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Madame Amaryllis' Musings #4: Marble Halls And Dancing Hearts


Sep 9, 2015
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[!] Once more, the streets flooded with scrappy orphans who dashed from grouping to grouping on the streets, handing out little pamphlets of Madame Amaryllis' flowery writings to every good looking commoner they could find. As always, every single member of the noble peerage was privy to a private copy of their own, delivered to the doorstep of their estate.






Dear readers,

I proudly write to you all the heart shaking and eye jolting paper that no other than I, Madame Aster Amaryllis, can deliver to you! Whose eyes had been gravely blunder by the amount of attention she had given to the amount of luscious action she had witnessed! I seek doctors now that specialize in eye sight. Nevertheless, I devote this entire paper to The Seasons of Change Gala for the stories told this night deserves its special spotlight given by the gracious Madame Amaryllis. The night of April 4th, was a joyous time for the noble attendances, for everyone that night found themselves lost in a tradition as old as time itself! - the artform of dance.

Even I, Madame Amaryllis, found herself pulled in and for that, she apologizes for the lack of admiration and attention she should have given to the scrumptious peerage! Despite such, Madame Amaryllis is a great listener and had devoted her time, her mind, and her soft fingers to dig up stories that she did not see herself. I'd first to call attention to the Mistresses of the Halls: Duchess Fabienne du Poncaire and Countess Rowena Bancroft. For them united had brought this wondrous night to everyone to enjoy. This hosting goes beyond just drawing together a date for a gala.

They had organized the noble houses into the seasons that suit them beautifully, orchestrated the Imperial Hall into four marvelous displays of the seasons, arranged beautiful music to lose ourselves into, and were gracious hosts to everyone who had attended the Gala till the end!

Let us also give our graceful thank yous to His Imperial Holiness for welcoming us into the Imperial Palace for such a grand Gala to happen.

First, the Eyes

First dances are always causing aches! I'd know a thing or two about aches, do believe me reader. Nothing quite ever prepares a dancer: well-versed or new, to a ballroom - to a Gala. They're always new faces, always new topics to discuss, and always eyes on the dancers! My curious and patient reader, Madame Amaryllis's eyes were here and there even if she may had been quite distracted by the food and drink..

I advise you reader to sit down and fetch a butcher to ready yourself a drink. Get comfortable and cozy, indulge yourself as you read what the peerage had found themselves into at the Gala!

The ocean persists through all the seasons. A strong constant that'll remain and a matter that'll always be loved by some. Jarl Ardige Viduggla and Sol-Ëss Laerilas Valloaan, as they danced like the constant beat of the sea, reminded me of that. A well-seasoned sailor and elegant dancer leading the beauty of the summer sea itself. A well matched dance that speaks to me how extraordinary two people who may share some differences can sync well together in a dance. Even their outfits pair off each other well, dear reader! The gorgeous mix of purple and coral blue, against teal-ish blue of breaking waves! A picture-perfect mix of winter and summer.

Guava sweet and kiwi cute, the clash of spring and summer gifts us plentifully with fruits to enjoy in a beautiful splash of colors. The warmth of these two seasons brings the best out in us as I admired such sunlight along the ballroom. My sweetie and cutie orange reader, the elegant and poise on the ballroom floor between this clash! - oh, what a show! Ever formal and respectful was Baron Saren Metz-Hotep with the spring beauty, Lady Elewisa Peirgarten. Both being remarkable dancers, the twirls and spins they did upon the marble floor reminded me as a colorful fruity tropical paradise wrapped splendidly!

Dear reader, have you ever seen a joyous memory in the making of two others? Two strangers to you - who're enjoying the best wonders of life together. To you, dear reader, you're the background character in a novel of life. I was one as well, to Jarl Godrun Nordhjem and Lady Tanja von Schwarzkrau, blessed to have watched such a genuine and delicate dance between a handsome gentleman and a beautiful lady. The Lady laughed, such a raw and true emotion to see - a laughter of enjoyment, of joy, and of honesty to witness as they both shared that happiness together.

A match I had not expected would always catch my eye, dear reader, a meeting between summer and winter like none other! Similar to a polar bear enjoying a coconut drink with a curly pink straw attached to it. The lively and bountiful shine of Baroq Saranamual with the vigorous and strong Baron Trajan Novak met on the ballroom floor. A wondrous lead with an equally talented follow through the standard Regalian ballroom waltz, it was a very formal concoction! Like a good old-fashioned before an important business evening.

