Archived Maiar And Night Vision

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Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
I'm still just getting into MassiveCraft and thus far I've found it to be a fantastic server. Since I've started I've had a great time roleplaying and learning about factions and races. So firstly, I'd like to thank everyone on staff for all the hard work that has been and is continually being put into this server.

Recently I've decided that I want to switch to Maiar. Upon mentioning this to a fellow faction member however, I found that Maiar apparently can't really see underwater very well. Given that they are essentially underwater creatures (some of whom I believe are nearly exclusively so) I found this rather strange. Possibly even stranger is that any humans who are vampires don't have this issue. With night vision, they can see underwater rather well. For the Maiar though everything looks to be a large dark blue blob if its anything farther than a few blocks away.

Given that vampires have night vision that they can toggle on and off, and given that Maiar already have a fast swimming mode that comes on when they go underwater, it seems possible to put in something where they have night vision toggle on while underwater. I think it would be a great addition to the server, and I hope its not something asked often but is turned down for one reason or another.

Hope you like the suggestion!
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I actually like this suggestion, considering your eyes adjust to dark places, it sort of seems natural that they would have it.
If you can, get optifine, and I can walk you through how to change the render distance and the visibility of aquatic terrain so it makes things a bit easier. I'd imagine the alternative would require a mod, plugin or the like. Over some several hundred people playing on these massively crafted worlds, and it would be a touch difficult for things to not lag on the server.

Alternatively, if you really need it I will personally brew you some potions of night vision should you so wish. Good luck!
This has been suggested almost as many times as new vampire powers or nerfs...I dont think its going to happen.
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