Preserved Sheet Madetirre Du Citulor

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The Insane
Mar 30, 2020
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Madetirre du Citulor
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Breizh Woaden Ailor
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Mace
Inventory Information
  • Waterskin canteen
  • Regal pouch
  • Bread rations
Skill Information

Total Points: 31
  • 11 Shielding Combat
  • 20 Blunt Combat
  • 10 Dancing Arts (Hobby Points)
Body Shape
  • 36 Physical Stat (11 Shielding, 20 Blunt, 5 Dancing Arts)
  • Athletic
  • Average
  • Common (Learned through childhood)
  • Picaron (Learned through childhood)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Basic Information

  • [*]She was born in Regalia, finishing her training of a Viridian Knight. After officially being indoctrinated as a Viridian Knight, she still stays in her quarters, ready to serve at any moment for Regalia.

    [*]Her family grew up wealthy, her father being a wealthy tradesman who sells and trades all over Regalia. As he was gone frequent, he seemed to know how to play his cards right, leaving enough for his mother to be well off while alone at frequent times. They were deeply in love, and no distance seemed to make her unfaithful.

    [*]As now a Viridian Knight, she seeks to make his family proud while serving, never hesitating to uphold honor for the order.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Hair Style: Side Swept, long, curly
  • Skin Color: Light Skinned
  • Clothing: Heavy plate armor when serving, or some loose fitting and comfortable tunic.
  • Height: 5'8

Personality and Abilities

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • She's very expressive for happiness, showing a wide grin and and laughing deeply. She's not afraid to make her existence known. She's boisterous, and and even a bit outgoing around the right crowd, doing her best to soak in what life has to offer.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Despite her very boasty attitude, she would seem like that of a coward, cowering in fear as she's got a fear for animals and even afraid to fight sometimes. She would feel her knees buckle as she wouldn't know what to do, her mind clouding up.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • She would let this get to her head, often making her frustrated and angry sometimes. She would find herself trying to let off steam through training, closing herself off from others in order to not weight people down. She would get a lot more secluded, often slipping away from crowds and focusing on herself instead.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • She has a very high regard for law and authorities, being well aware of the laws and doing her best to show respect for them and other authorities.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • She has a bit of a disliking towards any and all Kathars and Vampires, but she seems in denial of this. As much as she tries to be not show any racism towards them, she feels disgusted in their presence.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • She believes in Unionism deeply, and has a great disgust towards anything that isn't Unionism, not afraid to start preaching about her religion if someone tries to believe in something outside of it.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • She has no connection to it, but feels it's proof that the Spirit is all around her, seeming intrigued when coming across it. As she might not be able to use it, she holds those in high regard for those who do.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • She loves his family deeply, but despite being sent to the Viridian Order, she makes sure to stay in contact as much as he can. She feels like being apart of the Viridian Order makes them proud of her.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Making it into the Viridian Order, doing her best to hold the Code of Ehrenhof, as his training made him feel she's prepared for anything.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Doing her best to keep Regalia in peace, fighting for it and fighting for her other knights in the order. She finds being a knight all more reason to keep going, and feels special in a way. Her knighthood gives her a sense of pride that she likes to show off a bit.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Being afraid to fight if her life is in danger, as she finds herself nervous before battles, afraid she'll never be good enough as others in the order and that she's dead weight. That and if her sex will make her 'unworthy' or not as strong as a male.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • She's afraid she might not be able to protect her team, like she might be a waste of space on the Viridian Knights. Like she's not good enough for them, despite how much effort she puts into training.

Life Story

Madetirre was born in Regalia, her family being a very wealthy merchant who sold very stylish furs for other nobles. As she grew up, she became curious about jobs and asked her parents about some as she was young. Talking to people at a rather young age, she managed to inquire about being a Viridian Knight, telling her father of her decision. It took her a few months to ponder, and she eventually let Arailee pursue his dream of being a knight. They made sure to visit her as much as they could, sometimes every 2-4 weeks. She worked her hardest during her years to gain strength.

