Mage Practice Grounds Idea

Would you use these grounds?

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Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Mithranna, Cadun, Valorian
Roleplay Guilds
Merchant Guild,

I was thinking and had an idea to create more roleplay for mages.

Having a area setup out side city walls where mages could cast mostly freely if collared, so they can keep practice of their skills.
It would also create an area for Mage teachers to teach their students.
It could have npc sight mages and maybe anti mages to watch over it.
It could create more interaction between mages and a place that would be safe for them and Regalia.

There could be areas set up for the main more legal types of magic practice. Like a plant are for evergrowth, water areas, stone areas, ect.

Another reason I though this may be good is it would give magic rp more relavanace. And it would allow people to rp their mages more on their skill side without being criminals.

Any other ideas to add to this or comments are welcome,
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I really like this idea!
I think if it is outside of the walls however, it should be kept close within walking distance. Such as like the hostess village and three sisters waterfall.
I really like this idea!
I think if it is outside of the walls however, it should be kept close within walking distance. Such as like the hostess village and three sisters waterfall.
Yes I am mostly saying outside the walls cause it would be less of a worry to guards and that it would be safer for citizens if a miss cast were to happen.
I don't think the Azurea would like it though cause one of the reasons they are so strict is to keep mages separate so they don't all get together and realise, "oh if we all work together we can over through the city." Also aren't collared mages mostly made up of people who have been captured and hex tortured to never use magic again?
one of the reasons they are so strict is to keep mages separate so they don't all get together and realise, "oh if we all work together we can over through the city.
and that's why they let them all lose in the same city after they're done.
no flaws with this reasoning.
Literaly nothing is stoping mages to band together actually
I don't think the Azurea would like it though cause one of the reasons they are so strict is to keep mages separate so they don't all get together and realise, "oh if we all work together we can over through the city." Also aren't collared mages mostly made up of people who have been captured and hex tortured to never use magic again?
Mages can go get collared willingly, and a collar does not stop them from casting. Also I am pretty sure typically mages need to practice to keep up their magic or they loose it. And if it was there could have npc Azures to watch over it. And nothing is stoping the mages from getting together without it like in the sewers or somewhere else in Aloria. My idea would be a controlled area for mages to cast under supervision.
It would also be cool for a seperate grounds for the mages that haven't been collared.
Mages can go get collared willingly, and a collar does not stop them from casting. Also I am pretty sure typically mages need to practice to keep up their magic or they loose it. And if it was there could have npc Azures to watch over it. And nothing is stoping the mages from getting together without it like in the sewers or somewhere else in Aloria. My idea would be a controlled area for mages to cast under supervision.
Oh okay, then yes make this place I would totally use it. Also I have a revolution to plan... Jk I'm mean civil rights movements and peace rally's
I'm going to say no in that it removes a sense of danger for mages to illegally cast.
They got sent to the Spire, tortured to never use magic again. Having a place outside the city where said casting is less regulated doesn't make sense.

However, nothing is stopping players from heading out into the mountains or woods to cast. Just that having a "set training area" seems to defeat the purpose of collared mages and the Azures in the first place.

For magic training, I'm more for "cast and try not to get caught doing so."
There could be a large sewer area, something similar in size and shape to the Shendar grove. The sewers are the likely place for mages to practice, anyway.
There could be a large sewer area, something similar in size and shape to the Shendar grove. The sewers are the likely place for mages to practice, anyway.
Yes but not all mages want to go there or cast there. And some can not even cast there. Like lightning shock mages.
I'm going to say no in that it removes a sense of danger for mages to illegally cast.
They got sent to the Spire, tortured to never use magic again. Having a place outside the city where said casting is less regulated doesn't make sense.

However, nothing is stopping players from heading out into the mountains or woods to cast. Just that having a "set training area" seems to defeat the purpose of collared mages and the Azures in the first place.

For magic training, I'm more for "cast and try not to get caught doing so."
It would still have the danger to cast anywhere but there. And as far as I can remember there are sight mages that watch Regalia so casting would get you caught in the city.
It would still have the danger to cast anywhere but there. And as far as I can remember there are sight mages that watch Regalia so casting would get you caught in the city.
Where I was trying to go is that a fixed training grounds seems to me like an establishment for magic casting. Personally I'd rather have mages walk out into the woods and cast wherever. But that's just me. I like the idea of new locations, but I'm still conflicted a bit on it.
It would still have the danger to cast anywhere but there. And as far as I can remember there are sight mages that watch Regalia so casting would get you caught in the city.
As much as you talk about Sight mages, there really aren't people who act out that they are there other than characters who try to stop surface Hexes from happening. Even if they did illegal things, NPC's aren't going to stop them other than 'no pls stop'. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a single approved sight mage. I haven't seen one in more than 7 months, too. I dislike this idea as it is relying too heavily on characters that aren't there, not to mention that magic is deemed a very dangerous thing among the Azures. There's a reason that even my anti-mage, who can do zero physical harm to any organic matter with his magic, got collared and branded.
I can see where you are coming from. And I was thinking the grounds would be a good place to give more rp for characters. But the big thing is alot of characters rely on npc's nobles have npcs that work for them like soldiers. Npc's are essential in rp for quite a few things like runners for guards, The patrol npcs outside the citadel and the Castle. The bartender, the many npc's during events like festivals. Even if you cant see them their is usually people around one time monmarty said there was thousands of people in the city. With how many players are on if you just counted them the city would be alot smaller.
I can see where you are coming from. And I was thinking the grounds would be a good place to give more rp for characters. But the big thing is alot of characters rely on npc's nobles have npcs that work for them like soldiers. Npc's are essential in rp for quite a few things like runners for guards, The patrol npcs outside the citadel and the Castle. The bartender, the many npc's during events like festivals. Even if you cant see them their is usually people around one time monmarty said there was thousands of people in the city. With how many players are on if you just counted them the city would be alot smaller.