Preserved Sheet Maemi Akeiro Tanaka (rework

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Absent, Indefinitely
Feb 9, 2016
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Basic Information

Full Name: Maemi Akeiro Tanaka

Age: Nineteen (turning 20 soon)

Gender: Female

Race: Pure Chi'en-Ji

Main Ambition: To become a surgeon and help as many people as she can.

Visual Information

Eye Color: Bright Golden

Hair Color: Raven black

Hair Style: Silky and she wears it down often. It falls below her shoulders and is soft and smooth.

Skin Color: Light Tan

Clothing: Maemi wears a Chiffon black silk dress, it clings to her and compliments her silhouette. It flays out around her mid-thighs so you can see her skin. Then she has sandals with straps that end around her upper shins. Two sets of soft China Silk are tied around her lower ribs and mid-abdomen and give the dress some shape and decor. They are a light golden color as well. Sometimes she may wear light robes but this is her usual look.

Height: 5'1

Body Build: Curvaceous

Weapon of Choice: She doesn't get involved in fights, though she resolves to hitting people on the head with a frying pan if need be.

Visual Expansion
  • Her eyes are fairly large and wide, they are uplifted at the edges giving her gaze a constantly narrow and sharp look. They are evenly spaced apart and her iris' shine a bright orange-ish golden colour. Maemi has soft facial features, with prominent cheekbones that lead down to her lips. She has a heart shaped face and full lips. The skin on her face is flawless for the most part, unless she has a few bruises or cuts occasionally. The depth of her cheeks is fairly noticeable, her cheekbones stick out and the skin dips down and comes out to her jaw, casting shadows on her face. Her lips are a healthy pink colour that match her complexion, she has a lot of colour in her face and is rarely palid. Maemi blushes a lot frankly. She does everything in her power to retain a white smile, because she loves smiling and likes to feel comfortable doing so. It's sort of an insecurity? So she has a very white smile, modern day dentists would be proud. <3
  • Maemi stands at the minuscule height of 5'1 and she low key pouts every time she has to lean all the way back to look up at someone's face. It kind of scares her really, constantly being around a bunch of super tall people. She has a lot of curves, she isn't fat nor exactly super thin, Maemi has a pear figure. Her upper body dips down into wide hips that flare out. She has a flat stomach, though she does have meat on her. You can't see her hip bones nor her shoulder bones so she is at a healthy weight level. Though she rarely does large amounts of exercise, though Hogger made her go to a make-shift gym. So instead of running and walking everywhere, she has her personal car Zhao (@Masterman120) carry her around a lot. Since she lives in the sewers though, there is no way she is getting fat because of the lack of food. Plus, busy with all of the fights and injured people. There are a few scars on her mid back from getting slashed by a dagger, then a long thin one running down the right side of her thigh from getting her skin caught on something sharp. Then getting dragged along it cut until she was pulled free of it.
  • Maemi likes thin clothes that cling to her figure, like silk or linen. Preferably silk, she doesn't really go overboard on fashion. Though she absolutely loves dresses and it is, the only type of clothing she will wear. Not being comfortable in pants and a shirt whatsoever. Another thing, she likes dark colours since she feels bright colours draw way too much attention for her liking. Plus black is a lovely colour and black dresses are pretty so she wears black mostly. You'd think she was a goth with the black hair and dark styled clothing. Maemi does not believe in wearing animal pelts, she sees it as inhumane so even if it's really soft and comfy, she will not wear the fur pelt of any creature. (She loves candlemice and bunnies especially).
  • Her voice is soft and quiet, she has a slightly high toned voice. Though not overly high, it's a feminine voice though. She giggles and laughs a lot because of how happy she is. Maemi can speak very fast at times since she is so zestful and full of energy.

School: School of Biology - Discipline of Medicine

Level: Student

Source: Attended the School


First Impressions Matter: When people first look or speak to Maemi they get the impression that she is very Kind Hearted based on her love for all people and the affection she has for others. It's in her heart to try and care for people as her mother and father taught her. Sometimes she may say things but that's because she says what she sees. Though it doesn't mean she doesn't love that person, for example Meia (@Hatobito) is very forward and is very much so a racist and Maemi has stated as much to people, though Maemi still loves her dearly as a friend, she will always keep Meia close to heart. Even if Meia calls her weak and pathetic <3. Another thing they pick up on is her being very Naive/Innocent based on how she always tries to see a good side in people. That includes very awful people she tries to see the good in them. She can never just accept someone being a terrible person. Maemi can't hate people even if they hurt her, this is very naive of her. Though it's also an endearing aspect of her. Just another thing they see, is that Maemi is super Zestful and has a massive love for life and doing things. It is why she got into Biology, she loves the world and what it has to offer. It probably doesn't make sense why such a zestful, happy young lady would go to the sewers. The people and culture down there is what draws her, they have such a unique way of living. Though she does try to get the best of both worlds.

