Preserved Sheet Mánus‌ ‍of‌‌ Bhacstair | The Grappler

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland

Basic Information

  • Name:
    • Mánus of Bhacstair
    • Mánus the Menace
  • Age:
    • 44
  • Gender:
    • Male
  • Race:
    • Ailor | Highland Ceardian
  • Preferred Weapon:
    • Lecgaen Unarmed Combat
    • ̶H̶e̶e̶l̶-̶h̶o̶o̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶b̶e̶l̶t̶s̶
Skill Information

| Proficiencies | 49

  • Combat Proficiencies
    • 25 Unarmed | 25 Proficiency
      • A lifetime of drilling, sparring and competition has ensured Mánus a degree of proficiency among the very best Lecgaen has to offer. Having graduated in both Gallovian and Crown City styles alike, Mánus is a masterful grappler possessing incredible knowledge surrounding a vast array of technical skills. He is known to blitz through chains of take-downs and throws in an effort to force his opponents to the floor, where he can apply his often drastically superior knowledge of ground based fighting to incapacitate them. He boasts respectable skill in pugilism arts such as Palattu and Om Lech as his stand-up striking styles. and is capable of throwing a small variety of simple though honed kicks. Within unarmed combat, especially one-on-one, Mánus is an exceptionally dangerous opponent, though he has been known to happily share his techniques and ideas with anyone who will accept his mentorship.
    • 10 Eastern Unarmed | 10 Proficiency
      • During his travels, Mánus learned from a relatively young, though incredibly talented Sihai warrior. "Ku'c'ha'de'm'c Yqy'c'c'de", shortened to "Ku'cha-Dei", was the name of their obscure eastern style - offering joint-locks and intricate sweeps - which Mánus learned in return for teaching his own take-downs and skills
  • Art Proficiencies
    • 5 Musical Arts| 5 Hobby
      • Mánus is capable of playing drums, and the Goat Bellow - a kind of Highland bagpipe.
    • 5 Dancing Arts | 5 Hobby
      • Mánus knows how to perform traditional highland dances akin to the Cèilidh.
  • Body Proficiencies
    • 10 Athletic Training | 10 Invested
      • Mánus is a strong, conditioned fighter. He puts in hours on the bag almost every day, and lifts every morning after his run. Through sheer athleticism Mánus is able to enjoy increased stamina and superb physique.
  • Special Proficiencies
    • 4 Spirit Sorcery| 4 Invested
      • Mánus learned Spirit Sorcery from a small underground brotherhood of Unionists in Regalia, who claimed the power of faith would help elevate him as a warrior. He knows one spell: Fired For Battle.
| Body Shape |
  • Calculations
    • 25 Unarmed + 10 Eastern Unarmed + 10 Athletics (Halved) + 5 Dancing (Halved)
    • 25 + 10 + 5 + 2.5 = 42.5
  • Body Shape
    • Muscular
  • Body Fat
    • Built Body Fat
| Languages |
  • Highland Common


Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Sage Green
  • Hair Colour: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Long and held in a pony tail
  • Skin Colour: Slightly Tanned
  • Clothing: Layered cloth and hide, often including a Kiltach
  • Height: Five foot, Eleven inches
  • Facial Features
    • Mánus has quite a wide face, framed by a frizzy and often unkempt beard. His thick neck joins at the widest part of his head - the jawline. His long Roman nose nearly extends to his lips, which are a tad undefined and hidden beneath his beard. Thick, low-set eyebrows sit just above his almond-shaped eyes.
  • Body
    • Mánus has a low metabolism, and thus bulked up quickly throughout his life. Today, he stands at five foot eleven, and possesses a large, broad-shouldered and burly build. To an extent, he appears chubby, though is definitely more suited to being described as a muscular endomorph.
  • Fashion
    • Throughout his time in Regalia, Mánus has slowly began to expand his wardrobe away from the traditional Highland attire. Still, he regularly wears a Vielt from time to time, and tends to layer various articles of clothing for both warmth and style.
  • Voice
    • The voice of Mánus is a harsh one, with a distinct low and gravelly tone. He speaks with a thick Highland accent; his vocabulary full to the brim with slang and slander. He is typically loud and brash, though his pronunciation of most words cause understanding him to be a difficult task for the majority of non-highlanders.



