used to the time intervals that you need water, and keep a good 1-2 buckets of water on you. So here are my suggestions.
  • Lose water about every 40 seconds rather than around every 20 seconds when holding a water bucket. (I honestly doubt this is possible, but its just a suggestion)
  • Gain one food (Half a hunger bar) from drinking water.
  • Take a bit less damage in rain when wearing armor.
  • Regain health slowly in fire.
  • Add some sort of buff when drinking a fire resist or water breathing potion.
  • Take a bit of damage or debuff when drinking a water bottle.
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For the dakkar, I like the water drinking one. I think the debuff should be poison or weakness for about 10 seconds, but holy water does not effect them because if you are pvping, someone could just throw holy water at you and you could die easily.
GhostyXbunny The reason Maiar lose hunger when on land is partially because they dry out, but also because they are, if you will, 'holding their breath'. They have gills and can't extract enough oxygen from the air to breathe, so to have them drink water is like pumping water into a shark's stomach when on the deck of a boat, it's still going to suffocate. Drinking water would also make them able to live on land since it'd be a food source, an infinite one at that, and is the reason it's been denied as a Maiar trait many times. I like the Dakkar suggestions though, especially 'Regen health slowly in fire'.
GhostyXbunny The reason Maiar lose hunger when on land is partially because they dry out, but also because they are, if you will, 'holding their breath'. They have gills and can't extract enough oxygen from the air to breathe, so to have them drink water is like pumping water into a shark's stomach when on the deck of a boat, it's still going to suffocate. Drinking water would also make them able to live on land since it'd be a food source, an infinite one at that, and is the reason it's been denied as a Maiar trait many times. I like the Dakkar suggestions though, especially 'Regen health slowly in fire'.
I did not consider the infinite possibility there, but Maiars and Dakkar are completely screwed in almost every combat situation,along with Dakkar being almost impossible to survive as, considering you will often have to cross oceans to get anywhere, and if you don't you will probably end up dying in the rain before you can even find shelter. Maiars having a little more luck, just get screwed over quite easily after a good 40 seconds, as they cant regenerate after that, so some form of at least extending their time on land by a bit, or a easier way to heal in combat situations?

All being said my main suggestion would be focused on Dakkars.
GhostyXbunny The point of Maiar is that they are water creatures. You're not supposed to fight, or do almost anything on land as a Maiar. In water, your speed should allow you to destroy anyone you try to pvp in the water. As for Dakkar, they'd be best off in the Nether but seeing as though there is NO nether in massivecraft (stupid I know) you have to make do with custom volcanoes. In the lore, it does state they live deep underground in lava springs.
In neither the nether or underground lava springs, you don't have to worry about rain.
Like Atlas said, Maiar are meant to stay underwater. And Dakkar are meant to stay in their own place. The two races aren't usually meant to be out and about, really. If being MAIAR or Drakkar is something you can't handle, don't play the race. It's a nice suggestion but I... I dunno. Just doesn't seem right for the races, for example; Maiar wouldn't usually think of bringing water bottles as they are water based and would normally sit around in the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc.
Like Atlas said, Maiar are meant to stay underwater. And Dakkar are meant to stay in their own place. The two races aren't usually meant to be out and about, really. If being MAIAR or Drakkar is something you can't handle, don't play the race. It's a nice suggestion but I... I dunno. Just doesn't seem right for the races, for example; Maiar wouldn't usually think of bringing water bottles as they are water based and would normally sit around in the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc.
Yeah that is true, but I mean no player wants to sit in a volcano constantly or in the middle of the ocean, not to mention the situations that force them to not be in that habitat whether the player wants to or not.
It's just going to have to be something that the player must deal with. If they can't handle being those races, they shouldn't really play them ;u;
AtlasGecko, you are a bit misinformed. Maiar die on land not because they can't get enough oxygen, it is because they get too much. Underwater they get little oxygen because it's filtered by the water, but on land it's like a sudden in-rush of oxygen. Like any good thing, oxygen is dangerous in large amounts, this leads to oxygen poisoning. (Look it up.)

Also, the hydrated skin was taken back even though it was a much more roleplay friendly explanation for Maiar hunger bar loss.

