Preserved Sheet Lysanthir Iletharwen

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Jan 11, 2013
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Lysanthir Cosajon'lloante Iletharwen.
  • Age: Twenty nine cycles.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Full blooded Drowdar.
  • Main Ambition: Exploring the world's fine pleasures through social interaction of the different races.
  • Special Permission: N/A.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Lysanthir has only just arrived in the city and as such, doesn't have a place to stay. He intends to stick around to help his brother, and observe the social structure of the Regalians. With recent enticements, he also intends to explore worldly pleasures and immerse himself in various cultural desires.
  • Lys was brought up on Drowvda, and as such, as pushed into the military lifestyle. He was born in his home Xaster, to Sundamar and Nylathrria Ileitharywen. The Drow has only two siblings to name, Syviis, his younger brother, and Cellica, an even younger sister.
  • The Drow intends to extend his cultural palette through studying, observing and adopting the wartime lifestyles of the outside world.
Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: Drowvda Military (Khoptar) [No official school released yet].
  • Level: Warrior.
  • Source: Taught primarily by his father, though with sufficient self imposed experience.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Emerald green #117005, usually framed by spectacles to help with his near-sightedness.
  • Hair Color: Snow white.
  • Hair Style: Shaved sides, fuller back with the primary growth atop his head.
  • Skin Color: Dark tyrian purple.
  • Clothing: Custom leathers, fashioned with a harness on the front.
  • Height: 6'1ft or 185.58cm.
  • Body Type: Ripped.
  • Body Build: Mesomorph.
  • Weapon of Choice: His signature Drow Khoptar.
Visual Information (Expansion)
Face Description
  • Lys' eyes are generally small and slitted, with their usual expression narrowing down to a squint. His mouth takes up a large area, mostly due to fuller lips. When pulled into a smile, they also tend to push into his cheeks a fair bit, resulting in strange and uneven dimples. His ears represent exactly that of his Drow heritage; slim and pointed, sticking out and showing off. Due to his heightened cheekbones and the sheer length of his face because of his Elven genes, his forehead is fairly small, usually wrinkled from narrowed eyebrows. His snow white hair is shaved past the sides, leaving only small remnants of its former growth. This is the same with the back of his head, though much thicker than his sides. The main growth is on the top of his head, where it's combed forward to give a short pompadour-esque look. His facial hair is lacking, though through recent neglect the sides have grown out. As a result of Asha Nazari's influence, Lysanthir has four piercings in each ear, as well as a septum piercing in his nose. The Drow's tongue also has a ball piercing through the centre, and his right eyebrow holds two studs on either side.
Body Description
  • Lysanthir's skin is lined with the general wine purple of his ancestry, leaving his skin with a dark hue and little space for light tones. Since his military installation was very early on due to his cultural obligation, his body is trained to take a beating, to say the least. His Drow body affords him a large amount of muscle, though it requires a large upkeep, especially away from battle. He holds more fat in the sides of his body, around his hips and waist, giving him a slightly wider frame. Lys hasn't shaved his bodily hair at all during his lifetime, though that still gives little hair due to his race. Recently, Asha Nazari painted multiple Qadiriq letters and symbols onto the left side of his body, leaving semi-permanent marks.
Clothing Description
  • The Drow currently aims for practically in all of its forms. He has no jewellery to speak of, as there was no need for such in Drowvda. He prefers lighter colours to contrast and highlight his skin tone, though he's not too picky about the subject. His Khoptar is with him all times it is needed, opting to keep his weapon of choice on hand in the case of an emergency.
  • Lys speaks with the typical voices of his Nelfin race, giving his common a tainted tinge of Elvish. His accent is his only real quirk, though a stutter can shine through in his most timid times.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

