Preserved Sheet Lyrei Dorfei

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e girl extraordinaire
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida
Theme / Playlist

Lyrei Dorfei


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Lyrei Dorfei
    • Lovingly nicknamed Ly.
    • Kathar Name: Lyre'le Constrela'e
  • Age: 98
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Altalar
    • Ring of Ulley (Unactive)
    • Currently Saivale.
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
Skill Information

Total Points: 60 (Age) = 60 Points

  • Fast Blades | +14 [From points]
  • Heavy Bow | +5 [From Points]
  • Unarmed | +15 [From Points]
  • Kathar Ritualism | +18 [+12 From Racial Boost, +6 From points]
  • Medical Sciences | +5 [From Points]
  • Linguistic Knowledge | +6 [From Points]
  • Rogue Training | +15 [+10 from Racial boost, +5 From Points]
  • Athletic Training | +4 [From Points]

Sanguine Mutations
Alais Bloodline

Crimson Dressage
Crimson Cloaking
Crimson Graces
Crimson Guile

Body Shape

Physical Stat: || 50

Body Shape: Athletic

Body Fat: Average

  • Common (Taught throughout her time in Hyarroc.)
  • Modern Altalar (Passed down through generations by mother at age 22.)
  • Kathar Elven (Learned during her time as a Saivale.)
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Minty Blue
    • Blue w/ Black Sclera when Kathar.
  • Hair Color: Platinum Blonde/Bleached White
    • White whenever turned Saivale.
  • Hair Style: Hair down to her waist, Wavy
    • Often pulled back in two braids against her back.
  • Skin Color: Ivory/Cream
    • White whenever is Dread corrupted.
  • Clothing: Black heeled boots, Brown long sleeve shirt with white tuxedo collar. Red scarf.
    • Often varies between many different dresses when she is Dread corrupted. The colors scheme from bright blues, toward dark blacks and whites.
  • Height: 6'8

Personality and Abilities

  • Lyrei is seen as a very Happy-Go-Lucky kind of girl. She's very clutzy and doesn't know much about society, due to growing up in a secluded place. Still, She's very good at what she does and knows when she needs to take thing's serious. People don't realize that she doesn't know the culture too well, which is why she can come off as odd.
  • She does her best to act very happily and natural, but she does have her inside fears. She prefers to keep them to herself, instead of relay them. She grew up in a family that was always judged and taught never to show her weaknesses. She's not too certain in herself, but she knows that if she tries hard enough she'll do well.
  • She loves to be with family and friends and tries to hang around them often. With that, wishes that she had a lover. She's never had luck with men, but can't try for women due to society and the way it judges. She always dreamt about it and hopes one day she can find someone to love.
  • Lyrei falls in the neutral. While she knows that Kathar are hurting many and her people, and this does upset her, she wants to be forgiving to them. She follows by the rule 'Treat others the way you wish to be treated', and due to this, she acts this way. She tries not to discuss her opinion on the matter, due to her opinion being treated as wrong. Her views on Moralism are very that each person must decide what's good and bad for themselves. What is good for them may not be good for her, and so she believes that nobody can tell you what is wrong and right, only yourself.

Life Story

Lyrei was born to her single mother, Azura. Azura had been a mother who'd lost her husband to an Ailor who thought he was an animal in the dark. She grew up in a very judgy place, where everything she did was judged. She lived in a very poor place and didn't have much except her hands and the dirt in life. The town was not updated on most customs and society, most of the news came from ships coming and going.

She worked mostly as a child alongside going to her usual school. She'd never really gotten along with any of the kids though, as they felt privileged.

Her mother eventually found a new husband, who then got her pregnant with her little sister. Her family found fortune after Lyrei successfully took up her job as a huntress, bringing animals and wild creatures to farm's, and selling them. She, along with her father, created the income for their family. For year's, she'd perform music and dance as a hobby, despite wanting to turn it into a job. At Day, she would perform for her town and city, at night she'd hunt and kill. It was a decent cycle for her, and she enjoyed it for a few years.

As much as she loved them, she didn't want this in life and decided to take her to leave when she was able to. She snuck out of her house, with her bow and equipment, and two small bags. Her family caught her while leaving the first time. She'd waited a few weeks, before trying again. She ran onto a supply boat, and ran away, saying goodbye to her family as they saw her run from her room, and away for good. She met friends as she traveled to Regalia, and hoped for a new life. With the small things she had, she wanted to make a name for herself.

When she left, she ended up between a warzone on her trip to Regalia. She was captured and forced to the dread isles to be corrupted by the Osseamitore family. Lyrei felt lonely for many years, having begun to get used to being a Saivale despite its horrid tendencies. She was raised as a daughter and apprentice underneath Hybris for many years, causing a change in her personality and life. She began to open up once more, enjoying her ideas and what she'd begun to do within the Isles. Despite her hate that brew deep inside of her, she opened up and made many friends among relationships. Lyrei would've spent fourty years within the Kathar's land, working toward pulling herself to that of the normal Saivale reputation.

