Preserved Sheet Lyrae'dryl Waesvyirrn

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Tree-Hugging Tea Addict
Oct 19, 2018
Reaction score









All I ever wanted

was the world.

━━━━ ◦ ☾ ◦ ━━━━

⊱• Core Concept •⊰

Lyra is a devout follower of Odella who has dedicated her life to serving her Goddess through acts of subterfuge and the collection of secrets. She carries herself with utmost pride, yet is far from arrogant or impulsive. Instead, she remains extremely calculated and alert, constantly observing those around her so that she may sprinkle her influence across those she encounters, and may ultimately gain something valuable from each interaction. The strong emphasis on developing her talents and her usefulness to the Cabal has led her to developing the sharp mentality of a walking-weapon. However, upon her arrival in Regalia, she is gifted the opportunity for friendships like none she has ever had, and perhaps a more relaxed and friendly approach to interaction. Certainly, there will be much to learn.


⊱• Full Name •⊰ Lyrae'dryl Sanra Waesvyirrn Mor-Ornn Raz-Parthanaar

⊱• Goes By •⊰ Lyra

⊱• Age •⊰ 45 (Looks about 25)

⊱• Birthday •⊰ June 15th

⊱• Gender •⊰ Female

⊱• Race •⊰ Kathar [Cult of Shadows]

⊱• Preferred Weapons •⊰ Javelin; Dagger





All I ever wanted

was the world.

━━━━ ◦ ☾ ◦ ━━━━



Melee Weapon
» ◦ Unarmed Pack
» ◦ Blades Pack
» ◦ Flexible Weapon Pack
» ◦ Short Blade Pack (Free: Magic Dagger)

» ◦ Light Shielding Pack

» ◦ Affliction Wisdom Pack
» ◦ Volacrum Wisdom Pack

» ◦ Backup Pack
» ◦ Knocking Pack
» ◦ Brittle Pack
» ◦ Burglary Skill Pack
» ◦ Stealth Skill Pack
» ◦ Parkour Pack

» ◦ Shadow Magic Pack
» ◦ Arcane Magic Pack (Free: Crimson Witch)

» ◦ Pet Husbandry Pack

» ◦ Common
» ◦ Pannarokh (First language, learned growing up in Pärthanaär)





Dance with me.

I'll bring your demons

to their knees.

━━━━ ◦ ☾ ◦ ━━━━


» ◦ Eye Color: Solid black, with starry flecks of red.

» ◦ Hair Color: White, shifting to scarlet towards the bottom

» ◦ Hair Style: Long, kept back in a braid or loose

» ◦ Skin Color: Dark Grey

» ◦ Clothing: Light, breathable fabric dresses or robes with elements of see-through panelling along her abdomen, as well as numerous glimmering gold accents.

» ◦ Height: 6 Feet 7 Inches

Mutations (Void):
» ◦ Horns: Black, ridged horns protrude from her skull above each temple, following a curve away from her head.
» ◦ Eyes: A singular eye rests in the center of her forehead like a black abyss, seemingly unmoving, yet blinking at the occasion.
» ◦ Tears & Blood: Lyra's tears and blood are somewhat viscous and completely black, like the ink of a pen.
Alternate Form:
» ◦ Teledden Altalar female, with pin-straight, golden-hued hair, piercing green eyes, and sharp, angular features, standing tall at 6'7.



The Core List
» ◦
Alignment: Neutral Evil
» ◦ Personality Type: ENTJ-A
» ◦ Religion: Void Worship of Godess Odella [10/10]

» ◦
Crimson Witch
» ◦ Magic




I can be your salvation,

And your demise.

━━━━ ◦ ☾ ◦ ━━━━


⊱• Childhood •⊰

Vaelyrra was born on June 15th, 243 AC, to an affluent family near the center of the slum-city Parthanaar. Her mother and father were both key figures in a Kaahl of the Cult of Shadows, raising the young Kathar with their ideologies centered around the skills of cunning and manipulation.

⊱• Adolescence •⊰

As Lyra aged, she began to partake in the more sinister activities of the Kaahl. As she was trained with weaponry as well as magic, she became a more useful pawn to organization of Kathar, leaving her home to travel the Dread Empire to engage in missions of assassination, burglary, and the collection of useful information.

⊱• Early Adulthood •⊰

During her travels, Lyra was recognized by members of the powerful and mysterious Crimson Witch Cabal. Drawn to her due to her skills in stealth and subterfuge - valued assets in the cabal-, she was introduced and quickly absorbed into the Cabal. The young Kathar was tantalized by the idea of gaining more power, and rapidly gained a deep love and respect for the Goddess Odella- vowing to carry out her deeds and collect her secrets until the very end. It was then that she underwent the ritual that would forever change her life.

⊱• Advanced Years •⊰

Lyra began to engage in jobs for the Cabal throughout the Dread Empire, but was later put on a ship to Regalia to investigate the arise of powerful Covens, gangs, and Kaahls. There she managed to infiltrate the underground city and became rather involved in the happenings there. At one point, the Abyssal even climbed ranks among vampires and found herself seated at the right hand side of the Lich King, the most powerful vampire in the Undercity, all the while silently reporting back to her Godess Odella. Eventually, however, the powerful organizations she was overlooking all fell, and she returned home for some time.

⊱• Present Day •⊰

After some time away from Regalia, Lyra has returned with an itch for more to investigate and new secrets to uncover. Perhaps, she will find some old friends too.
Last edited:
I need a new reviewer to review some small changes to coincide with the updates that occurred while I was taking a break from Massive. I've updated the points and racial abilities mainly, and a few other minor things.
I will be taking this application for review!
Just add what proficiencies are going into your Physical Stat calculation, make changes in Green and tag me.
Hello! I aged her up and changed around some points to accommodate the new Sorcery update.
