Preserved Sheet Maemi Akeiro Tanaka

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Absent, Indefinitely
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Info

Full Name: Maemi Akeiro Tanaka

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Race: Pure Chi'en-Ji

Main Ambition: To become a skilled Alchemist.

Visual Information

Eye Color: Bright Golden

Hair Color: Raven black

Hair Style: Silky and she wears it down often. It falls below her shoulders and is soft and smooth.

Skin Color: Light Tan

Clothing: A silk light teal dress that clings to her. It flows to the ground with some ruffles, and slightly drags behind her. With a silky hood that is connected to the dress. She wears blue-ish shoes that barely protect her feet from the ground. Though she has a wide variety of outfits.

Height: 5'2

Body Build: Curvaceous

Weapon of Choice: She doesn't even fight so no weapon whatsoever.

& Traits

(+) Curious:

She has a lot of questions and things she wants to learn about. Maemi sees the world as one big book she wants to read. Maiar peak her interest and, she thinks they are adorable. She is always interested in something and is never bored. Though she can ask some really personal questions without realizing how awkward that is. This is from her unknowing childhood, everything is slightly new to her. Like aesthetic houses, she loves those. Especially when she is in the Upworld she is curious. Towering fancy houses interest her a lot.

(+) Loving:

Maemi loves everyone and everything, she has never hated a soul in her life. The only person she came close to hating was her past Mistress. She says to herself a lot, "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet" and she goes by it. However, sometimes it gets in her head that a stranger would be able to find things about her easier so she will on occasion try to avoid that person. Usually saying hi and trying to meet every stranger. Maemi loves nearly anyone like her family and can get pretty defensive for them even if she just met them. Races don't bother her at all. Now, if you do something bad to someone she cares about she will not trust you anymore. Maemi loves everyone, at the same time she is super weary around them. It could take up to two years of knowing someone to be able tot rust them for Maemi. The voice in her head tells her that even those she loves will turn against her. So she will be really tense at times around people, but she never hates anyone.

(+) Happy:

In general she is a happy and content person. Mostly because she is somewhere she likes instead of being cooped up in a house with an abusive woman. It's not too hard to make her smile, and her being in a good mood is better than the alternative. Life is like a game to her, she loves trying out new things and styles. Usually she is like a ray of light wherever she goes. Almost always positive even in sad times. She tries to stay on the better side of things because one she is angry or sad it's just a train wreck of bad happenings. At the same time she is like "Wtf" because she has it in her mind that there is always someone watching everything she does to try and criticize her. Or trying to find something wrong with her and use it against her, so she is constantly happy because the voice tells her to be almost flawless as much as she can. Causing her to even seem happy in a awful situation.

(-) Naive:

She is too willing to trust or love someone, even if they seem like a bad personal. Maemi is naive enough to think that bad people can change their ways. Some can, but she is so naive to the point she thinks every terrible person can change their ways. Too willing to give second chances. This can cause really tough situations that she would otherwise not be in if she would be a little stricter with her choices. She usually just goes with the flow even if that is taking her in a bad direction. This makes her seem childish, or even stupid when really she's just inexperienced. Someone can just walk up to her, say the wrong thing, and she will start to freak out and think they are accusing her of something. Usually panicking and running away, leaving the person bewildered and looking around like "What even-- huh?".

(-) Absent-Minded:

Details that are very obvious, can zoom right past her head. Like, she is the sort of person who will lose something, when it's in her hand, then see something shiny and forget about "losing" it. You can say it's part of her charm. Maemi mentally kicks herself everytime she daydreams or gets distracted by something while an important event is happening. Something will be in her peripheral vision and boom, before you know it she is completely distracted and thinking about something else. Though, it's hard to get frustrated with her because it will make you feel like an a-hole. Maemi gushes her apologies and gets all flustered whenever she realizes she got distracted again.

(-) Undeciding:

It's hard for her to come to a definite decision on something. She will go back and forth in between options and it frustrates her. Maemi hates the feeling of making a decision and knowing she had more good options. This ends up in her changing her decision a lot and being unable to come to a conclusion. Of course this makes life 10x harder especially when it comes to either buying houses or choosing which road to go in. She gets this from years of having decisions made for her by her Mistress.



