Preserved Sheet Lyari Perxaina (on The Right Account)

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Fazai / Cisva
Aug 11, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
Full Name:
Lyari Mallice Perxaina
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor - Colonial
Skill Information:
Total Points:

Character has 22 proficiency points due to age being 22
+10 Stave Combat
+5 atheletic training
+4 Unarmed Combat Skill
+3 Medical Sciences
+10 Religious knowledge - Cultural
Body Shape:
Physical Stat:
Body Shape: Ripped - 28
Body Fat: Low Body Fat

Common - Learned as first language from 1st parent
D'Ithanie - Second parent's language
Basic Information:
Lyari has been a member of the low/middle class since birth, and has lived here in Regalia for as long as she's been alive. She was born into a family of 3 other siblings, all older than her, and employed. She currently does not have a job, but enough money from her parents to survive decently until she gets her own job. Her parents were both Ailors, and they never really told her too much about her other family. She was raised to defend herself if the need arised, told to stand strong if she felt she needed to, for something she believed in. She was raised with expecations to protect what she believed in and followed. She hopes to join the guards, or just settle with a bodyguard. She currently just wishes to settle down and find a home for herself, and possibly find herself a job.
Visual Information:
Eye Color:
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Casual
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: Grey all over.
Height: 5'8"
Personality and Abilities: (Required)

Lyari, when seen by others, at first, would just likely assume she's another citizen, and maybe prefers to be alone. If they were to interact with her, they'd find a simple woman who sometimes likes to talk. They'll also probably assume that she's been inside her whole life, as she is quite pale. If somebody heard about her, they'd probably hear about her being a strong willed woman. Her common paranoia issues show, with her slow to respond, but kind voice to new people. Others may also notice her, if they have good eyes, to be watching their every move. Her judgement may also be clouded some may notice upon the first interaction, her body language constantly changing to and from different styles.

Lyari on the inside feels that she must protect what she believes and supports. She also tends to feel lonely, worried that some people just hate her for no reason. She feels that people are naturally hateful to those they don't know. She feels those things just because of her naturally paranoid and over observant self has her overthinking everything. To herself, she is just another woman who is there and that she serves a purpose, but hasn't found it yet. She sees herself as a slightly above average woman, as she was raised with parents who supported her.

To friends and family, she is loyal. To anyone she knows and has known, she trusts them. She only trusts them as they have been with her for a time. She's also quite relaxed when around friends, as she feels she doesn't need to be paranoid and concerned of what others are doing. Around strangers however, she doesn't seem to be as open, and tends to watch what they're doing, maybe giving a little trust. When around those she trusts, her friends and family, her body language is consistent, relaxed and/or cheerful. Those who she trusts will also notice more eye contact, and a little less care in what they do. She shows a minor/nonexistent amount of paranoia with these closer people.

She is a good person inside, and tries to show that. Her moral is not affected by her being a good person. She simply wants to defend what she believes and supports. She sees other people's actions, good or neutral, as suspicious. Though if they display either of those for a while, she'll trust them a lot more. Any evil they show, she'll try to stay away from them for the most part. She'll help those who do the right things, to the best of her ability. Others can see her general goodwill without too much interaction, as she can sometimes be read like a book of what she believes. One can know that she supports something, as she'll try and dig up facts about the topic she supports.

Lyari loves to walk around, especially in nature and big cities, these fascinate her for she lived a forest with her family for her younger years, and she dreamed of seeing big cities and exploring them. She loves to see the structures nature forms in the world, as they are random, and change over time. The bigger the mountain, the more she'll want to climb and see. She'll never deny a chance to eat food if she has the time. She loves to try foods from anywhere. She always loves the different cultures that the foods are from.
She normally tries to evade taking sides in politics and arguments, as they just annoy her, she had enough of arguing with her siblings that she just tries to make any argument fast, sometimes meaning she'll agree falsely. Lyari also tends to dislike heights, as she was tormented with the thought of falling to her death by her brothers. She'll avoid any unsteady high place, or places with sheer drops. She dislikes being rushed, but will still rush regardless.
Life Story:
When she was born, to her colonial Ailor mother, and Ithanian father, she had siblings who were ages four, four, and six. Twin brothers and an older sister. She was raised with them in the north in the Colonial regions. Around ages 5-15, she was training with a stave in classes with others, learning to protect herself. She was also presented to wide varieties of food when she was 6-7. When she turned seven, she was given tasks to run through the woods and retreive items. Items that were simple fire wood to a lost piece of cloth or a lost sole of a shoe. She only ran because she was afraid of nature around then. Around eight and two months , she was set outside in a camp for her room for a week. This is when she learned that not everything was dangerous. After the week had passed, she requested that be her room until she was able to go out on her own.

At the age of 17, she was given permission to go wherever, and she explored. She traveled straight to Regalia, as it had intrigued her. She arived there and wandered the city. Where she is now. She spent most of the time looking around, enjoying the scenery. She spent an awful long time looking at everything. She spend days at a time examining big structures and architecture. Other days looking at the nature.

At the age of 18 through 21, Lyari started to get bored of the city, and started to look at the culture and food of the city. She found many foods she loved, and many she disliked. She also looked at the arts and museums. She took many hours trying to find hidden things and meanings in the pictures.
Now, at the age of 22, she is trying to find a job, and settle down. Lyari has seen enough of the city to start searching for jobs. She's learning what certain jobs require, and is trying to find ways to meet those requirements. As for a home, she's a ways away from that. She'll still gladly look at homes though, for future reference.
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  • Specify culture, with religious boost I am presuming Colonial but please specify in life story and under race.
  • Include your total calculation of physical stat with your body build.
  • Spoiler the paragraph you put under basic info. That is optional information and not pertinent to the template.
  • I want to see you flesh out the other personality paragraphs so they're on par with the second in terms of depth.
  • Specify culture, with religious boost I am presuming Colonial but please specify in life story and under race.
  • Include your total calculation of physical stat with your body build.
  • Spoiler the paragraph you put under basic info. That is optional information and not pertinent to the template.
  • I want to see you flesh out the other personality paragraphs so they're on par with the second in terms of depth.
I have went back through, but I am unsure what you meant for the physical stat, so I put the total with the body type and kept it above where it was previously.
Physical stat is the total combined physical proficiency gained from your proficiency stats. The gain is outlined on the wiki page.
Physical stat is the total combined physical proficiency gained from your proficiency stats. The gain is outlined on the wiki page.
I looked over that, and I am sure that it is how it should be, and is where it should be.
Calculated it. Should be 10 + 8 + 10, so a total 0f 28.