Personal Feelings and Thoughts: Maemi is a very content person, she has fun day to day seeing people and doing what she does. Currently trying to get used to blood and gore so she can be a surgeon one day. She mends up wounds time to time, (aka everyday), and is beginning to get used to the flesh and all. Inside she is so happy with how her life is going. The past was kind of rough but with everything that happens now it's really nice. Though she gets really annoyed by the amount of fights that literally start over nothing. From time to time she will be sad based on things she goes through. Being such a sensitive person, it means she does cry fairly, often. She cries over problems though, she doesn't cry about everything. Usually just when she is in pain, scared, or really stressed out/frustrated.

Friends Feelings (since she doesn't have a family): Her friends usually become actual friends with her after they have either, been treated by her, got called "Cutie pie" or "Adorable" by her, or just met her in a normal way like normal friends do. Since Maemi treats nearly everyone like her friend, her friends pick up on the same things as listed in the first paragraph. Though they do see other sides of her as well. Maemi is also a kind of a Dark person and has seen some stuff. She is fairly innocent in her own way so she will mention really dark metaphors or ideas without even thinking a thing about it. As recently she was talking with Zhao and his brother, and mentioned why people kill themselves or gave an idea about it. She thought nothing of it and saw it was relevant to the matter, Zhao and his brother were kind of caught off guard by it. Also something they pick up on is how absolutely Confusing she is, Maemi goes back and forth with her thought process and her views are completely bass ackwards. One minute she will be on one topic, next we are bam talking about dead people and best surgery practices.

Morals: Maemi believes in all things good, that everyone deserves a chance at life. Though she does not oppose when people she knows get into fights and maaaybe kill someone in the process. Of course she tries to save that person but if they are gone they're gone. She mourns them later and no questions asked. Though she greatly disapproves of child beating, rape, mental abuse, and hurting defenseless people. Maemi knows she can't really enforce her morals because she is about as threatening as a scared kitten. Though sometimes if she cries or gets someone to enforce it for her it works. She can't really do much to make people do stuff for her.


Healing: She is very skilled in knowing what treatments and diagnoses to make. It allows her to do fast work very swiftly. Knowing how to check vitals and make sure people are stable, it makes her very efficient in her practice. She is currently trying to learn the best practices for surgery and such. Like cleaning of the hands, or what salves to use, what tools to use, etc. Maemi is figuring that all out as she works on people in the Sewers. Though she hasn't done much surgery herself, she did manage to get a mans guts back into his body and stabilize him with the help of Zhao. Still getting used to blood and gore.

Human Anamtomy: This doesn't exactly mean healing more as it means her study of the human body. From what knowledge there is she has a learned a lot of it, since she mainly focused on the human body and healing practices while learning Biology. Maemi learned a lot about pressure points, red flags for disease, early signs of deep physical problems, and where most of the main arteries and important nerves are. Though whatever knowledge the Alorian science has a achieved, will apply to those things she has studied thus far. Often using those in a lot of her practice within surgery. For instance, she knows mostly what hits will kill humans, (Ailor, Qadir, Chien, etc). By that I mean, big arteries-- mostly arteries and the obviously hit and kill locations. It's interesting, the amount of care she takes into learning about the human body. Often learning new things every time she works on someone.

Sewing: In her free time she has taken up a hobby for sewing, so far she can make scarves and add hidden pockets and secret places to store things into coats and dresses. At the very most she can put together a cloak for someone but that just exhausts her completely. Not as complicated as shirts or pants though, unless she is adding a hood to it then it gets a little complicated. Her favourite weave to use is fine weave, loving how it turns out. The effort out into fine weaving is so worth the results, it makes for excellent cloaks and scarves. Usually using silk for scarves.

