Preserved Sheet Magnus Viduggla

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Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score



Basic Information
  • Full Name: Magnus Viduggla
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half-Ithanian, Half-Velheimer
  • Main Ambition: Establishing himself in an influential and prosperous position, improving the Viduggla name as well as creating strong relationship bonds with people he can rely on.

Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points: 30

+10 Battle Command, (+10 from School of Command)
+10 Commanding Speech, (+10 from School of Command)
+10 Mace, (+10 from School of Command)
+5 Crossbow, (+5 from Proficiency Points)
+10 Large Shield, (+10 from Proficiency Points)
+5 Short Sword, (+5 from Proficiency Points)

Total Culture Points: 30
+15 Dancing, (+15 from Proficiency Points)
+10 Stage Performance, (+10 from Proficiency Points)
+5 Poetry, (+5 from Proficiency Points)
+5 Bodycare (Ithanian cultural boost)

  • D'Ithanie, (Native tongue, seeing as he grew up in Ithania.
  • Skodje, (Taught by his Velheimer mother during his childhood, reinforced by visits to his family's estate in Norrlan later on in life.)
  • Common, (Self-explanatory.)



Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green.
  • Hair Color: Brown.
  • Hair Style: Long, well-kempt hair, usually tied up in a bun. Clean shaven.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Green overcoat with a brown sash around the waist.
  • Height: 180cm or 5'11
  • Body Build: Muscular.
  • Weapon of Choice: A Pavisa Crossbow utilised at longer distances. A tower shield and either a mace or an Arming Sword in closer distances.



Personality and Abilities
  • Although having parents of two different cultures, Magnus could accurately be described as far more Ithanian than Velheimer. Although he may display a hint of coldness upon first encounters, he will often open up after further interactions and more often than not attempt to create a strong bond out of his friendships. Often choosing his words carefully, it is evident that he cares about his appearance and how others view him. At the same time, however, he can certainly be temperamental and prone to forming arbitrary judgements based off of his present mood - if someone were to petition him for something, they would be wise to catch him in a good mood lest they want their request denied. Groomed for command, Magnus will often take an assertive role, especially in matters of expertise to him. With lengthy experience in delivering rousing speeches and invoking trust in his subordinates, he can very often be perceived as a persuasive or likeable man.
  • Magnus possesses a strong desire for acceptance, stemming a childhood wherein he never felt purely Ithanian owing to his Velheim mother, and never purely Velheim owing to his Ithanian upbringing and father. Contrasts between him and the rest of his family further consolidate this idea within his mind, and has driven him to seek entrance into communities and establish very strong friendship bonds. Although he is a battle commander by trade, he sees no pleasure in war nor is he particularly fond of the actions he has to take. He views his occupation as a necessary evil, something he is obligated to do for the greater good, rather than something that he is particularly proud of. Oftentimes he is faced with difficult decisions with morally ambiguous results, and as a consequence he is struggling with his guilty conscience.
  • Although he is not particularly close to his extended family, he bears significant respect towards the more senior members due to their martial careers. The aforementioned cultural barrier applies only to his extended family on his mother's side, seeing as his siblings and his father's relatives are all (at least partially) Ithanian. Recent events have allowed him to bridge the divide with his extended family but nevertheless there exists noticable differences between the two sides of his family. In familiar company he is very outspoken about his opinions, much more so than in the presence of strangers.
  • Magnus has a very strong drive towards doing what he believes is right - both for the Empire, but also for the good of his family. Ultimately, the thorough training of which he has undergone in both the military and the city guard has given him such a reverence for the Empire that he could die for it if such an action was needed. Although he is a battle commander by trade, he views war as an inherently negative thing, owing to his Ithanian upbringing, as described in the second paragraph. His ethical code could sometimes be described as utilitarian: he'd kill ten of his own men if it meant that a thousand would survive. But at the same time, he realises that what might be morally correct is not always the most feasible option, and as such he may often be more pragmatic than idealistic in his actions.
  • Magnus is a staunch Unionist since birth, although he does harbour some sympathy for the Old Gods - more so for their harsh persecution and deteriorating lifestyle (and his own heritage) than out of actual faith in their beliefs. Although he is (to an extent) obligated to participate in the traditions of his family, he does so merely out of formality and respect to his kin. He has a small shrine of the Emperor within his private quarters of the Viduggla estate, in contrast to the rest of the house which is decorated with Old Gods symbols. In Magnus' eyes, the nobility are chosen to perform duties of which the commoners are not qualified to perform, and in turn the commoners should pay their due for the guidance and leadership that the upper class provides. Without the nobility, the commoners would be lost. But without the commoners, the nobility would be powerless.



