Preserved Sheet Médard Nicodéme Du Mont-seint-lucia

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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Art I - Art II

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Médard Nicoméde of Mt. St. Lucia.
  • Age: Forty-Six.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor Leutz-Vixe.

Skill Information

  • 46 Proficiency Points (-10 from School of Sancella) 36 to spend.
    • +16 Unionist Seminary (+10 From School, +6 From Points)
    • +10 Commanding Speech (+10 From School)
    • +20 Diplomacy (+20 From Points)
    • +10 Nelfin History (+10 From Points)
  • 46 Culture Points.
    • +20 Stage Performance (+10 From School, +10 From Points)
    • +10 Poetry (+10 From Points)
    • +10 Literature (+10 From Points)
    • +10 Painting (+10 From Points)
    • +6 Vocal Singing (+6 From Points)
  • Known Languages.
    • Leutz-Vixe (10 - Native Tongue)
    • Modern Elvish (8 - Years of Study)
    • Imperial Elvish (6 - misinterpretation)
    • Common (Fluent)
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: A deep, rich, brown.
  • Hair Colour: Dull ginger.
  • Hairstyle: Short length, neatly styled hair, with visible stubble.
  • Skin Colour: Lightly tanned, with a pink undertone.
  • Clothing: Priestly clothing, made of deep red silks with a skull-cap atop his head.
  • Body Build: Average

Personality & Abilities

How do others perceive Médard?
Médard is perceived often, as a patient, and withheld individual. His short shuffling strides and methodically timed motions often give off an air of thoughtfulness to the man, along with a sense of pensiveness. The priest can come across as narcissistic, and endearing when in the presence of smallfolk, or common men, lowly and bondsman like when in the presence of his betters. The priest's expression is often narrowed, and perceptive to its surroundings, shifting with the changing motions of a room, much to the notice of a keen eye.

How does Médard feel?
Médard is often haunted by his loss at the Undercrown Diet of 305AC., having led a successful and fruitful life as a Secular Statesman, alongside his duties as High Reverend, up until this point. The man's abrupt planning beyond this point drives a nail through his heart and often motivates him to be more careful in his actions. Furthermore, Médard often feels a longing to rekindle with his family, but often finds this conflicts with his urge for political and theological power. He is torn between the broken relationship he bears with his brother and sister, and his lost Secular Offices.

How does Médard act to family and friends?
Médard often acts as a source of knowledge towards those he considers friends, and his close kin. The closest the man can often come to warmth and affection is aiding his loved ones, with the scholarly information, he has to bear. To his close siblings, his sister and brother, Médard show his closest side, often only delving into meaningful familial conversation with the two, despite often neglecting their relationships. Vulmar, Médard's ward, also shares a close spot in his heart, and he often treats him much like a son. Bar these particular cases of familial affection, little else crosses the priest's mind, in terms of his treatment of family.

Médard's morality
Médard has a clear sense of right and wrong, dictated by his time in seminary; despite a knowing of the sins and virtues of the universe, the priest often gives in to his wants, before his morals. When committing an act that might otherwise be considered wholly wrong, Médard is often drawn back by his sense of morality and hindered in the political act he may be enacting. Likewise, when doing something good, that might hinder the politics he has worked so hard upon, the same feeling of hindrance and withdrawal may too appear. An overall sense of neutrality is instilled within the priest due to so many conflicting needs and wants between the spiritual and the stately. Médard due to this reason could be considered a Neutral-Neutral type personality, unpredictable in his inclinations.

Life Story

260 AC - 274 AC Childhood (1-14)
Médard Ravenstad was born 265AC., the second son of lady Constance and lord Rolf Ravenstad-Krier I in the walled city of Vieux-Provence one hallowed summer eve. With only one contending sibling, Bastian Ravenstad who was from a young age reckless and carefree, Médard often bore the brunt of his Father's expectations. This constant competitive nature to his childhood allowed a deep resentment of his brother to grow and fester within him, resulting in a life long relationship of spite and one-upmanship. At age seven, and with the birth of yet another child via Rolf and Constance, Médard was sent to seminary in Basta for reasons that have never truly transpired to him.

275 AC- 284 Teenage years (15- 24)
Médard was not a willing priest, and often throughout his first years of seminary he would shirk duties and in general display an air of passive aggressive loathing for his situation. He'd thought fondly of becoming a Knight in his youth, and being raised among the curates was something with kindled a certain hatred for his father in particular: whom he blamed for having crushed his dreams of a chivalric life. It was in his time in seminary that Médard took a unique interest in the tomes depicting life in The Old Elven Empire: the tales of betrayal, romanticisation of Altalar Nobles and their mistresses, and spiraling towers of marble reaching the heavens. Uncommon though it may be, for a priest of Ailor birth to harbour such fascinations, that he did. In fact, it was during missionary work in Daen that Médard first encountered Modern and High Elvish on the field, in such an order. The language was one that inspired further study from the young priest, something which stook with him long into his adulthood. Though he often denied such in public, the Elves always brought a softer side to Médards historic xenophobia.

