Preserved Sheet Mōra | The Glorybird

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Feb 25, 2019
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Mōra'treiel Ravis
    • Aliases: Mōra
  • Age: 147
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Suvail Altalar
  • Preferred Weapon: Light Bow
Skill Information

Total Points: 45 from age, plus 5 bonus, plus 10 Hobby, plus 10 Talent
  • Core Group Proficiencies
    • +5 Light Bow Combat
  • Talent Group Proficiencies
    • +10 Perception Training (10 from Talent Points)
    • +6 Vocal Singing
  • Hobby Group Proficiencies
    • +10 Cooking Art (5 from Hobby Points, 5 from Racial Boost)
    • +5 Baking Art (from Hobby Points)
    • +5 Fabric Art
    • +5 Writing Art
    • +2 Dancing Art
  • Point Buy Group
    • +12 Sorcery Points
    • +15 Arcanology Points
      • Artifact Knowledge
      • Ward Knowledge
      • Essence Knowledge
      • Arken Knowledge
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 5 (from Light Bow Combat) + 1 (from Dancing Art) = 6
  • Body Shape: Slim
  • Body Fat: Extremely Low
  • Common
  • Modern Altalar
  • Middle Altalar
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Altalar Racials
    • Unwritten Ability | Dravinda's Blessing
    • Patron Ability | Sei-Maan's Craft (Inactive)
  • Werebeastism Fusions
    • Wisdom of the Raprann
    • Sharpsight of the Hawk
    • Poise of the Heron
    • Song of the Glorybird
  • Sorcery Spells | 4 Levels of Lightness Sorcery
    • Healing Grace [Ability]
    • Cast Away Impurity [Ability]
    • Burn the Unburned [Ability]
    • Bathe in the Light [Ability]
    • Hope's Beacon [Aesthetic]
    • Orb in the Darkness [Aesthetic]
    • Light's Sustenance [Aesthetic]
    • Light in Home [Aesthetic]
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Beige, Bordering Yellow
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Long Elven
  • Skin Color: Dark
  • Clothing: Suvail Robes
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Character Alignment
    • Lawful-Neutral
      • Perhaps once goodly in their inclinations, Mōra's affliction with lycanthropy has morphed them into someone perhaps more selfish than most. Law, however, remains a very firm part of their personality, so long as it is their own law. They believe that it is the role of the Exist to put the Void into place, just as it is the role of the werebeast to put the vampires in their's.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTJ
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel (4/10), Unaligned Exist Worship (6/10)
      • Once devoted to Estel and her Pantheon, Mōra has now drifted further and further from that in her werebeast infection in favour of more direct worship of the Exist. He believes Estel to be an Avatar of the Exist, and holds some respect for her, but will not keep himself tied down, finding freedom in his affliction.
Life Story
  • Born in the Suvail Isles, most of Mōra's upbringing was spent in the city of Uttrasamëla in Avela Monvarindra.
  • His parents were intellectuals, more focused in their studies (as most were) than raising their son. He was rather young when he was sent to a Salaan School to study abroad, in the homelands of his mother: Avela Astradhani.
  • Arriving in the city of Alajaëstannal, Mōra began learning the basics of history (something that developed into a bit of an obsession later in life), and whatever else was required of them.
  • Alongside the more mundane studies came his tutoring in magic. Under one of the teachers at the Salaan, he picked up a knack for Lightness Sorcery.
  • In his spare time, cooking grew to become a pastime. Whenever the books were open to study, the pots and pans came quickly behind. There was a certain tranquility to the cooking, and the act of one occasionally brought inspiration to the other.
  • As he grew in age, visits to the temples of Estel grew more frequent, spurred on by his deeper ventures into Est'allorn history and his growing faith. The whispers from the Dread Empire that lingered so close were something that scared the young elf, and the temple was where he found some peace in the grace of the All-Mother.
  • Friendships came and went, until eventually time came for his graduation from his basic studies.
  • His parents wasted no time afterwards, already having a family in mind to marry their son off into. At the age of 25, the Suvail entered his Vivaa'le Pavitraë, marrying to a Neflin from the next city over: Paëttala.
  • The partnership was amicable, and the parents of both sides were pleased with the acquired ties. From here, Mōra began to continue his studious side, delving into more and more arcane knowledge in the field of Arcanology.
  • The arts and culture of his people sunk in deeper and deeper during his time in Paëttala, adopting more hobbies rather than just cooking to occupy his time.
  • Life continued outside of his marriage, with he and his wife finding themselves partners born of something more than what they shared.
  • In 281AC came the first of the Void Outs that caused so much calamity to his home city. Thankfully on a trip to visit his parents in Uttrasamëla, Mōra escaped just about unavoidable desolation. However, his wife and household were not quite so lucky, being torn to shreds by the bombardment.
  • Travelling back to the ruins, he began to doubt the words of Estel, mumbling damnations to himself as he watched the smouldering pit that was his home.
  • In the destruction of the city, Mōra was unwillingly captured and converted to the Werebeast curse. Indoctrinated by these peoples, his faith began to shift towards extremism.
  • From here onwards, Mōra supported the werebeasts in their battle against the vampires in search of freedom from their enslavement, whilst also seeking vengeance upon the Kathar that had devastated their homelands.
  • Mōra continued operations here until the next Void Out that struck the Island forced him to flee. Racing towards a fleeing boat, they eventually found themselves landed in the Regalian Archipelago.
  • The Suvail wandered from town-to-town, picking up rumours on activity of fellow Werebeasts. The trail eventually led him to Regalia, where he seeks to group up with their kins fellows, from both sides.