Life Story

  • Magnus was born the twenty-sixth of March, 275AC to Anna Viduggla and Jean Boudreau, an Ithanian merchant of somewhat lower stature than his wife - hence Magnus assumed his mother's surname.
  • Growing up in Lapalaise meant Magnus had little contact with his mother's Velheim heritage, something that became very evident when the boy paid visits to his extended family in Norrlan. Cultural clefts and geographical separation within the family lead to some degree of estrangement.

  • His mother tutored him in Skodje during his upbringing in Ithania, but most of his practical use of the language came from occasional visits to his extended family in Norrlan.

  • The boy developed a passion for reading, consuming many a book during his childhood. He also took a liking to plays and the spoken word.

  • Whereas his father appreciated a son with a curious mind, his mother was displeased with his rather frail disposition. The latter eventually managed to convince the former that Magnus needed a martial education.
  • During his early teens, the relationship between his parents broke down. His mother remarried, and the bond between Magnus and his father grew distant as his father moved away, rarely being able to visit his son due to the matriarchal structures of Ithanian society and a heavy workload from his trading business, which began struggling.

  • Magnus squired for an officer of the Lapalaise City Guard in his early teens, a job that taught him an array of useful skills such as writing letters, handling weapons as well as giving him an appreciation for guardwork and upholding the law.

  • The officer became a father figure for him, to replace the hole of the deteriorated relationship with his biological father. He shared with Magnus the intricacies of command and warfare.

  • A few years later, the aforementioned officer joined the war effort during the last years of the Chrysant War and, seeing as he was the man's squire, Magnus accompanied him. The officer soon fell ill from an infected wound however, and passed just before the end of the War, when Magnus was only sixteen.
  • From there on, Magnus took up employment in the military and continued in the footsteps of his tutor as a junior officer. He partook in various armed conflicts up until the turn of the century, periodically returning home for short visits.

  • Much of his free time on the front was occupied with reading books and letters from home, writing letters of his own as well as keeping a log-book to pass the time.
Present day
  • Just before his thirtieth birthday, in 305AC, Magnus relocated to Regalia to join his extended family, despite their cultural divide.

  • During the later half of 305AC he joined the Nordmark, and narrowly escaped harsh consequences by turning himself in at the birth of the rebellion.

  • Many Nordmark men were subsequently reincorporated into the Regalian Guard under Jared Kade, with Magnus being one of them. He served dutifully for the entirety of the Kade's Lord-Commandership, but failed to prove himself as a commander.

  • The transition period between Kade and du Pont leadership, during which Kaya Sorenvik was Lord Commander, proved insignificant for Magnus - probably owing to its short lifespan. When the du Ponts assumed control of the City Guard however, and made powerful reforms whereby they changed it into the Hightower Order, Magnus managed to prove his worth by applying for an Officer program. Through diligent work within the Hightower Order, he rose among the ranks to the position of Ensign - with only the Lord Commander and his Lieutenant Commanders, Kaya Sorenvik and Jean du Pont, above him. For Magnus, the question now is how he shall translate his (relatively) powerful position within the order into a solidified position of power in Regalian society as a whole.

  • He now seeks to make out a name for himself, both in war as well as in the internal politics of the city, whilst simultaneously tackling pressure to begin courtship.
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Staff Review-

  • Visual Information
    • On your weapon of choice section, include Magnus' basic fighting style with his sword and banner.
  • Life Story
    • While this section is fairly strong, I'd like to see a bit more about Magnus during more recent developments in Regalia. For example, what became of him during the bone horror crisis or more recent Lo crisis? Where does he plan to be in the future?
Mark all additions / changes in blue and tag me once you've finished said edits.
Edits: Removed one or two outdated sentences and made some minor edits to the details of his schooling in order to be up to date with the School of Leadership. Changed all mentions of Northerne to Velheim, and changed the languages to Skod and Ithanian. Changing the thread tag to Needs Reviewer since Fatherland's not active anymore.

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Claimed for review!
  • At what age did his schooling begin? Specify this in the life story.
Make edits in a new color and be sure to tag me!
I'm not sure whether you're referring to his schooling in the School of Siegwald or Leadership, but nevertheless both are specified in green. I also realised the School of Leadership takes a flat 5 years and the subsequent 5 for scholar level is gained in the field (as opposed to at the Academy), so I fixed that in green.

I'm not sure whether you're referring to his schooling in the School of Siegwald or Leadership, but nevertheless both are specified in green. I also realised the School of Leadership takes a flat 5 years and the subsequent 5 for scholar level is gained in the field (as opposed to at the Academy), so I fixed that in green.

Perfect, Approved!
Review time!
  • Please list his height in feet and inches, just add it on along with the centimeters!
  • The talent section must be removed, weaknesses may stay
Made a full rehaul since personality and backstory was pending a rewrite due to being severely outdated/inconsistent with his roleplayed personality, pretty much all sections need to be re-reviewed. @Rochelle_
saving people, hunting things, the family business .