Preserved Sheet Mälcarno

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
Estel Temple (
|| Mälcarno ||

Basic Information:
  • Full Name: Mälcarno (Shortened to Mäl to close friends)
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 315
  • Race: Maritime Altalar
  • Preferred Weapon: Codex of Estel
Skill Information
Total Points: 80 (70 Points + 10 Racial Boost)
  • +50 Magician Spells (+50 From Points)
  • +6 Religious Knowledge (+10 From Points)
  • 24 Linguistic Knowledge (+4 From Points +10 Racial Boost)
Ring of Talea
  • The Ring of Ellea The Ever Changing.
Body Shape
0 = Slim Body Shape.
Body Fat = Average.

  • Common (Learnt in Childhood)
  • Middle Altalar (Taught by Parent)
  • Modern Altalar (Taught by Parent)
  • Ancient Altalar (Learnt through ancient study)
  • Twi Dialect (Learnt through ancient study)

Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Light green
  • Hair Colour: Amber brown hair
  • Hair Style: Short and neatly combed back, clean shaven
  • Skin Colour: Light with a golden hue
  • Clothing: Casual clothing fit for traveling, often accompanied by a backpack
  • Height: 5'ft 9
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Campaigner [ENFP-T]
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Altalar Pantheon [Faith of Estel]
      • 9/10

Life Story


  • [Mälcarno was born 8BC, third son to Mother Hin'sála and Father Vernian, alongside two older brothers: Vernásal and Lafalen. His birthplace is the Avalorn Dúllci Plantation within the Princedoms of Bastierra prior to the Ailor Revolt. Vernásal Mälcarno's father, was of the priestly cast as was his mother and such the boys were brought up rigorously and piously. Mäl learnt a number of things on his family plantation which would stay with him through his long life. Firstly he is tutored in Middle and Modern Elven from his parents. Secondly he would develop his long lasting view of Varan as mere animals who worked his family plantation. As he grew into his teenage years Mälcarno studied Altalar History within what is today considered Havensreach by Ithanian Ailor. Mäl did a great deal of traveling throughout Daen during these formative years. As the Cataclysm grew nearer and the fabrics of the Empire untethered, Mälcarno returned to his home and to his family. The great sense of unease resonated through the household. Vernásal attempted to warn of the coming dangers the Yanar had foresaw but was too late. At the age of twenty-two the Cataclysm finally struck. The screech which was emitted from Drowdar terrified Mälcarno, and he still recalls it to this day. Mäl's parents died in Alar Talea during an earthquake which dropped the rubble of an Altalar Temple upon them as they preached of the faults of Altalar society in the streets.]
Post Cataclysm
  • [After the death of his parents Mälcarno was lost and without his kin. The unease of the family plantation drove him and his brothers to seek out their uncle, which they did. The Ailor and Varran slaves of the plantation overthrew the remaining Altalar guards after the young men departed. The three Avalorn lived as refugees, joining the large crowds of Elves who had been displaced from the chaos of the Cataclysm and the Wildering. The desperation and pure survival was alien to many including the privileged three, the experience lingers with Mälcarno centuries on. When at last they had traced the coastline of Daen to reach their Uncle's Estate they were overjoyed to find it intact. The three were welcomed and found respite. Mälcarno followed in his Father's footsteps and was impassioned by the experience to join the priesthood. He served in the temple for a great length before the day of his thirty-third birthday, where he traveled the pilgrimage of the blessed shrines and took the Talea ring of Ellea for his patron deity.]

An interlude to chaos.

  • [As the year 112AC grew ever closer, the Sixteen Princedoms of Bastierra became ever more unstable. Mälcarno was within the Princedoms at the time when Ailor Slaves and Sellswords swarmed the state and overthrew its Elven government. Mälcarno was within the temple of Ellea from which he served when the combined Ailor rage fell down on the holy sight. He saw many evils befall his people, though priest of Ellea could only watch as the tides of change poured over the realms of Elves. Mäl did not flee the Princedoms as they fell to Ailor hands but instead stayed; the persecutions he and those who had remained faced were immeasurable compared to those faced by Modern Elves. Through a will to survive Mälcarno found himself in the employ of wealthy Ailor, conducting the same scribe work he had done in the previous century. He found himself continuing his work as a Priest of Estel under more secretive circumstances.]
The long wander.

  • [The Elf spent a long period of his life wandering the continent of Daen, researching the dead languages of his forefathers and preaching the word of the Lady of Creation. It wouldn't be until his last century that he would make his way to Regalia and finally settle in the center of Aloria..]
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