  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Mánus, when experiencing fear, will normally attempt to hype himself up to face the fear head on. His typically informal and relaxed demeanour is lost as he becomes notably more stern and serious. As most of his mental energy is focused on trying to keep himself in the right head-space, Mánus' actions themselves become more reckless and impulsive. In the face of more abstract fears - such as those which can't be solved physically - Mánus will pause for longer, think for longer, and grow increasingly stressed as a pit in his chest stiffens his actions. Other people may also notice his brows lowering, and his eyes widening - though his breath nearly always remains controlled as a result of his training.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Mánus will seek - if possible - to disengage from the situation causing him stress, and instead focus himself on sparring or meditation to clear his mind and calm himself. In situations where his stress reaches a peak and he can not simply leave, he will often erupt with unruly temperament, and lash out in agitation.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • When happy, Mánus is boisterous and lively, and friendly to almost everyone he encounters. He is often relaxed and lenient in life, taking the laid back approach to most problems and encounters. If he is being jovially brazen and engaging in patter, he is likely in a good mood.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • With great respect - Mánus himself was a guardsman back home for some time, and went on to become a relatively high ranking member of the Vigilant Shield before resigning to travel back home and focus more on Lecgaen and its various seminars and competitions. However, he detests corruption and pompous aristocrats who throw their weight around. If he views the Law and Authority as just and good, he will respect it.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Mánus cares little about race, and is far more interested in character and ability. At the same time however, he cares very little about equality for non-Ailor, instead viewing the matter with much indifference. The village he grew up in was very multicultural and racial by extension. He still has his prejudices though, and will view the likes of Kathar and less common races like Slizzar with innate distrust.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Mánus is a Unionist, though not obsessively so. He believes in the Holy Spirit, and knows the Creeds - albeit in his own slang interpretation. In his eyes, sitting in a church to pray is silly: the only proper way to praise the Imperial Spirit is to wrestle beneath the stars, so that his ancestors may look down upon him and witness as the Spirit's blessings flow through his physical prowess.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Mánus doesn't really understand Magical things - he thinks they're dangerous and often suggests they should be left alone. He views people who utilise the arcane, such as Mages or Magicians, with a good mix of caution, and curious interest - in spite of his opinion of them being dangerous, they are often fascinating. He honestly doesn't actually think he is a sorcerer, as silly as that sounds. He is convinced Spirit Sorcery is not a form of sorcery, but is instead more akin to some kind of Unionist Ritualism.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Mánus loves his family, and frequently visits them in the Highlands. He often teaches his cousins Lecgaen, though tries to stray away from favouritism in public classes. Despite being a bastard, Mánus is quite comfortable with all members of his family - Highland Culture cares relatively little about such things, due to it being common to have children out of wedlock.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Mánus can read, but he can't read well. It takes him a while to sound out the words and make sense of them. He often doesn't know how to write words either without help regarding the spelling, and his almost child-level skill in this area makes him self conscious. He often feigns complete understanding of text for as long as he can - or will blame handwriting, drowsiness, or any number of outside excuses. In addition to this insecurity, Mánus also lacks skill in a lot of the Highland games, and will either insert himself into a role where he can play the goat bellow, or simply claim to be busy training to avoid having to take part.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Mánus takes pride in his heritage and culture. He view being a Highlander as an honour, and is keen to defend his homeland from slander and disrespect. In addition, Mánus also has a great deal of pride surrounding his role in Lecgaen- he considers it to be the single greatest unarmed art known to the world.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Mánus desires to pass down his skills to a new generation- he hopes that after he is gone, his memory will live on through his students, and their students after them. He is motivated to move forward by the hope that one day, he will live comfortably with enough money to focus all of his free time on his passions and not have to work.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • As an often robustius and jolly highlander, Mánus is fairly brave. While some fear monsters, or perhaps the darkness, Mánus fears ostracism. He despises the idea that teaching Lecgaen in Regalia is somehow tainting the art- That he is simply taking advantage of foreigners for a quick paycheck. In his eyes this is far from the truth, and a great slight. Thus his greatest fear would be for his community to reject him.
  • Kin:



The Past

Mánus' birth was a bit of an ordeal. His father, some nameless and long gone drunkard, had left him to Magaidh - a fairly young farm girl who he'd had nights with outside of wedlock.

Due to this, it was Mánus' mother's side of the family who ensured he didn't starve as an infant. They helped their daughter care for the child, showing the expected reaction of highlanders.

Throughout his youth, Mánus was a bit of an outsider. He was just as much of a Highlander and Unionist as anyone else, but was never considered a 'true' member of his kin, frequently mocked by many of the village children for being a bastard. No one actually cared enough for this to be a real issue - given many of the village were also bastards due to how common it was for hook-ups out of wedlock - but regardless, people would always use whatever they could to get a reaction on out him.