Maemi rarely lies, and if she does, it's because she has an ultimatum and the other choice is worse than lying. Lying makes her feel bad and she hates that feeling. This is due to years of behavior modification by her past Mistress. The wretched woman would whack her with her cane every time Maemi fibbed. Now it just worked itself into Maemi's mind that she should never lie. This gains her trust and respect, she tells the truth and takes responsibility even if she would get punished for her answer. However, she can take the blame for certain things. Maemi doesn't consider it lying if she takes the blame for something, she considers it more of a sacrifice.


She knows her boundaries and limits, and she doesn't wish to go past them. Maemi knows when to bite her tongue. She also knows what's right and wrong very well, and doing wrong is not apart of her. However, she has learned to be able to stand by and just watch wrong be done instead of doing it. Restraining herself a lot while doing so. Her friend could be killing someone, and she will just sit there and shut her eyes. Maemi hates that but at the same time she doesn't want to get walked all over. Now, if someone tells her to rob someone, she will just shake her head. No audible reply, just a shake of her head. Maemi has strong morales, and breaking her morales hurts her, a lot.


She loves life and the joys that come with it. Maemi just sits there in the park, watching the flowers and trees move in the wind. Now that she is in Regalia she is very content with life, and doing her best to get a good hold on Common. Learning and meeting people give her an indescribable joy. This comes from years of having to enjoy the simplest things, like being able to go outside, or being able to talk freely. Now she can do all of those things without a second thought, before she was restricted and controlled. Also, she tries to focus a lot on life so she can keep her mind off the delusions in her head.



Poor Maemi, she will very often trip over something or step on something that makes a loud cracking noise. She would be the one person in a horror movie that somehow manages to try and turn on the lamp and ends up knocking it off the table and it crashes. Never take her somewhere that she would need to be sneaky and quiet. Honestly, she would probably end up falling down the stairs because she tripped on the rug that shouldn't have been able to be tripped over. but it's Maemi.

Schizophrenia (Paranoid Subtype):

There is no definite reason she has Schizophrenia, though it was mainly caused by her traumatic childhood. She hears voices in her head that will tell her things like, people are working against her to try and persecute her for a crime she has not committed. That's usually the most often thing she gets, though sometimes the voices in her head will tell her to do things that are harmful to herself. Sometimes Maemi can be seen speaking to herself, (the voice in her head), and it's kind of offsetting. This can cause her to be frightened for no apparent reason and makes her talk about things that never happened. The scariest part of this is when she starts to believe there is someone following her, and the hallucinations make her see things that aren't there. Most of the time she manages to stay happy and positive when she surrounds herself with people she cares about, but Schizophrenia certainly has a dramatic effect on her lifestyle.
Her feelings are extremely easy to break. Say the right thing and her eyes start to tear up. Usually if you hurt her feelings she will just excuse herself because she doesn't like when people see her cry. Most of this is because of the things that were said to her when she was a child. It causes verbal insults to really hit the mark when it comes to her heart. Often hugging herself and trying to stick it out when she becomes emotional, it's hard to do. It makes anyone who hurts her feelings feel like a complete jerk even if she had it coming. The worst part is, she doesn't really forget if someone hurts her like that, she doesn't hold anything against them. SHe will just become more wary around that person and uncomfortable.

Life Story:

  • Maemi was born in the Yang-Tzu isles, never knew her parents because they abandoned her in the street when she was only a week old.
  • A man found the baby in the street and took her in, he already had a son and did not have any relationships with any women.
  • Her adoptive father's name was Eijiro and he was very young, only 23 years of age when he took her in. Resources were poor in the household so they were all slightly underweight.
  • Eijiro taught her a few things about society and often just gave her "boy" clothes to wear, she never got to wear women clothing as she grew up because they couldn't afford it.
  • A woman of high standard saw Maemi one day while she was working outside in the Garden, and cleaning, and she took a small interest.
  • Maemi ended up getting taken away from Eijiro and put into service of the woman as her slave. Sadashi was the woman's name and she could afford most of the important resources that were not available to many.
  • Sadashi noticed Maemi's strange delusions and behavior and decided that Opium would calm her down, so she administered Opium to Maemi when she wasn't in public, so she was more happy while she was doing the labor.
  • When Maemi turned twenty-four, Sadashi sold her to a crew of a ship of tradesmen. Being the only woman on board, Maemi considered being sold to the men the cruelest thing Sadashi did to her.
  • Aboard the ship, she was sometimes treated nicely by some of the Wind Mages aboard it.
  • One day after a few years or so aboard the ship, they stopped in Regalia. Maemi took her chance and fled from the ship as soon as the opportunity arose.
  • Now she just, roams the Sewers. She is a very strangely nice person so it catches a lot of people off guard.
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@ChensSpaghetti Not sure if thats what you meant but I did
Woops, I missed it. My bad. Well, anyways, there's a minor inconsistency:
Now at age twenty-seven she has practiced her magic for roughly thirteen years now, mage level in Gusting Wind and Caster Level in StormBringer.