There was a time in our youth where we started to ask small questions, like: why the sky is blue or why do we fall? We begin to see the world around us. My experience was noticing the green and orange leaves of the changing seasons matched together so well on the ground. I watched as they twirled from the trees above me, such beauty I saw in nature was gifted to me once again. Countess Haeddi van Hal and Baroness Joanna von Duerr, the bright look of autumn and purity of spring. I could tell both were excited as one was smiling and one was quite sweaty. I quite liked this dancing pair for the first round!

Second, the Heart

Swayed around the peerage were after the first set of dances, dear reader! Mixed and braided together like readied sweet bread, but not quite ready to serve. Many dancers were ever more eager to mingle, I noted many more outstanding dances this time around: I tried to limit myself as poor Madame Amaryllis needs new glasses - however I couldn't help myself to write several about so many juicy stories I saw!

Do you think a different song plays from the orchestra in the minds of two lovers? Sharing another night of dance that they had done so many times in the past - yet still holding that same passion they had always shared. The spark and passion that speaks of spring; revival, new, and fresh! I saw it, curious reader. That being Duke Rodrigo Peirgarten and Duchess Amelina Peirgarten in his arms, dancing around the hall as they found themselves lost in their own world. Such a strong and beautiful pair for many years, enjoying their night together at the Gala as any other.

Sweet and beautiful reader, if you saw not one but two gorgeous people walk by, would you not take another glance their way? Would you not take yet another glance if these two exquisite women perform a mesmerizing display of their footwork, their pose, and their smiles? Two talented dancers: Duchess Tuija Nordhjem and Lirh Lorraine du Poncaire, had me stealing glances their way. Such unity in their steps and confidence radiating off one another. Who wouldn't love dancing with someone that can match their skill? Let them both shine off each other!

Dear reader, let us take a short break. Continue on if you wish to find your name or indulge your fantasy in the wonderful and enriching life of the peerage. I wish to tell my ever so curious reader about my dance!

My step forward in Regalia is unique to my own. Such awe and child-like joy lasted a month after I landed. I had rarely found happiness since. My writing of my joy to you all, is my happiness! However, at that moment when I was lifted to see those around me that I so warmly wrote about.

I felt a buzzing happiness in my heart. I wonder if my mysterious dancer partner will realize they had caught my heart at that moment!

Fabulous, fascinating, fashionable, fun-loving and ever so funny. Duke Florian du Poncaire and Duchess Fabienne du Poncaire always catch my eyes wherever they go. Who couldn't help but turn to look in jaw-dropping awe at two charming individuals, whose shines shimmers from the insides-out! Seeing the ever happy pair mix their dancing styles on the floor: from open and expressive, to reserved and personal. The transition between such styles takes more than just talent. No, dear reader, it takes a connection to flow so smoothly. An admirable pair and my favorite dancing couple for this dance.

Chess is a rather intense sport, as it tests the skill of the mind. As I noticed those around me enjoying the pleasures of a simple waltz, through the beauty I saw the intensity between Baron Avox Petrou and Count Alastair Mac Conall in their heated chess game. White and black, I saw the checker pattern on the ground as they moved. Sweet reader, you may just assume they were dancing - but no! I saw the ever strong confidence of Count Mac Conall in just his smile and the cleverness of Baron Petrou calculating his moves to catch the Count by surprise! Despite such intense tension, dear reader, I knew they were having fun!

A natural beauty and sturdy as a pair of hundred year old oak trees that branches high above the ground through all seasons. Two mighty oaks that still stand strong, rooted to their homeland proudly. Firm and strong, I saw these grand beauties of oaks in Countess Aleksandra Dragic and Baroness Antoinette Dragic. Uniformed and gorgeously in sync, it reminds me of that saying "two peas in a pod"! Perfectly complemented to one another as their branches danced in their autumn waltz.

Third, the Soul

Now baked and ready to be served, our beautiful warm loaves of pretty braided bread sit ready for their final performance.

Dear reader, as I took to the sides for this final dance. I saw His Imperial Highness, Prince Duncan Kade, in the crowds! How humbly blessed I am to have been honored with his presence! Sweet reader, that night I truly saw the shine of many individuals of the fine peerage.

Such shine nearly blinds me! Thankfully, I still can see my typewriter that misses a few keys in front of me to finish my writings for you all!

