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Played Character Maeror

This character is actively played.


colony of worms in a vaguely humanoid disguise
Aug 31, 2015
Reaction score
under your boot


From Exist's realm to the Gardens afar,

We embark on a journey, guided by a star.

In Leyon's name, we tread the hidden track,

Through ancient whispers and the magic we bring back.
As we traverse dimensions, may the path be plain,

No shadows to haunt us, no peril, no bane.

May our steps be steady, and the course be true,

Through the mystical veils, our passage ensue.
As we pass through portals to realms untold,

Leyon watches o'er us, a hand to hold.

To the Gardens, we journey, with spirits set free,

Safe travels on this magical path, so mote it be.

Character Information

  • Full Name: Maeror (May / Ror)

  • Aliases: Maielle (My / Ellie)

  • Race / Culture: Mystech, Ephemer Homunculi

  • Created: November 1st, 311
  • Creator: Wisteria Netollihua

  • Gender: None

  • Pronouns: Any

  • Occult: Exist Magic
Core Concept

A demon of sorrow who is sworn to protect those of the Estelley faith. Maeror shares the burden of melancholy with all who pray for emotional pains to be lifted, it once lingered in an incorporeal state around places of worship in wait for heavy-hearted worshippers to seek guidance and support. Now that he has been summoned into the material realm, he continues his duty with a much more 'human' approach.​
Appearance Information

The homunculus has a rather dramatic appearance. Maeror's skin has a marble-like quality in a aquamarine hue, dark cobalt hair that cascades downwards like falling sand. They sport brilliant wings made of wax, curved horns like that of an Ibex, and a glass tail in the shape of a Prince Rupert's drop. A dripping halo of liquid flame encircles their head, a vibrant greenish yellow hue that matches the glow of their gaze.


Combat Style: Holy Spellblade

Magic | 7
Magic Snare
Magic Smog
Magic Resist
Magic Bolster
Magic Summon
Magic Feather
Magic Shove

Faith | 5
Divine Saviour
Divine Burn
Divine Smite
Divine Rescue
Divine Aggro

Constitution | 1
Shield Snare

Strength | 1
Steady Body

Intelligence | 0
Shapeshift Pack (Ephemer Homunculi)
Mimicry Pack (Ephemer Homunculi)

Ability Information

Ephemer Homunculus


Life Story / Plot Hooks

Maeror was only recently created, for now, the homunculus has a strong desire to protect those of the Estelley faith, devoted to Leyon and Aseia.

Upon their creation, they were imbued with a terribly strong sense of sorrow that still lingers & shapes their personality.​
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