He was quick to anger, and got in many fights, eventually leaving the farm altogether and heading off to train at a School of Lecgaen, where he hoped to finally learn how to properly fight so he could return and enact violent revenge on those who had mocked him.

He returned home far sooner and more frequently than he had originally imagined: working the farm for extra money to keep funding his lessons. At this point, Mánus had essentially moved out, living at the Gallovian School and helping out with various tasks like cleaning equipment and whatnot to ensure he could keep his space in a small, shared room.

As years passed, Mánus practically fell in love with the style, finding it to be a healthy obsession he would continue to pursue for the rest of his life. He realised how short-sighted he had been, and - by now - brushed off the silly and meaningless slander he had faced so many years ago.

By this point of his life, Mánus was teaching others, and even made an effort to join the guard of his hometown - finding farming to be an uneventful and boring way to spend the rest of his life. At the same time, he also began learning how to play the Goat Bellow bagpipes - an instrument his mother was particularly skilled with.

He was part of a Dearth of somewhat rowdy hooligans for a while, and his guard work eventually turned to higher paying mercenary work. This led him to Regalia, where his band had claimed greater pay and riches awaited them. Over time however, it became clear to Mánus that the band of warriors were too immoral for his liking. He didn't really enjoy breaking the law, and eventually fell away from this life style, and group.

In Regalia, he met a wandering Mevoriim traveller who practised Om Lech, which was a style of combat he had never seen. He cross trained with the man for some time, both teaching and learning from him.


Having left those he know regarded as criminals, Mánus bought a small room in a bar at Regalia's docks. He worked behind the bar, performed and played some incredibly loud music, and split up many fights during his stay.

He had heard that those within Reglia were a little more 'extreme' in their worship of Unionism, but even with that in mind he was still surprised at just how different their ways were. No one even seemed to wrestle to pray. Very odd. He searched for a while, and eventually found a small group of Highlanders who still prayed in what he regarded as 'the proper way' - he would meet up with them during the evening at a small makeshift Morair and practise his more faith-focused Lecgaen. It was with this group that Mánus learned of Spirit Sorcery - they claimed it was practised in an brotherhoods at a parallel houses of worship underneath the local Unionist temple. They crazy part was the fact they weren't even lying; Mánus went and true enough, they were correct. For the next few years he would live at the docks, pray in the evening to worship, and devote some time to learning more of this Spirit Sorcery.

A year ago Mánus decided to pen a letter to the guard charters of the city, hoping to make use of his skills and do something more exhilarating and useful than working the bar.

He was accepted into The Vigilant Shield, passing the first initiation tests with surprising ease and happily taking their oath. He is now a lowly recruit, eager to prove himself.

A few months later, and Mánus finds himself patrolling the streets, guarding noble events, and even trying to set up seminars to teach the new recruits. Now, Mánus is an Ensign, commanding Knights within the Vigilant Shield. In truth, he's still somewhat clueless, but is definitely trying his best. He's taken his younger cousin,
Caitir, on as his Squire and Apprentice, even if she's reluctant.

Mánus leaves both the Vigilant Shield and The Aspect of Knowledge sect of Unionsim so that he may return home to the highlands to help his cousin Caitir complete her training in Lecgaen. Whilst home, he also attends various seminars and competitions. In addition, with the help of a local hunter, Mánus sought out the Gallovian Black Mountain Bear to wrestle it into submission - something he hadn't done since he was 28. He eventually found the bear and was able to defeat it after a long and difficult fight.

The Present

Now, a year later, Mánus leaves Gallovia once more to travel back to Regalia. He seeks to gain and teach more students - and has plans to make a name for himself in the city; to prove the dominance of his unarmed style and philosophy.
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Edits -

28/04/2019 | Changed music
01/05/2019 | Added Virtuoso @Caelamus
20/06/2019 | Changed Music again! Also plans to update story and proficiency at some point
04/01/2019 | Mánus moves home to the Highlands, an end to his chapter - for now
01/05/2019 | Mánus returns to Regalia; updated app to the new proficiency system and added some Spirit Sorcery
04/05/2019 | Minor edit - Changed a single word to one more fitting
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How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
  • Mánus, when experiencing fear, will normally attempt to hype himself up to face the fear head on. This is what he has always done - be it at competition against stronger foes, or through life in general.
Elaborate more on reactions to fear, true fear, not generally just a hardlined stance of facing them head on. Does he fidget? Does he cower? What does he do?