Overall, this app seems pretty good. But I think her weak trait should be replaced, seeing as that's a given for all Chi'en-Ji mages. And you should definitely do some research on Paranoid Schizophrenia if you plan on playing that out as a weakness.
Woops, I missed it. My bad. Well, anyways, there's a minor inconsistency:

Overall, this app seems pretty good. But I think her weak trait should be replaced, seeing as that's a given for all Chi'en-Ji mages. And you should definitely do some research on Paranoid Schizophrenia if you plan on playing that out as a weakness.
Spent three hours researching Schizophrenia lol, had to because someone I know has it and had to for Maemi as well. And thank you I will scrap the physical weakness and replace it with another.
Spent three hours researching Schizophrenia lol, had to because someone I know has it and had to for Maemi as well. And thank you I will scrap the physical weakness and replace it with another.
I didn't really look over the personality traits, and I only skimmed the life story. Tag me when you're done with that new weakness and I'll review all that, if you don't mind.
Here is my review!
  • I like the track you are on with the schizophrenia. It is apparent that you've done research on the topic and I commend that. There is still some opportunity though. The paranoia needs to be a little more specifically developed. If she thinks that people think she has committed some crime, she will have a fully formed delusion surrounding this. You don't have to reveal the entire secret if you want to be IC info for people to find out, but you should have something specifically specific such as thinking she was framed for the murder of x person. Her voices won't just be like "Meh. People v you, be paranoid lel." The voices would be more like "If you don't explain where you were last night, people will think you were burying a body." or "They aren't listening to you, they don't believe you, yell it at them." With paranoid schizophrenia, you might even at times disagree with the voices and believe they are real, talk back to them, even at inopportune times (not sure while they are off by themselves). I would say to hone in a specific paranoid delusion, expanding on what she believes others think she is guilty of. If you already have all of this figured out, there is no need to write this on the sheet, this is all just RP help.
  • All of that being said though, I find it extremely unlikely that somebody with paranoid schizophrenia would ever be perceived as happy, loving, or naive. If she thinks somebody is trying to apprehend her for a perceived crime how will she also be naive? You would be unlikely to trust anybody enough to be loving towards them. Her loved ones will probably be alerted that she may be mentally ill by the fact that she is starting to recluse away from them. Finally, she could possibly throw up a happy front, but there is no way that they would be truly happy. Either you've got to make some pretty significant alterations to the personality to account for how having schizophrenia would alter it, or you might have to ditch it as a weakness.
Make the edit and then tag me @TheOverseer__
Here is my review!
  • I like the track you are on with the schizophrenia. It is apparent that you've done research on the topic and I commend that. There is still some opportunity though. The paranoia needs to be a little more specifically developed. If she thinks that people think she has committed some crime, she will have a fully formed delusion surrounding this. You don't have to reveal the entire secret if you want to be IC info for people to find out, but you should have something specifically specific such as thinking she was framed for the murder of x person. Her voices won't just be like "Meh. People v you, be paranoid lel." The voices would be more like "If you don't explain where you were last night, people will think you were burying a body." or "They aren't listening to you, they don't believe you, yell it at them." With paranoid schizophrenia, you might even at times disagree with the voices and believe they are real, talk back to them, even at inopportune times (not sure while they are off by themselves). I would say to hone in a specific paranoid delusion, expanding on what she believes others think she is guilty of. If you already have all of this figured out, there is no need to write this on the sheet, this is all just RP help.
  • All of that being said though, I find it extremely unlikely that somebody with paranoid schizophrenia would ever be perceived as happy, loving, or naive. If she thinks somebody is trying to apprehend her for a perceived crime how will she also be naive? You would be unlikely to trust anybody enough to be loving towards them. Her loved ones will probably be alerted that she may be mentally ill by the fact that she is starting to recluse away from them. Finally, she could possibly throw up a happy front, but there is no way that they would be truly happy. Either you've got to make some pretty significant alterations to the personality to account for how having schizophrenia would alter it, or you might have to ditch it as a weakness.
Make the edit and then tag me @TheOverseer__