I knew from the moment I walked into the hall, there was one who I wished to see tonight in their uppermost known grace and beauty. I wondered if this graceful noblewoman would receive an equal match to her - and oh reader, such a match was given! The dance shared by Baroness Morgana de Azcoissia and Baron Rhion Bancroft reminded me of the grace of a summer butterfly resting their wings on a sweet pea flower and as joyous as the excitement a hawk flying through the warm air would feel. Baron Bancroft showed such elegance and adroitness in dance, it made both partners equally shine in their own right.

Joyous reader, I adore nothing more than to see happiness around me. The sight of seeing two happy noblewomen sharing a slow and relaxing waltz after many excitable dances speaks a true connection to me. Beyond a simple waltz, I saw genuine peace shared between Countess Rowena Bancroft and Baroness Medea Galenea as the world continued around them. Such soothing grace in their simplest waltz is a sight to recognize and admire between two stunning women of the peerage.

I enjoy the pleasures of written stories, novels crafted with such care that allows us readers to visualize in our minds what they envisioned. A brush of a summer yellow caught my eye before my mind developed a novel-like story before me. Marquis Harta Diahcinta and Lord Aaro Abansaddi with their slow Regalian-style waltz along the outskirts of the active crowd. Along the outskirts brings more space for the exceptional Marquis to spin the handsome Lord around freely! Cheerly they enjoyed the warm changes each season brings us with each step and spin.

From winter blooms spring, and with spring comes the gift of an aromatic season gifted to us. However, my duckling reader, winter also gives us the most beautiful flowers that endure the harsh cold. The Regalian Primroses whose pearly white petals outshine the crystal snow, matches quite well with the spring White Anemones. Lady Genvieve Howlester and Lord Leopold von Schwarzkrau performed a classical Gallovian dance routine, intricately performed that matches similarly to their sturdy yet delicate flower counterparts!

Many beautifully performed dances together done at the Gala, however there this one dance caught my eye as we begin to draw the curtains close for tonight. Sol-Maëss Xaella Mailaan and Lord Laurent Bancroft's dance began later than the others, but still caught my glued open eyes! The beauty of Sol-Maëss Mailaan struck me, reader! From her very poise, confidence, fashion and beautiful tall height! Curious reader, I wonder if Lord Bancroft was in much awe as I was! Lord Bancroft impressed me as well with the elegance of his lead and confidence he radiated through their dance. Such charm from the nobleman must had left a good impression as I noted it left Sol-Maëss Mailaan with a bright smile!

Concluding, the Body

My favorite and beloved reader, there were many great dances through the night of the Gala. Although I did not fill this pamphlet with more countless stories that I observed, do know that I adored having the honor of watching the peerage enjoy their night and if you did not see your name - know that the loving Madame Amaryllis still cares for you.

At the end of the Season of Changes Gala, Mistresses of the Halls: Duchess Fabienne du Poncaire and Countess Rowena Bancroft, brought praise to the wonderfully fashioned peerage. Madame Amaryllis has her own picks that she'd like to award their creativity to:

⊱ Baroness Morgana de Azcoissia

⊱ A remarkable gown to match her grace and beauty!

⊱ Countirh Humaria di Civita and Baroq Emilienne di Civita

⊱ Always impressing with their vibrant colour palettes and very eye-catching outfits. They always outdo their past outfits!

⊱ Duke Florian du Poncaire

⊱ Regalia's Heartthrob never disappoints, demonstrating once again by the beautiful cape he dons!

⊱ Baron Saren Metz-Hotep

⊱ A secretive charismatic man always have a unique charm.

⊱ Marquis Harta Diahcinta and Baroq Saranamual

⊱ Summer-themed matching outfits! Very charming!

⊱ Baroness Aurora Litvinova

⊱ Baroness Litvinova exemplifies her exquisite Szabadok-traditional gown to the Gala, an outfit that always drew my eye!

⊱ Duke Howland von Schwarzkrau

⊱ He always makes green look good.

⊱ Countirh Akurgal Abansaddi

⊱ Their eyes and outfit shine like a summer gem to me.

And the honor of knowing that Madame Amaryllis quite fancy their well-crafted outfit goes to Sol-Ëssl Laerilas Valloaan! From the moment Sol-Ëss Valloaan walked into the Imperial Hall, I knew his outfit was my favorite with the beauty of the sea-form blue he wore!

Duchess Fabienne du Poncaire and Baroness Rowena Bancroft also presented The Hearts of the Seasons! Those who had won their dance partners with their shining awe and their talents with dancing!

For Summer, the winner was Baroness Morgana de Azcoissia! Our bright summer, beautiful as a tall sunflower.