Lyrei was eventually found among the Battlefield. She was forcefully returned back into her Altalar state by Unionists and few Estel followers and forced to refind herself. It took her a very long time to get used to being an Altalar once more, returning home and reconnecting with her Ulley roots. After a short time of getting used to her race, she began to head for her journey to Regalia. She was met with many friends and people, along with living with Frankie Laurent for a simple time. She took up occupation at the Dove sanctuary for a long while. While helping a Kathar Ritualist, she ended up spilling the ideals behind her old ways of being a Saivale. This Kathar ended up moving behind her back, and forcefully returning her to Saivale state once more. Having become conflicted, Lyrei began to experience heavy emotional-baggage, and hid herself far off within the slums of Regalia, not sure if she was proud or fearful of her returned form.

Relationships, Theme, ETC.

Frankie Laurent
"Frankie has been very kind to me. She's helped me find a place in Regalia for myself!"
Romantic Interest: 2/10
Friendship: 6.8/10
Trust: 5/10
Hate: 1.9/10
Family-like Friendship: 4/10
Isaac Leovi
"You could say I like him! A bit much... I think he knows, though."
Romantic Interest: 8.8/10
Friendship: 6.5/10
Trust: 6.1/10
Hate: 0.2/10
Family-like Friendship: 3/10

Leufred du Brierüst
"Leufred intimidates me. I guess he's alright, though."
Romantic Interest: 0.4/10
Friendship: 3.2/10
Trust: 5/10
Hate: 0.7/10
Family-like Friendship: 0.4/10

Freya E. Grey
"We drag each other to deadly situations. You could say we're Frenemies."
Romantic Interest: 0.4/10
Friendship: 5/10
Trust: 5/10
Hate: 0.2/10
Family-like Friendship: 0.7/10

Last edited:
  • Light Bow | +10
  • Heavy Bow | +3
  • Unarmed | +9
  • Historical Knowledge | +10 (Comes with Altalar.)
  • Hunting Knowledge | +4
  • Magical Knowledge | +4
  • Medical Sciences | +6
  • Musical Arts | +9
  • Literary Arts | +9
  • Athletic Training | +6
  • Body Care Training | +4
I would recommend clarifying the sources like +4 from points for example. Altalar also gain a +10 bonus of their choosing aside from the historical one.

  • Modern Altalar (Taught from childhood.)
  • Middle Altalar (Passed down through generations by mother at age 22.)
Only one may be learned-- though Modern Altalar is more practical, middle is more so something the older altalar still speak or scholars study.

Lyrei falls around the neutral area. She thinks that everyone deserves a chance, even if they've done bad things. She refuses to hurt the Kathar people unless they've singular been proven guilty. She thinks that unless they try to do evil on purpose, then they deserve a chance.
I would recommend writing it more so on her views of morality in general, her views on the law and demeanor towards certain situations. I would also possibly suggest revising her views of Kathar, in part because the Dread Empire is current sacrificing them by the thousands and converting her people into Kathar and doing a lot of terrible things to do them in the ongoing war. Or elaborate more on her forgiving nature?

Over all though delightful read, be sure to tag me and highlight edits when you're done!
Thank you! I fixed it up, although I tried my best to write about her views on morality and the Kathar. I did my best to explain so I hope it isn't too hard to read!
Medical Sciences | +6 [+6 of 10 Altalar Points]
Body Care Training | +4 [+4 of 10 Altalar Points]
It's a solid +10 to your choice, like Altalar gain +10 historical and +10 of their choice, it cannot be split. otherwise good job!
@Caelamus Changed Proficiency Points
Highlighted in Bold

  • Light Bow | +10 [From points]
  • Unarmed | +9 [From Points]
  • Literary Arts | +9 [From Points]

Changed to
  • Fast Blades | +14 [From points]
  • Unarmed | +16 [From Points]
  • Literary Arts | +2 [From Points]
Fixed Grammar mistakes, added Aesthetics.

Added where her musical arts are focused on.

Not sure if this calls for Re-Review, but I just want to be safe!
Completely changed up Proficiencies to better fit the character. Made Lyrei when I had no idea how profs worked, so I changed them up to properly work for her lol. @Caelamus @Carlit0o (Idkwhichoneofyoutotagsohereyougo)
Made changes in Color!
I changed the Ring that she currently has from Vallea onto Ulley since I think it fits the character better!
I fixed the points, I had forgotten to clarify for Altalar boost and then age points. I think I got it right this time!
Wow! I am sorry in advance for this rewrite.
I changed to add the Alais bloodline to Lyrei's story, along with a heavy amount of Dread-influenced ideals to it.
I've added her appearances of Kathar lines, as well as added proficiencies so that she may know Kathar Elven, as well as few other changes to make room for the proficiency for Alais Mutations.
Backstory has been changed to heavily influence that she was young when she left her home, and has Kathar for a decent amount of her life.
Age has also been changed to fit her story much better!
Changes all made in Electric bloop!