Actually, I asked myself that same question. So I did some research and it does say that schizophrenics can lead happy lives, if they are surrounded with people who won't do them harm.
Here is my review!
  • I like the track you are on with the schizophrenia. It is apparent that you've done research on the topic and I commend that. There is still some opportunity though. The paranoia needs to be a little more specifically developed. If she thinks that people think she has committed some crime, she will have a fully formed delusion surrounding this. You don't have to reveal the entire secret if you want to be IC info for people to find out, but you should have something specifically specific such as thinking she was framed for the murder of x person. Her voices won't just be like "Meh. People v you, be paranoid lel." The voices would be more like "If you don't explain where you were last night, people will think you were burying a body." or "They aren't listening to you, they don't believe you, yell it at them." With paranoid schizophrenia, you might even at times disagree with the voices and believe they are real, talk back to them, even at inopportune times (not sure while they are off by themselves). I would say to hone in a specific paranoid delusion, expanding on what she believes others think she is guilty of. If you already have all of this figured out, there is no need to write this on the sheet, this is all just RP help.
  • All of that being said though, I find it extremely unlikely that somebody with paranoid schizophrenia would ever be perceived as happy, loving, or naive. If she thinks somebody is trying to apprehend her for a perceived crime how will she also be naive? You would be unlikely to trust anybody enough to be loving towards them. Her loved ones will probably be alerted that she may be mentally ill by the fact that she is starting to recluse away from them. Finally, she could possibly throw up a happy front, but there is no way that they would be truly happy. Either you've got to make some pretty significant alterations to the personality to account for how having schizophrenia would alter it, or you might have to ditch it as a weakness.
Make the edit and then tag me @TheOverseer__
Paranoia Schizophrenics are the ones with less of a personality change, the real thing that happens is that they get really fearful and paranoid about anything. My friend is a Paranoia Schizophrenic, and thats who I based Maemi's personality off of.
In today's day and age, Paranoid Schizophrenics can lead pretty happy lives, but your character is not going to have the benefit of modern medicine to help moderate their delusions. The point behind the delusions is that they will believe these delusions regardless of if they are family or friend, etc. If she has very loving family members they would likely understand and accommodate her as much as possible, but ultimately she would still believe that they are trying to catch her for kind of crime. Happiness and Loving could be salvageable if you somehow rewrote them as more of a front or some type of conflict where she loves her family but also doesn't really understand why they want to frame her for murder (or whatever is her delusion of persecution). At a bare minimum naive is completely salvageable for somebody who would be paranoid that people are out to get them.
In today's day and age, Paranoid Schizophrenics can lead pretty happy lives, but your character is not going to have the benefit of modern medicine to help moderate their delusions. The point behind the delusions is that they will believe these delusions regardless of if they are family or friend, etc. If she has very loving family members they would likely understand and accommodate her as much as possible, but ultimately she would still believe that they are trying to catch her for kind of crime. Happiness and Loving could be salvageable if you somehow rewrote them as more of a front or some type of conflict where she loves her family but also doesn't really understand why they want to frame her for murder (or whatever is her delusion of persecution). At a bare minimum naive is completely salvageable for somebody who would be paranoid that people are out to get them.
Could I try to rewrite them? I honestly want to kind of keep those aspects of her. Lemme try and I will see what I can do
In today's day and age, Paranoid Schizophrenics can lead pretty happy lives, but your character is not going to have the benefit of modern medicine to help moderate their delusions. The point behind the delusions is that they will believe these delusions regardless of if they are family or friend, etc. If she has very loving family members they would likely understand and accommodate her as much as possible, but ultimately she would still believe that they are trying to catch her for kind of crime. Happiness and Loving could be salvageable if you somehow rewrote them as more of a front or some type of conflict where she loves her family but also doesn't really understand why they want to frame her for murder (or whatever is her delusion of persecution). At a bare minimum naive is completely salvageable for somebody who would be paranoid that people are out to get them.
Uh I tried what I could, highlighted changes in blue for you. I tried man :P