Throughout her training, she found the mace to be her weapon of choice, with that of a shield. She seemed to grow up rather quick, doing her best to train herself. But, she found herself challenged. Was this really what she wanted to be? Could she be as great of a knight as she wished to be? Do people hate her? She doubted herself for quite a bit while training, but she seemed encouraged by those who grew up with her, trying to fight against her self esteem. She trained rather often in her room in hopes to catch up with those of her group, seeming to be that of a late bloomer.

As she graduated, she felt a sense of accomplishment as she was now more or less comfortable with her newfound skills. But among her indoctrination into the Viridian order, she's come across things she's felt uncomfortable with and finds doing her job a bit difficult to perform. Mainly pertaining to those of Kathars. She knows the laws and how it's right to feel as if they are nothing, but she feels as if she shouldn't feel that way, but she does dislike them. He can't seem to warm up to them, or be nice to them, but she deep down feels bad about how she's treated them. She's put himself into many situations where she feels she should do something, but ends up just watching them suffer, being indecisive on what she should do regarding them.

Now, as a 26 year old Ailor, Madetirre feels a little more comfortable with her job. Her ideals seemed torn, as she often wonders if she's doing the right thing or wrong thing. But, she feels her own personal beliefs don't matter, and the law is far more important. She's a knight after all, and that comes first. She finds himself gravitating to those in her group, trying her best to fit in so he's not lonely, and finding joy in her job. Arailee tries her best in order to show her parents she can be what she's strived for, and show her and everyone else around him that this is who she is. No one else.
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Please specify that these are Hobby Points.

Basic Information
  • She was born in Regalia, finishing her training of a Viridian Knight. After officially being indoctrinated as a Viridian Knight, she still stays in her quarters, ready to serve at any moment for Regalia.
  • Her family grew up wealthy, her father being a wealthy tradesman who sells and trades all over Regalia. As he was gone frequent, he seemed to know how to play his cards right, leaving enough for his mother to be well off while alone at frequent times. They were deeply in love, and no distance seemed to make her unfaithful.
  • As now a Viridian Knight, she seeks to make his family proud while serving, never hesitating to uphold honor for the order.
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Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • She's very expressive for happiness, showing a wide grin and and laughing deeply. She's not afraid to make her existence known.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Despite her very boasty attitude, she would seem like that of a coward, cowering in fear as she's got a fear for animals and even afraid to fight sometimes.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • She would let this get to her head, often making her frustrated and angry sometimes. She would find herself trying to let off steam through training.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • She has a very high regard for law and authorities, being well aware of the laws and doing her best to show respect for them and other authorities.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • She has a bit of a disliking towards any and all Kathars and Vampires, but she seems in denial of this. As much as she tries to be not show any racism towards them, she feels disgusted in their presence.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • She believes in Unionism deeply, and has a great disgust towards anything that isn't Unionism, not afraid to start preaching about her religion if someone tries to believe in something outside of it.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • She has no connection to it, but feels it's proof that the Spirit is all around her, seeming intrigued when coming across it. As she might not be able to use it, she holds those in high regard for those who do.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • She loves his family deeply, but despite being sent to the Viridian Order, she makes sure to stay in contact as much as he can. She feels like being apart of the Viridian Order makes them proud of her.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Making it into the Viridian Order, doing her best to hold the Code of Ehrenhof, as his training made him feel she's prepared for anything.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Doing her best to keep Regalia in peace, fighting for it and fighting for her other knights in the order.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Being afraid to fight if her life is in danger, as she finds herself nervous before battles, afraid she'll never be good enough as others in the order and that she's dead weight.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • She's afraid she might not be able to protect her team, like she might be a waste of space on the Viridian Knights. Like she's not good enough for them, despite how much effort she puts into training.
Please try and keep these responses to a minimum of two sentences each. Expand upon the shorter ones.

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Please specify that these are Hobby Points.

Please place optional information within a spoiler to keep the app from getting too cluttered.

Please try and keep these responses to a minimum of two sentences each. Expand upon the shorter ones.

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I have not a clue if I did it right, but I tried.