A madwoman came to shore! Came to the shore of Ellador!
Clad and leather, won't someone grab the teather?
Her eye as fiery as the mind of fury!
That woman coming at the shore, at the shore of Ellador.
A madwoman! A fiend! Coming to the shore, the shore of Ellador!
She passes by us like the dirt, the dirt beneath her feet.
Her gaze cold, blazing cold as we have been told
Heading for the mountain, the mountain to men, of which is bane.
A fiendish woman came to shore, the shore of Ellador!
We plead to the woman approaching the shore, the shore of Ellador.
We beg with cries "Oh woman! Thou whom encroach upon our shore, turn away for the mountain be of gore!"
"Stay upon the shore, the shore of Ellador, where y' beauty can stay upon the shore, the shore, the shore of Ellador!"
The woman never turned her face, that face filled with anger an' beauty! More beauty we've ever seen! We ever did see on the shore, the shore of Ellador!
This woman driven by madness trudges through the mountains, there we can see if her blood stains.
This we warn, so she may stay upon the shores of Ellador, snow whiter than beautiful Isldar locks! Our food and mead fill our stocks! We never understand why the woman wanted to leave the shore, the shore of Ellador.
We weep and cry as the woman did leave the shore, the shore of Ellador.
She trudged to the mountain, the mountain where man feel pain! Oh why did you ever leave the shore?
Wolves we shouted! Wolves most dire, yet she never listened to our crier.
She shouted, her voice as beautiful as the beauty of Ellea! "Never do stop me from leaving the shore, the shore of Ellador. For the great spirit shall embrace lest I die, for I die worthy of Human Fate!"
With her venomous words of Unionist filth, for she left the shore of Ellador believing in another life.
The woman leaving the shore, the shore of Ellador haven't returned.
A woman so beautiful, worthy as a bride! Waste of life, to the north she did ride!
We shant dwell, we move along with the toll of the bell.
Everything was peaceful upon the shore, the shore of Ellador.

((Thank you for reading I suppose? I like writing poetry, might not be the best poetry, but it was fun writing this!))