  • While he may have come from a land that exclusively lives in tones of grey, Lysanthir has a certain tendency to be ambitious. He sees his life in Drowvda as something to leave behind and move on from, and something that he should focus on trying to fix in the remaining years of his life. As a result, he has a new found drive to accomplish as much as he can in the shortest amount of time possible. Lys always acts in favour of his progressive goals, whatever they may be. His zealousness could be seen as a form of inspiration, and usually makes him come off as a very inspired and thought out individual.
  • For a man who has spent so much time standing in lines, Lysanthir longs for a lifestyle where he can be free. This mimics with his personality and behaviour, adopting a boisterous and upbeat view of the world. He wishes to experience everything that comes his way in a happy view, though this mostly consists of carnal pleasures that exclude people. Under the skin, Lysanthir uses this jocular demeanour to shroud the fact that he has an underlying problem with letting people inward.
  • Perhaps most apparent in his every day interactions, Lysanthir is decidedly stubborn. He holds his morals and decisions high, adamant about how he thinks things through and performs them. While he is still able to be criticized without fault on things of intellectual nature, he finds it hard for his beliefs to be brought down in any way. It certainly means that he's determined and believes that he's right, leading to a boost in self confidence (which is undeniably apparent to those around him). While this may be true, he's also hard to shift on viewpoint and spiritual beliefs.
  • Even for someone who has been taught to base decisions on logic and reason, Lysanthir can't help but be emotional. So much so that he chose his brother, a single Drow, over his entire people. Anything that he sees as worth emotionally investing in, he does so. He his high strung to the point of involving emotional impulse in almost every aspect of his life, becoming soul-stirred at even the slightest instance of these ideals becoming threatened. The most apparent of these emotions is anger, especially during a fight; leading him to be confident and determined, though bullheaded and short sighted.
  • As a byproduct of being cooped up in a single place for so long, the Drowdar has a tendency to take part in carnal pleasures. He wishes to experience new things, even if they lead to cravings or potential addictions. He is hedonistic to his core; foregoing social etiquette in the name of enjoying oneself. Lysanthir is all pleasure-seeking and seemingly no work, unless of course it is to fund said seeking. It shows on his breath and persona; trying to inflict his wily charms on substances and attractive people alike.
  • Spending life through a visor tends to make someone rather narrow-sighted. Lysanthir is ignorant of the things that may be far ahead of him, foregoing the distant consequences in lieu of having pleasure now. This applies to both people and the world, though mostly with the latter. Perhaps due to his time spent away from it, he is mostly ignorant of how the world works. Government and society have mostly no meaning to him outside of Drowvda, bringing his social etiquette quite literally out of the window.
  • Skilled Warrior: Due to time spent on Drowvda and military life as a child, teenager and adult, Lysanthir is skilled in the ways of war. Physical group combat being his strong suit, he finds applicable use of such skills as a mercenary in most circumstances. While he certainly has trouble applying his close-knit fighting style to persons outside of Drowvda, it still endears to serve him well in times of need.
  • Profligate Therapy: Becoming someone who indulges in the wonders of the world have not only left Lysanthir complacent, but also happy. He is jovial and upbeat merely because of the lifestyle he lives; carefree and detached from any strings, liberated to enjoy the things around him. Anything compared to Drowvda is better, and as a result, his skewed perception on the world affords him happiness even in the face of adversity.
  • Fiery Passion: With a fire burning in the pit of his soul; Lysanthir endeavours to take his beliefs to the battlefield and back. While he has a tendency to overdo things, Lysanthir finds that as long as he has a will, there's a way. This applies to combat and elsewhere, finding that his stubborn motivation serves him well when the odds are against him.
  • Slow to a Crawl: While Lysanthir is combat-able, he is not exactly quick on his feet. Either due to bad habit, his weight or stubbornness, or perhaps a combination of all three, the Drow doesn't exactly move gracefully. Light on his feet is a huge overstatement for Lys, meaning that dodging blows is a much less likely occurrence as taking them head on.
    • Any attempt of dodging results in a tripping roll. (0-10, 2 or under fall over, 3-5 stumble, above 5 normal)
    • Lysanthir is unable to climb any obstacle efficiently.
  • War Wounds: The scars of war still lay heavy on Lysanthir's back, emotionally and physically. His torso is extremely wounded and badly healed, resulting in multiple scars across his torso and back. Even casual pressure exerts a certain amount of pain, rarely triggering vivid flashbacks of the event which caused them.
    • Any strike to the torso or back results in extreme pain.
    • Lysanthir experiences heavy emotional backlash when looking at or experiencing pain from these spots.
  • Visor Sickness: Living life by looking out through a visor is no way to live, especially in the case of Lysanthir, wherein his eyes are physically damaged. Lysanthir is near-sighted, unable to see things at average distances. Obscuring his vision also makes him extremely frightened and irritated, leading to cold sweat when such occurs.
    • As a guideline, Lysanthir is unable to see adequately at more than four (Minecraft) blocks away from him without glasses.
  • Ignorant of the World: Having grown up on a strict regiment of military intelligence and fighting technique, Lysanthir had no room to develop worldly knowledge during his childhood. Being isolated for so long gave him some serious mental detriment, being unable to comprehend many of the world's wonders and machinations outside of anything that was on Drowvda.
    • Lysanthir is unable to comprehend any worldly or magical phenomena unless researched.
    • Arcane, machine and alchemical knowledge are specifically hard for him to comprehend.
  • Internal Pressure: As one of the only Drowdar living outside of his hold, Lysanthir feels as if he gets odd looks from directions he does not understand. He feels pressured to be the best he can be; as if he has something to prove, when in reality, no one is judging him. Being so dramatically torn away from his Xaster leaves him emotionally crippled and dependent on others for some form of validation.
    • Lysanthir has emotional breakdowns whenever he sees himself underperforming, whether it's through other people's judgements or his own.
    • Talking about home also results in emotional distress and mental slow down.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • When experiencing confusion (which is quite often for the oblivious Drow) or thinking deeply, Lysanthir has the tendency to adjust the frames on his nose.
  • If his sideburns are grown in, he also has the nervous habit of scratching the side of his face when annoyed or angered.
  • Lysanthir knows how to fish relatively well to avoid having to pay for his food regularly.
  • He knows how to sharpen and maintain a blade, from time serving Drowvda or from simple training classes.
  • Lysanthir can make his thumb touch his wrist.
  • Lysanthir has an intricate idea of how Drowvda's internal politics and military works, something that the normal population may not be inclined to know.
  • While a natural trait for his race, Lysanthir also has developed combat skill with swords, dagger and small blunt instruments.
Relationships (Optional)