  • Zhao Shu: An excited man she met, he loves applying alchemy to his every day life. Maemi enjoys listening to him talk about what chemicals to put together such and such. She admires his intellect. @Masterman120
  • Myla Reyner: An overly nice Isldar woman Maemi met, she loves how kind and extremely naive Myla is. Often when Maemi sees her she will greet her with a hug or by exclaiming her name. @Isldar
  • Tao Shu: Zhao's older brother who Maemi giggles a lot about, his maturity level is far greater than her own and his seriousness makes her laugh. Tao has an adorable Candlemouse named Avocado and Maemi admires the amount of effort he put into his beard as well. @NariTheKamikaze
  • Faye Cassarina: A currently missing Isldar who she misses dearly, Faye was a close friend of hers and Maemi hopes to see her again at some point. Wherever Faye went or even if she died, Maemi hopes that Faye is at peace. @Isldar
  • Viktor Sorensen: Big scary guy she is very much afraid of. @Chaosive
  • Meia Cassarina: Someone Maemi really appreciates knowing, Meia's forwardness and attitude are kind of refreshing for her. It's nice knowing someone like Meia, keeps things interesting. @Hatobito
  • Joseph Marinii: New guy she met briefly, she sees him as a lady charmer based on how he spoke to Meia, but sees him as a good person overall. @tin77
  • Dexter O'Keefe: Maemi often calls him "big dummy" and is frustrated by his angry attitude and brutishness, though she can see he was once a really nice person based on how he talks to some people. She really wishes that they could be friends. @ShovelAilor
  • Morty Mort: The man who saved her from being kidnapped once upon a time, she is in debt to him and kind of sees him as a walking miracle. He is a walking hunk of scar tissue and has been injured sooo many times.
  • Arl Faerie: A shendar whom she misses greatly, wondering if he will ever come back to Regalia. Though hoping he is safe and happy somewhere.
  • Lucinda Sontoya: A woman she barely knows, though Maemi admires how tough and strong Luci is. Though prefers not to use her as a role model based on a few things. @GryffindorGirl13
  • Hogger: Personal trainer dude, taught her entire body training exercises. Also crushed her in massive hug, she will totally hug him again though. Her favourite Orc thus far. @NChullingeth
  • Ryfon Da'Pihuya: Orc-Imprinted Avanthar who she totally hugged just for the fun of it, he also defended her at one point. She hopes to see him around again sometime. @Wolf_Cobra

Life Story


  • Maemi was born to Animaya and Kalhiro Takashi within a small home located in the Holy a City of Regalia. The Chi'en that were her parents, had immigrated to Regalia to live there because of its safety.
  • Growing up, she loved playing games with her parents. Loving playing hide and seek with them and enjoying when her mother sang to her. Often times her mother would sing her to sleep. Her father would be the one to hug her and comfort her when she would be made fun of for her golden eyes.
  • Her parents taught her to love who she is, and always told her to love all of creation even if it is an evil person. Saying that all life is important and should not be wasted needlessly. They taught her that if she ever sees an animal abused it means that they will turn into a very evil person.
  • One day when she was five years old, she left to go to the park and play with the flowers and look for bunnies. Her parents were at home asleep having gotten done with the days chores. While she was there, she fell asleep with a bunny in her arms and laying in the flowers. During that time a robber came in, while they were looting, Maemi's dad tried to fight him off. The robber got scared and stabbed her father in the chest, when Animaya walked in and saw this. She screamed for help and looked around for Maemi to try and escape with her and found not a trace of her, while she was looking, the robber killed Animaya.
  • When Maemi sleepily walked in through the door, she saw her parents laying there motionless and blood had pooled around them. Never having been taught death, she said they were just in a deep sleep that her father had told her about. A neighbor looked in one day and saw an emaciated girl starving slowly to death with two rotting corpses laying on the ground. Maemi was taken away from the house by Guards and was adopted by another family.
  • Her new parents and family took good care of her and cherished her, within a few years, they decided to ship her off to the Academy of Biology so she can begin schooling.


  • While in the School, she was fairly young but that was good, young children learn easier and quicker than any adult. Maemi learned fairly quickly about Biology, studying the aspects and basics of it for a few years. She told the professors that she wished to focus on humans and healing for than anything.
  • With her young mind she was able to soak up information like a sponge, she exceeded in her teachings when she matured a little more. Her love of life and other humans drove her in her teachings. It made her happy to learn about anatomy. Though it did kind of freak her out when blood and gore was involved.
  • It was tough for her at times, realizing she had lived with rotting corpses and hating the idea of it. Learning about the human anatomy just put things in clearer perspective.