Upon Médard's return to Brissaud and the Castle of Machellons during 289AC., his carriage was attacked by a crowd of rambunctious peasants. It was during this peasant revolt under Duke Charles the Wicked of House Ravenstad, that Médard lost his right thumb: tore from the socket as he was dragged from his carriage and beaten. Nevertheless, the priest survived, and with a passionate hatred of the plebeian and lowborns.

285 AC - 295 AC Adulthood (25 - 35)
Médard upon his finishing of seminary and ordaining as a curate, was sent to The Reverendship of Vieux-Provence where he would study beneath The Reverend of the region. Known for neptisism during the Regalian Pessimism, the region had often sought the approval of Great Houses before appointing a Reverend in the Cathedral of Vieux and as such it was expected that Médard would take the seat at an older age. These thoughts were only confirmed the year 292AC. When Médard was sent before the Ministry of Curates and appointed as the regions new Reverend. Amid these life changing events, the priest had often sought the knowledge he craved from within the Scholar Court of Regalia-Proper, where he would remain a common guest as he studied Nelfin History and Nelfin Language.

296 AC - 306 (46 - present)
The disownment of Bastion Ravenstad came as little surprise to Médard and, admittedly he had expected such to happen since his youth. Though, Médard had not expected the consequences of such a revelation: Bastion's children were split between House Ravenstad and Santorski, agreed upon by the leaders of both families. While Bastion's daughter dwelled north of Calemberg, his son was brought to Hinterlandia whereupon he was transferred to the care of Médard. To begin with there dwelled a bitterness towards the young boy: his presence disturbed his studies, his sermon planning, and the neatly organised routine that The Reverend had perfected over the years. Yet, Vulmar son of Bastion, held a keen eye and wonder for the world, akin to a younger version of the aging priest. Médard raised the young boy in rambling metaphors, philosophical verses, spiritual lessons. The blonde haired child was a creation of his own, something he had been denied through the celibacy he had vowed. When Vulmar came of age, it was only right that he joined the Lancyon Order, later becoming the personal Helerian Guard to Supreme Reverend Ultor. Médard, for once in his life, was proud beyond himself.

Médard had made plans to visit the Crown Isle after the Songaskian invasion, to further his studies and partake in the politique his family had enthralled themselves in. It was a week prior to his final preparations that Crown City once again fell to a hostile force, and Freya Lo the Litch would conquer Regalia Proper. The crisis was averted, and the man sailed from Brissaud to The Regalian Lordship within the week in time for the Imperial Diet of 305AC. Being one of the few holy men left in the city after the recent occupation, Médard was appointed by Alexander I as a Divine Regent on the newly established Law Council of the Violet Order, it was here he met Archduke Charles Montagaard, a meeting that would change the course of his life.

Later Médard was appointed to the State Council as a Religious Minister, after the abdication of Alexander I, a position for which he drew a political name: constantly on the attack against the Grand Duke of Calemberg Ulric Typhonus, for which the phrase:

"YOu're a Heretic Lord Typhonus."

Was popularised. During his time on the Council he drew the ire of the Northern Community, triggering and winning the vote to demolish their temple within the Old Gods District, and renaming the District itself to the Ultor District.

Médard was ordained as High Reverend of Regalia during the summer of 304AC., a moment which would spurn great support from his kinsmen who had otherwise shunned his shady dealings. In the post he would later go on to form alongside Reverend Virgil Buhr, the Inquisition of Holy Volkamar. The Inquisition once more drew infamy to his name, notably when Astrid of House Kade was branded afront The Golden Willow Tavern.

Yet another addition came to Médard's career, when he was appointed State Minister of The Empire, serving as the head of The Commonwealth's ambassadorial service. Notably, arranging a cease-fire with the Mirnoye Northmen in light of a military incursion, during the rising Songaskian Civil-War. The State Minister attempted to undermine Charles Montagaard's campaign for undercrownship, becoming his close contender and losing the bid by one question at the expense of his political capital. The leutzman was exiled from the city to a monastic life, wherein he served as the Abbot of Mt. St. Lucia. A return by Médard would be made in 305AC, and once more in 306AC.

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Reduce the languages known to three, besides that everything looks well and good. Make the changes and tag me once completed @AntonVoron
Might want to throw Common on there, but I can accept the two forms of Elven. Approved
Add one more sentence to the fourth paragraph for a minimum of four sentences.

Make the edit in a different colour and tag me once finished!