For Winter, the winner was revealed to be Lord Ewan Howlester! Handsome as the crisp blanket of snow on an early morning.

For Spring, our winner was Lady Alesia Peirgarten! Even the talented dancer she is, she also is a natural spring beauty.

And for Fall, the winner was Lirh Lorraine du Poncaire! Our gorgeous autumn that impressed us with her skill.

Dear reader, however there was 'The Brightest Heart of All the Seasons', who had truly shown their dance partners the utmost best quality. Baron Saren Metz-Hotep once more, impresses me with how talented and handsome the nobleman truly is!

As Duke Rodderick Howlester ended the Seasons of Change Gala with praise and a round of applause to our Mistresses of the Halls, I'd like to yet once like to thank Duchess Fabienne du Poncaire and Countess Rowena Bancroft for their amazing hosting and planning of this Gala! As always - thank you, sweet reader, for reading my heart-filled paper!

Forevermore graciously yours,
Madame Aster Amaryllis
With a baby on her hip, Amelina moved through the estate, plucking the recent Madame Amaryllis' Musings from the pile of recently delivered news that sat on the table just near the entrance.

"I am sorry, dear Clement, you will have to listen to me musing about gossip," she spoke towards the baby who simply looked up at her with wide hazel eyes, babbling incoherently. Brushing his light brown locks from his face, she sat onto the plush couch and began reading over the most recent missive.

"Oh look, dear Elewisa has been mentioned already," a fond smile spread over her face before she continued glossing over the words, remembering the dance pairings that were mentioned as if she were watching it before her once again.
As she reached the section titled "The Heart" her smile grew twofold as she read over the mention of herself and her beloved husband. "Look, Clement, Mama, and Papa have been mentioned," she spoke softly, raising the paper to show to the child as if he could read.

As if he could sense someone speaking of him, Rodrigo stepped through the entryway, a brow raised as he glanced over his wife attempting to show a baby a gossip column, "Who has mentioned us?" he gruffly asked, stepping behind the couch where the two were seated, leaning over and peering at the paper.
"The Madame Amaryllis has made mention of us in the most recent musings," Amelina spoke, lifting the paper for him to see. Grabbing it he stepped around the couch and sat beside Amelina, his brow furrowed like always as he read.
"For once I agree with the author of this column," he began, looking over towards Amelina, "Being with you is like being lost in my own little world. One look into your eyes and nothing else around me matters. Though I do disagree with one part," he finished.

"Oh? What might that be?" Amelina questioned, a blush creeping onto her cheeks at her husband's words.
"You aren't mentioned once here at the bottom, no special mention," he pointed out.
Amelina shook her head, the smile staying on her lips, "I don't need a special mention, the evening with you was special enough."

Tossing the paper onto the coffee table, Rodrigo plucked little Clement from Amelina's arms, resting him against him as he pulled Amelina into his side, the pair cuddling up with their youngest child, "We will continue to be a strong pair, like this paper says, until our final days," he said, letting the comfortable silence take over the area as they simply enjoyed the presence of each other.

(I am sorry for such a long reply I got inspired)
The Baron Saren Metz-Hotep sat at the table of one of his favorite cafes. Enjoying a nice tea and cookie tray as he read through the latest pamphlet. Tail swishing just a bit more than usual as he enjoyed the latest musings of Madame Amaryllis.


((I did in fact make a silly little doodle for this post))
A young Lirh Abansaddi sat in his estate, reading the musings
"Handsome," he said aloud, "Oh, do go on, Madame Amaryllis. Though the writer seems to be overestimating my dancing abilities."
The Lady von Schwarzkrau sat in the estate's lounge, flipping through a random book with an all too unamused look on her face. When the post was brought in however, the yellowed page of something special caught her eye. Tanja leapt forward, scooping up the thing in her and and ran off to read it in the garden. "B-Background characters... to /us/? My goodness.. I was off in my own little world. Did I.. really seem so happy?" She let out a dreamy sigh, holding the paper to her chest. "Either way.. what a beautiful evening that was..."
Leopold descended the staircase into the von Schwarzkrau estate's foyer & spotted his niece. The stony-faced Knight stood by the couch beside Tanja & squinted at the paper, perusing Madame Amaryllis' musings.

"If it isn't the Belle of the Ball," he grumbled in his low Wirtem tones toward Tanja, though a thin smile played at the corners of his lips. He scanned through the writing himself and, for once, allowed said smile to grow into a wide grin. "I didn't think I could dance!"