  • Up to her years becoming a scholar in Biology, it was fairly difficult for her learning about all of that. Though she managed, it was hard for her to grasp certain aspects of the teachings. She was still fascinated by how complex human bodies were and how everything worked together to make such a being.
  • Her appreciation with life grew and grew, the more she learned the more she loved every single being. Every race mattered to her at that point. After a few more years, she decided she had enough for then. Deciding to return home to her adopted family.
  • When she got there though, the house they had lived in was completely abandoned and no one was anywhere to be found. Maemi wasn't sure what had happened, though that was when she left for the Sewers. Hating how complex and confusing the upworld life was, she decided to put her skills to use in the sewers.
  • Maemi was one day grabbed, hit in the head, and getting dragged away. While she was getting dragged through the Sewer Tunnels, Morticai stabbed her kidnapped in the side having seen Maemi bleeding from the head. Then grabbing her and carrying her to the Tavern. Ever since that day, she was grateful to him.
  • In the present, she has made a few friends in the Sewers. It is fairly interesting down in the tunnels, especially with so much danger. You just have to be careful, she thinks a lot.

Maemi's Life Chronicles

  • One day on a bright summer afternoon, a four year old Chi was enraged at a fifteen year old boy for hurting a bunny. He was laughing at how completely non-threatening she was. Just about as harmless as the bunny he injured. So she exclaimed in her little kid voice, "Momma says people who hurt animals are bad people!" and started hitting him in the stomach with her palms weakly. Not hurting him a tad. So he lifted his foot and kicked her in the stomach, a grown Orc walking by happened to see him kicking the small Chi onto her bottom. The boy snickered while tears began to run down her cheeks, the Orc stepped right up behind the boy and growled. "You hurt child," the Orc grumbles at the boy and he whirls around to face a massive Orc. He stumbles over his words and like the coward he was, he ran away. Maemi was on the ground sniffling, rubbing her eyes and squinting up at the big old Orc. He reached down and stood her up, giving her a lil pat on the head. She stopped being sad instantly and gave the Orc a hug. That's where she gets her love of Orcs from, a little childhood memory.
  • A throwing knife buries itself into the wall next to Maemi's face, her eyes widening and then she exclaims, "I am not for target practice!" at the drunken lady throwing knives at her. When the drunkard reaches for her other knife, Maemi ducks behind a table and grumbles. Folding her arms and pouting, every single day something like this happens. She grabs the frying pan sitting on the pack of some man adjacent to her. "I'm just borrowing this for a minute or two," she says softly and then gripping it by the handle and peeking over the table. Now the drunkard had started to amuse herself by aiming at some young lass at the bar. Maemi tip toed over, frying pan in hand and ready. As she approached the drunkard was raising her arm and laughing maniacally at her own drunken jokes she was making. Now she raised the pan over her head and slammed it down onto the skull of the drunkard lady. The woman staggered and then fell onto her back, out cold. Maemi stomped her foot and went, "Hmph, that's what you get for using me as a bullseye,".
  • Maemi was sitting by the little campfire thingy, just quietly minding her own business and thinking to herself. Heavy thudding footsteps came on up and she cranes her head to peer to the side. It was kind of dark so she could barely see who or what was on it's way. Maemi proceeded to stand up as a Half-Orc stepped on out and looked over at her. She tilted her head and said warily, "Hi there," and got only a grunt in reply. Smiling nervously and trying to inconspicuously gather her things she says, "I was just on my way--" and getting cut off by the Half-Orc scooping her onto his shoulder. Maemi gasps in surprise and says nervously, "How about we go about this way like Civilized people?" and he shakes his head saying, "Mine,". Her eyes widen and she says a little louder, "Nononono, put me down, you're being all caveman, stop-" and getting cut off but this time by a blow to the head. She goes limp on his shoulder and he carries her along without further resistance. A certain walking hunk of scar tissue spots the pair going along and sees the blood dripping from Maemi's face. Deciding to step in, he draws his blade and orders the Half-Orc to drop her. He growls in response and keeps walking, in return Morty stabs him in the side and the hafling drops Maemi onto the ground. Deciding to leave it, the Half-Orc stalks away bleeding like a stuck pig. That's how Morty Mort spared her from being thrown into the unknown.

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Arl Faerie: A shendar whom she misses greatly, wondering if he will ever come back to Regalia. Though hoping he is safe and happy somewhere.
lol he mad dead
Zhao Shu: An excited man she met, he loves applying alchemy to his every day life. Maemi enjoys listening to him talk about what chemicals to put together such and such. She admires his intellect.
he's much more than excited ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hooray I was mentioned!
Review incoming.
@Altalar My sole review point is that all Intellect Schools have a minimum age of 14, should would need to be 22 to be at a Scholar Level.
They would have needed to be studying for 8 years to reach that level. Not possible, the maximum number of years is 6 and that is the Student level. Please make the needed edit.