Magi Of Regalia


Basically a Bartender
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score


[Notes are pinned all across the slums, especially concentrated in the Dark Lady Emporium]

To the Magic users that inhabit the slums, there comes a time in which all peoples, regardless of whom they represent, must bind together. Across the time I have inhabited Regalia, there has been no such place in which mages might come together, or represent themselves as a unit. With the recent events, I have found it fitting that those mages that wish to bind together as a unit should and fight the various threats that are headed our way. We owe no loyalty to the Regalian Government, for they oppress us, and our people for being different. They created the Azure Order, to break our people, then the O.A.R.S. to control us, and now, the citizens of Regalia have taken it into their own hands, dealing justice in the streets. I urge you to join us in uniting, as we are stronger together then we ever will be apart.

What is the Magi of Regalia (IC)?

The Magi of Regalia intends to be a non-government affiliated collective of mages that deal justice as they see fit. In other words, vigilante, that are based in the slums. It was formed as the leader, Ehrendil Yerdiyl, perceived oncoming threats (Witchblood, The Azure, Demon Magics) to his people (The Mages that reside within Regalia) and felt as though though together they could stave off these threats better than they could apart. A secondary goal is to give a place in which mages can reside peacefully and comfortably without the threat of being attacked or harassed. Thirdly, for those mages that are not skilled in combat, or seek to learn more spells, he wants to have a place in which those mages can properly seek out and learn those magics, practicing without fear of the Regalian Government coming down on them.

Who can join the Magi of Regalia?

The Magi of Regalia is open to all mages, excluding those magicians skilled in Demon or Death magic (sorry guys) as Ehrendil does not believe those to be true magics, only tools for the Archdemon to influence the Alorian planes. Those characters that seek to learn magic, if you so wish your character to have IC learning may also apply. All races are allowed to apply, but you may be rejected on basis of your character's race should Ehrendil believe you are unworthy of his time, or destructive in nature.

You do not have to be approved as a trustee to apply, instead, it will act as this for those individuals that seek trustee permissions;
  • A way to prove that you are dedicated to the character that will be a mage
  • Give your character IC relationships with other mages prior to them becoming a mage
  • Give you a person that is a trustee as a 'mentor' so that you understand the guidelines and expectations that come with the permission
  • Give you a 'path' to follow rather than haphazardly running about trying to do things to get noticed
  • Give myself the chance to evaluate you properly and then pitch you to the other Lore Staff with my own personal experience.

Goals of the Guild (IC and OOC)?
  • Firstmost, to provide magic roleplay to mages, now that there is a lot more of us.
  • Give mages a place to practice their magic, for those characters that do not normally cast
  • Spicy Roleplay as DragonBlood and Witchblood come into play, as well as perhaps get some guard interest in magic as currently we run freely in the streets.
  • Allow for those people that seek trustee to have a path to follow and representative in Lore Staff that has personal RP experience with them. I will also act as a guide to all new and old trustees that opt into this guild, freely answering questions as they deem fit.
  • Thickening the developing plot between the 'good' and the 'bad' mages.
  • Incite more SLUM ROLEPLAY!
  • Create a faction of mages with strong ties to their own version of Justice.

Template to Apply

  • IGN:
  • Character Name:
  • Character Race:
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No):
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild):
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it):

An OOC Note
In the spirit of inclusion, if your character knows a few spells of Demon Magic, we can discuss it OOCly on a case-by-case basis. Those people that know Demon MAgic exclusively, are still barred from entry simply due to the fact that Ehrendil would not allow them any lenience what-so-ever.
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A small boy dressed in rag tag clothing and covered in dirt entered the cabin of a ship docked in Regalia, breathing raggedly and a note scrunched up in his dirty little hands. He knelt before a desk, a woman's back to him and her waterfall of curls all he could see. "Zat will be all, find ze cook for your reward." She said, her thick Ithanian accent sending the boy on his way; scurrying out to get a taste of that succulent meal he had been promised. Olivia turned in her hair chair to read the notice, smoothing out the edges of the notice as her stormy blue eyes scanning the page for all it's information. Her lips pursed, she produced stationary, ink, quill. Others would need to hear of these "Magi of Regalia".
  • IGN: Empaul
  • Character Name: Ruvik Yerdiyl
  • Character Race: Saivalthar
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): No, as of now.
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): In order to get proper magic experience around other users of magic.
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): You have it.
It was the icon scrawled into the top of the page that caught her attention. An eye within a shield. Strange, thought Abigail. The illiterate Ithanian scanned over the page with her mud eyes, freckled face twisting momentarily. After a few moments of standing in the cold, she snatched the paper poster from its pin. Hopefully whoever posted it wouldn't mind, she thought as she marched home. There were plenty others posted about, after all.

Now, all she had to do was find somebody to help her read it.
  • Character Name: Relion Catura
  • Character Race: Ailor
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): Nope
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): No, I want to join the guild to finally engage in magic more actively, I want to prove that I can do things in roleplay and not just sit around and talk..
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): supachicen
IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Merina Taliesin (though she'd go by 'Kip')
Character Race: Claith - Ailor
Is your character a mage: Yes
Are you a trustee: Yes
Skype: You have it

A letter would arrive for the leader of this group along with her inquiries to join, if that were possible. If so, it would read:

To Whomever is concerned,

I have the feeling that I should warn ahead that my magic is less than useful to others nor threatening in the least.

  • IGN: Empaul
  • Character Name: Ruvik Yerdiyl
  • Character Race: Saivalthar
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): No, as of now.
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): In order to get proper magic experience around other users of magic.
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): You have it.

IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Merina Taliesin (though she'd go by 'Kip')
Character Race: Claith - Ailor
Is your character a mage: Yes
Are you a trustee: Yes
Skype: You have it

A letter would arrive for the leader of this group along with her inquiries to join, if that were possible. If so, it would read:

To Whomever is concerned,

I have the feeling that I should warn ahead that my magic is less than useful to others nor threatening in the least.


  • Character Name: Relion Catura
  • Character Race: Ailor
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): Nope
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): No, I want to join the guild to finally engage in magic more actively, I want to prove that I can do things in roleplay and not just sit around and talk..
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): supachicen
  • IGN: HoshiChomp12
  • Character Name: Lympha Opis
  • Character Race: Yanar
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): No
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): I'd love to get out in the community and join a group of open minded friends who can teach me how everything works. Also, being mentored by peeps sounds AMAZING!~
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): I think you have me?
  • IGN: essentialess
  • Character Name: Djanira Acosta.
  • Character Race: Ailor.
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): Yes.
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): Yes.
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): You have it.
  • IGN: HoshiChomp12
  • Character Name: Lympha Opis
  • Character Race: Yanar
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): No
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): I'd love to get out in the community and join a group of open minded friends who can teach me how everything works. Also, being mentored by peeps sounds AMAZING!~
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): I think you have me?

  • IGN: essentialess
  • Character Name: Djanira Acosta.
  • Character Race: Ailor.
  • Is your character a mage (Yes/No): Yes.
  • Are you a trustee (if not, why do you want to join this guild): Yes.
  • Skype (Place it here or PM it): You have it.