The Nether was taken down for mysterious reasons, but it used to exist if you look at some old documents on Massive.
Dakkar are meant for the nether, their current traits are like that due to changes in the pluggin, while they are now seen as an incredibly weak race, they were once an incredibly OP one, they used to gain health when on fire and in lava, this made for hard pvp for they would just heal when hit with a fire aspect sword, they also had a technique called Fire Touch, this was an move where when striking with unarmed they had a 70% chance of setting people on fire, this made dakkar a sortve pvp machine, so they nerfed them incredibly.
Personally, Id like to see these abilities come back, for dakkar should be a race that rivals "god swords" as for the fire touch...personally while I would like it back, it should be brought down to a less likely percentage chance, sorta how vampires have a SMALL chance of infecting people in combat, dakkar should have the same for setting them on fire.
Back to the point at hand...currently the reason they are under powered is because they were meant for a specified location, a location that is no longer available, much like how a maiar is a big threat at sea, a dakkar is still a force to be reckoned with in the nether.
My vote is for at least the Fire Aspect weapons to heal us, (so that there is no God weapon thats good for everything) because right now our whole bonus is we swim really fast in lave since, correct me if I'm wrong, but you can become immune to fire/lave using a Fire Prot II Potion(so maybe remove those unless we are gunna start seeing reduce dmg by 15% potions or +7% dmg to all non bow weapons potions).
Laach If we're getting technical, oxygen is never 'filtered' in water, only dissolved, which gills then extract through a counter-current mechanism. If gills are exposed to air, especially dry, warm air, they dry out incredibly quickly, and since respiration in air requires a moistened membrane, dry gills mean suffocation. Also, they have a tendancy to stick together in air, reducing surface area. I'm fully aware you can be poisoned by too much oxygen, but with gilled creatures, it's usually not the case. Fish gills are remarkable things, but the conditions under which they function are pretty specific. For one thing, they are rather delicate, and their tremendous surface area (the main thing that makes them work so well) is dependent on being immersed in water to support their weight. Out of water, the gills collapse like wet tissue paper, and very little surface area is left exposed for gas exchange. Most fish, therefore, can only survive a short time out of water before oxygen deficiency catches up with them and they asphyxiate.
I have been trying to think of ideas to help out the maiar and darrkar races but nothing really came to mind besides the water bottle thing. It's sad how these two races have sooooo many disadvantages compared to the other races. I do like your ideas though, especially the darrkar suggestions!
Laach Actually, we have lungs to breathe. Our mouth offers a negligable amount of oxygen into the blood. Also, we're talking about Maiar, which have gills.
Laach Actually, we have lungs to breathe. Our mouth offers a negligable amount of oxygen into the blood. Also, we're talking about Maiar, which have gills.
I believe he said we, referring to himself and other maiars. Also, you need your mouth/nose/gills to get the oxygen in the first place?
Laach Actually, we have lungs to breathe. Our mouth offers a negligable amount of oxygen into the blood. Also, we're talking about Maiar, which have gills.
What you are telling me makes no biological sense at all. Maiar's have feet, which means they have adapted to walk on land like hippos or turtles. Adding gills is like giving a Tyrannosaurus tiny hands. It's like the creator got confused on what he wanted so he added both adaptions so that its creation could decide for itself. Little did he know that the Trex would soon become extinct because it couldn't prevent itself from falling and breaking its skull with its teensy weensy little arms.
Laach Funny you should say, turtles spend almost their entire life in the water, rarely venturing onto land except to lay eggs. Some Maiar have feet, not all. Also, there are many creatures that have limbs adapted for terrestrial life while still retaining gills (or the ability to extract oxygen from water), such as crabs, many species of amphibian, and some fish. A Tyrannosaurus evolved small hands because it had almost no good use for them. It had no 'creator', it simply evolved that way as a result of genetic factors; many species of Therapods had huge bodies and tiny front limbs. They generally had a good sense of balance, and if you read up on why Tyrannosaurs, along with NEARLY every other species of dinosaur, became extinct (small raptors were the precursor of birds), was because of a meteorite. Anyway, Maiar are water creatures, it states so in the lore. They are incapable of being away from the water for long periods of time becuse of this. If they didn't have gills, yet are stated to be fish or at least fish-like, how would they extract oxygen from water? With all due respect dude, you're pretty scientifically ignorant. No offense. Try reading up on these subjects, okay?
Also, where you drew the comparison between a Tyrannosaurus and a Maiar is absolutely beyond me. :^)
  1. My mistake. I mistook turtle for tortoise. They look a lot alike.
  2. Maiars are mammals, not crustaceans or amphibians. Maiars are also bipedal. Being mammal means you breath oxygen by going outside of the water, not staying inside. Mammals don't have gills. Not even dolphins have gills.
  3. Some theories suggest that the T-Rex went extinct before the asteroid hit due to this adaption of tiny hands. Not all dinosaurs died on the exact day the meteor hit.
  4. I'm not scientifically ignorant. That offended me.
  5. Both the Tyrannosaurus and Maiar have defective adaption for what they are intended for. Maiar have human like feet, which are used for balancing and walking specifically on land. The T-Rex for the same reason I gave you earlier.
Laach Actually, you'll find Maiar are known to be in schools, have scaly or smooth skin, and generally have fins, flippers etc. most commonly found in sea life (I know ceteans and pinnipeds could be classed as sea life). Also, if they were Mammals, please explain how exactly they cannot spend a lot of time on land, but infinite time in water? Lungs don't allow for efficient gas exchange in water, so they'd drown if they were mammals. From all of these things, I'd deduce that Maiar are fish in biological terms, even though the lore states that "Maiar resemble almost humanoid fish species, but in reality they are more common to water elemental spirits taken form." Do you have any articles you could link me to, to back up what you're saying? I have never, ever heard that before about T-Rex, and it sounds quite badly thought out, since there were many large Theropods with similar body plans, and they easily lasted as long as a T-Rex, e.g Carnotaurus or Tarbosaurus. I meant no offense by what I said, but it's the impression I'm getting. Lastly, being anthropomorphic in the case of the Maiar isn't a 'defect', they're probably quite humanoid because let's face it, Minecraft doesn't really allow you to have a different body shape. The developers probably just said they were humanoid, so that players felt more comfortable. Tyrannosaurus didn't have 'defective' limbs, just didn't need them other than possibly for courting with females.
AtlasGecko Just a small point, dolphins and whales are mammals aren't they? Yet they cannot survive on land. Also I believe maiars are actually grouped as a mammal for interbreeding in the 'Character Rules' Forum thread.
AtlasGecko both of the above comments answer most of what I was going to say. Where I got the information about T-Rex was on discovery channel. Whether you believe it to be credible is your choice.
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