  • Syviis Iletharwen - Soul Brother - @Muffins_
    • Above all else, Lysanthir deeply cares for and loves the brother that he had to protect for much of his life. While others regarded him as a coward, Lys resolved to never abandon his blood brother in lieu of the fact he was the only other he could truly rely on. The Drow has killed for his brother, in arms or not, and would continue to do so if necessary.
  • Kyou Tokudame
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
Life Story (Required)

Childhood | [1-12]

  • Lysanthir was born to Sundamar and Nylathrria Iletharwen on the 16th of August in 274 AC.
  • Instead of being brought up with his parents, he was nursed, as his parents were far too concerned with military endeavours to care for a child full time.
  • This affected Lysanthir from the very beginning, giving him an almost cold and calculating childhood. He started to believe he was born for one purpose, and that was to protect Aloria from the Void.
  • While Lys didn't take much to any other children, he frequently enjoyed the company of his brother, Syviis.
  • Cellica was born around the time Lysanthir reached nine years of age, accepting the young girl into his repertoire of siblings.
  • Due to his stature and position as a Drowchon's son, Lysanthir was introduced to warfare much earlier than other children. He took to the signature Drow Khoptar, paying attention to his lessons as opposed to Syviis, which he frequently had to bail out of trouble.
Teenage Years | [13-19]
  • Due to his father's attention on Syviis thanks to the latter's lack of combat ability, Lysanthir began spending more time with his mother. She began to introduce him to a much more guerrilla style of warfare, which he took to rather fondly instead of his rigid military studies.
  • Around sixteen years old, Lysanthir began observing that their culture was one of fear and pressure over liberty and freedom. He quickly began to question what they were fighting for, though these ideals were heavily reaffirmed by the people around him and as a result reinforced.
  • At eighteen years of age, two years before Syviis, Lysanthir received his signature Khoptar. He has never told anyone its name, though it is a middle Elvish form of " ",
Adulthood | [20-29]
  • Lysanthir quickly grew concerned with Syviis' actions around the age of twenty. He never quite questioned him, instead offering his protection and love to his stunted brother. He usually took on double the amount of work to make up for Syviis' lack of such.
  • While Syviis started horsing off more and more, Lys struggled to condone his actions. Once the resistance from his father became physical, he often stepped to his brothers side. His father almost admired Lysanthir's assumed optimism, foregoing some of the beatings he was to impose on Syviis.
  • The few military operations that Syviis took part in were led by Lysanthir himself, often putting his brother behind any of the other party members as to ensure he was in the least danger. This usually went over Syviis' head, though appreciation didn't matter to the Drow.
  • During these operations Lysanthir learned to kill fairly coldly; having an emotional backlash over the first life he took, though quickly reaffirmed by his peers that the death of a measly Shendar was for the betterment of the world.
  • These killings were frequently for the protection of Syviis-- one particular incedent were Lysanthir had to protect him from a wounded Orc left his chest torn open. After the event, Lys formed the mentality that a life is never worth taking.
  • While Lysanthir was praised for his military prowess, Syviis was quickly abandoned. His sister, mother and father quickly gave up on trying to fit Syviis' to the Drow's needs. Once Sundamar made the notion official, banishing Syviis from the Xaster, Lysanthir took physical action. He too was ejected for the treasonous act, though he was planning to do so anyway with his brother in tow.
  • Lysanthir traveled to Calemberg with his brother, spending a year amassing wealth as a mercenary and unsavoury criminal. His less than honourable applications to life led him to some prosperous income, just enough to support him and his brother.
Recent Times | [29-Now]
  • Lysanthir moved to Regalia after the year in Calemberg with his brother in tow, seeing as the two were mostly bound to each other.
  • Lys met Kyou Tokudame and Asha Nazari, obtaining romantic feelings for the latter after she endeavoured to lead him into a hedonistic life.
  • The Drow currently searches for a source of income, preferably through his combat prowess, though he is open to anything out of desperation.
Last edited:
Only one tiny tweak to make here: Remove the exact weight, with the specifically defined body builds, it is no longer needed.