Magnificent Abandoned Town/castle/mansion

Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
The Former Vermont Republic
So, I was derping on the Dynmap a few days ago, when I saw something that caught my eye! It happened to be a Town/Manor/Castle thing, that was very well made, and very abandoned. So, after an hour of hacking through Daendroc's jungle, I found said castle, and, finding no indications of inhabitants, claimed some bits and pieces. The manor is in almost pristine shape. The town, on the other hand, is moderately greifed, but no less stunning. So heres my dilemma. This abandoned manor/town is almost too good to be true. There is a very good chance that I missed something with hawkeye tool, and want to know if there are, infact some residents in the manor or town. There were a few locked chests/doors, but their owners seemed inactive. Also, I want to know who built it, so's I can make sure that if indeed it is up for the taking. Heres some screenshots I took of the manor and town (the bottom one is the town):

2014-12-01_20.05.37.png 2014-12-01_20.06.56.png 2014-12-01_20.07.57.png 2014-12-01_20.08.05.png 2014-12-01_20.12.40.png

Since the area had no claims then you are welcome to it. Make sure you claim a chunk that has no locked chests in it and your good. The 10 chunk rule will keep others away from your find.

About the locked chests
The only thing to do is find the owners of the chests and send them a mail/msg to unlock or remove their items. They have 3 in real life days to unlock them and remove their contents. If they don't just make a ticket ingame and staff will help you solve that problem.

EDIT: Staff will not unlock chests in the wilderness. Keep that in mind.
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About the locked chests
The only thing to do is find the owners of the chests and send them a mail/msg to unlock or remove their items. They have 3 in real life days to unlock them and remove their contents. If they don't just make a ticket ingame and staff will help you solve that problem.

@cooldudeooo Just for clarification, they have three days to unlock their chest from the next time they log on after the mail was sent. So for example, if you were to send me a mail today about locked chest, and I didn't log on till Saturday, I would have until Tuesday to come remove them before you could make a ticket requesting their removal.

There goes @Alj23 with his sniper awesome skills. Thnx for the clarification dude!
I was just there exploring the beauty,,, it is quite something to behold. Somone should restore it as an elven faction
About the locked chests
The only thing to do is find the owners of the chests and send them a mail/msg to unlock or remove their items. They have 3 in real life days to unlock them and remove their contents. If they don't just make a ticket ingame and staff will help you solve that problem.

Staff will never unlock chests in the wilderness. @Ha5h @Alj23
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It is trueley impressive. Some builders/players are truly incredible and have much talent.