Archived Magic Discussion

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The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
I have been thinking about the new magic lore, while some people don't like it, I understand why but I personally like it. So I was thinking of some new flows of magic, or certain uses of a flow. I understand that this may be ignored by the admin, but I want to post this to see what you guys think and I am bored to hell.

Here are a few flows I have thought of.

Aura control
Aura control is apart of soul magic, since aura is considered manifistation of ones soul. A Mage who uses the Aura control flow can use their aura to create power energy blasts from their aura.

Like wind
Like wind is a flow within wind magic, but unlike the other flows is flow allows the user to increases ones physical capabilities. The like wind flow has been used in multiple ways, the most common form is using wind to speed up a swordsman's swing or a runners speed. The flow allows the user to move faster and in some instances jump further and higher.

Like rock
The like rock flow is a flow within rock magic. This flow allows the user to become almost like rock, the caster or the target of the catser's becomes rock hard, but is still able to move. This spell is most commonly used on a warrior, giving him advantages in battle.

Like beast
This flow is very similar to the sprite animal flow, they are both within the spirit magic family, but they differ in a few key traits. While sprite aniaimal allows the user to become their spirit animal, the like beast flow allows the caster to have the traits of any animal. Common uses of this are using the eyes of an eagle to see far distances, or having the nose of a wolf to smell out something.

Static polarity
This is a largly misunderstood form of magic, many times it is confused with cold fire or string magic, but static polarity differs largely. Static polarity is a flow within lightning magic, the flow allows the caster to charge their with electricity and cause magnetic object to be pulled to a certain point.

This flow is from string magic, but it is very different from any over form of string magic. A string Mage within the weaving is able to create objects from their magic strings. This can vary from magical cloaks to spider webs, objects weaves from string magic can have magical properties, such as strength, camouflage, warmth and incredibly light weight. Spider webs or other traps weaves from string magic can allow the caster to slow down or immobilize it's targets.

Tell me what you guys think, or post some of your ideas.
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This sounds decent enough, but some are slightly overpowered/don't make sense. Making a blast of energy from the aura itself sounds extremely strenuous on the mage. Also, the nose of a wolf? Does this affect cosmetics?
If this does go ahead, I'd say these seem more like individual abilities/powers rather than different 'flows'.
This sounds decent enough, but some are slightly overpowered/don't make sense. Making a blast of energy from the aura itself sounds extremely strenuous on the mage. Also, the nose of a wolf? Does this affect cosmetics?
If this does go ahead, I'd say these seem more like individual abilities/powers rather than different 'flows'.
I would imagin using ones aura would be just has hard as channeling lightning or ice. Also the like beast flow would change your appearance and give you the advantages of the body part.
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