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Played Character Lyrian Sylphaalor

This character is actively played.


Aspiring clown
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
❮❮☀|Basic Information|☀❯❯
✦|Full Name: Lyrian Caelas Sylphaalor Bel-Saal Solleria-Tal Nassäle
|Nicknames: None
|Aliases: None
✦|Race: Fin'ullen
✦|Age: Forty-Eight

|Birthday: July 10th
|Zodiac: Cancer
✦|Gender: Cis-Female
|Pronouns: She/They
✦|Sexuality: Homosexual
|Relationship Status: Single
✦|Occult: Valhersir Vampire
|Alignment: Void
❮❮☀|Core Concept|☀❯❯
✦|Character Summary: Lyrian is a Fin'ullen Warrior and a Greater Vampire of the Valhersir bloodline, dedicated in their efforts to gain more power and influence for themself, while also seeking to protect the others around them, as well as the downtrodden and discarded who would align with their ideals.
✦|Religious Beliefs: Lyrian is a dedicated worshipper of Morrlond in the Evolist faith, though they hold respect for the other deities of the religion, beyond just Morrlond.

✦|Mundane Appearance: Lyrian is a Fin'ullen of a fairly average stature and an athletic build, with raven black hair cutting off at her shoulders, and pale skin. Their eyes are a mismatched green and blue color, when using court glamour to hide her Vampirism.

✦|Strength: 7 |Attack Stat|
✧|Weapon Throw: Free Pack
|Diving Tackle
|Veteran Antimagi
|Veteran Demonspite
|Veteran Tri-Slash
|Veteran Swiftstrike
|Veteran Sentinel
|Veteran Solitude
✦|Constitution: 6 |Defense Stat|
|Shield Block: Free Pack
|Shield Cover
|Shield Deflect
|Shield Slam
|Shield Taunt
|Shield Snare
|Iron Will
|Thick Hide: Fin'ullen
✦|Intelligence: 0
|Adapt Oceana: Fin'ullen
✦|Wisdom: 1
|Technique Parry
❮❮☀|Traits & Mechanics|☀❯❯
✦|Fin'ullen Heritage Traits
|Fin'ullen Mechanics I, II, III, IV, V
|Adapt Oceana, Thick Hide
✦|Vampirism Traits
|Common Mechanics I, II, III, IV, V
|Valhersir Mechanics I, II

✦|Known Languages
✧|Altalar: Native Tongue
✧|Pannarokh: Fluent
✧|Common: Free
✦|Valhersir Tongues
✧|All Other Languages
❮❮☀|Plot Hooks|☀❯❯
✦|As an actively infected Vampire, Lyrian has to go out on the prowl fairly regularly in order to hunt and sustain herself. In addition, her status as a Greater Vampire leaves her bite infectious- something that must be quickly addressed by the victims of their feeding, unless they wish to succumb to the Sanguine Curse.
✦|As a former soldier, Lyrian had come across a great deal of others in her time of service, particularly other Fin'ullen fighting and training in the Navy alongside her. Feel free to reach out for backstory ties regarding this!
✦|Though usually rather egotistical and proud of their own individual accomplishments, Lyrian remains extremely loyal and fiercely protective to her family, and the select few friends that she considers just as valuable to her. The Vampire remains ready to cross blades for any of those in her circle, so long as they believe the favor would be returned.
✦|A worshipper and adherent to the tenants of Morrlond, Lyrian is always eager and prepared to prove themself against others in battle and other forms of competition, whether it be with allies and friends, or rivals and enemies.

❮❮☀|Will Be Refined Soon!|☀❯❯
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