Preserved Sheet Lura Alyssum Espuasia

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Jun 16, 2016
Reaction score
Lura Alyssum Espuasia
"Thistle only take a moment"


asic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Lura Alyssum Espuasia
  • Nickname: Ivy or Alyssa
  • Age: 22, born on January 3rd 282 AC
  • Gender: Agender but identifies as female
  • Race: Yanar - Talar Seedling
  • Main Ambition: Luras main ambition is to pursue her job as a gardener and grow to become the person anyone could look up to.
  • Religion: Faith of Estale
  • Languages: Elven and common
  • Special Permission: Student in Evergrowth magic.
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Lura has been in Regalia ever since she turned 20. She came to Regalia to get away from her adoptive family, and experience new things. Currently, Lura lives in a small house in Regalia and she has recently applied to become a gardener at Merrits Apothecary.
  • Lura hasn't met or seen her parents since her birth. When she was born she was found by two Talars, who adopted her and took her in as one of their own. Her mothers name is Lenna Joyra, and her fathers name is Garynnon Joyra. She didn't have any sibblings growing up, but she did make a lot of childhood friends. Most of the people who where her friends became friends with her because the way she looked. All the little Talars thought that she was so amazing because they had never seen a Yanar before.
  • Right now Lura is focusing on her job which is being a gardener. But when she feels like she has completed that goal, she will move on to focus on training in Evergrowth Magic.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Iris is purple, and the white part is yellow.
  • Hair Color: Dark forest green
  • Hair Style: Long and wavy with some flowers and leaves growing in random places.
  • Skin Color: Green apple color
  • Clothing: She wears a small brown dress that was woven by her mother before she left, along with shoes that where also made by her mother.
  • Height: 6 feet and 1 inch tall
  • Weight: 162 lbs
  • Body Build: lithe
  • Weapon of Choice: Evergrowth Magic - Student or her staff
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Luras eyes are a very oval football type shape, her lips are thin, her ears are much like some elves ears but they're more rounded at the tips and more shorter, her forehead is 1 1/2 inches from her eyebrows to her hairline, she always has a smile on her face, her hair color is a dark forest green, and lastly her hair style is simple. Her hair is straight and it occasionally has some leaves or flowers blooming in it depending on what season it is.
  • Luras height comes from her long limbs which is common in most Yanar, her weight is made up of the branches and vines that make up her arms and the rest of her body, the color of her skin is a green apple color with spots of dark green.
  • Lura is always wearing dresses, if she is seen wearing pants that usually means that she was forced to wear them for a special occasion. Lura prefers bright and natural colors. Usually she is wearing a brown dress her mom made her before she left for Regalia two years ago. Lura always has her trust staff with her along with a flaw of water to keep her hydrated. She keeps the staff with her to protect her from thieves, etc. She also carries a little journal for writing down note for magic, or entrees about her day, or alchemy notes.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • Friendly - Lura is very confident and outgoing, making her super friendly and approachable. Lura loves to help people that are fairly new to the area, and she likes to help other just in general. Whenever she meets someone new, she gets excited and tries to make conversation with them.
  • Keen - Lura is very enthusiastic when it comes to just about anything. You could be writing a book or short story and she will be waiting to read it. Even if its a bad or cheesy she'll still give you a positive review.
  • Loyal - Lura will try to help and protect anyone she cares about deeply. You could be her friend or a family member, she will still try to do anything to help or protect you. For people she absolutely admires or loves, she will die for them. If they're fighting someone, she'll try to step in and protect them. Despite the fact that she knows she's weak, she'll still fight for someone she loves.
  • Obnoxious - From time to time Luras confident and keen attitude can get quite annoying. Some people say she's too happy all the time. Lura really didn't grow up mentally because she was always around small children in the village that she lived in. Sometimes people do confront her about being to optimistic and she tries to tone it down but she cant help it.
  • Fearful - Lura is scared of many things, but she tries to think about what she's afraid of in a positive way. Most of the things she is afraid of are beast races, she things they're too brute and scary. But she tries to be nice with them and make friends with them. Since Luras parents where very protective, she didn't get to experience many things leaving her afraid of many things.
  • Over Dramatic - Lura will make a big scene over just about anything. She could spill her water or one of her flowers could wilt off, it doesn't matter. She'll freak out over just about anything. For example, you could bump into her. She'll look at you and start to cry cause she'll thing that you hate her.
  • Hardworking - Despite her lack of strength, Lura still loves to help anyone she can at anytime. Whenever she was little her parents would make her help out other families in the village she lived in. These jobs required focus, and strength but that didn't stop her from completing them.
  • Gardening - Lura has always had a thing for tending to plant life. When she was little one of the many tasks that she had to do was help on the farm her mothers friend owned. Lura basically grew up on that farm, that's where she got her experience. She would help grow all sorts of crops, on her 15th birthday her mother helped her set up her own little herb garden, which she would take care everyday after being homeschooled.
  • Patience - When it comes to waiting on people or other things, Lura is really patient. You could take a week to finish something and she won't mind. When she lived in her village, most of the things she bought where homemade and if she requested something it would've taken a while to make. So, she grew patience because she knows that hard work doesn't take a few minutes to finish, it takes hours, day, and weeks.
  • Overthinking - Lura doesn't take things at face value – she looks for underlying motives in even the simplest things. It's not uncommon for Lura to lose a bit of sleep asking herself why someone did what they did, what it might mean, and what to do about it.
  • Naive - Lura believes pretty much anything people say to her. You could tell her that aliens are taking over the world and shell believe it. If you tell her a rumor, she'll spread it making it easy for lies to start and drama to take place. If you want to humiliate someone with a rumor, tell Lura. She'll spread it faster than any known contagious sickness out there.
  • Sensitive - Lura is very sensitive at times. Usually she is always in a happy mood and she is always smiling, but if you upset her she'll cry or freak out. Usually she tries to control these outbursts by meditating or reading a book.
  • Gardening - Lura Loves to grow and care for plants. Gardening has been her hobby ever since she was 6. When Lura knew she was in love with gardening is when she saw the first plant that she ever planted sprout.
  • Books - Lure likes to read all sorts of book just to pass time. If she has already tended to her garden, then she is usually reading a book or relaxing in The park of Regalia.
  • Music - Lura loves music. She loves hearing the occasional bards playing their tunes in the streets. She loves the piano playing that takes place in the noble lounge from time to time. She just finds music peaceful and pleasing to the mind.
  • Fire - Fire has always scared Lura. The sight of it freaks her out. The only way she'll tolorate it is when a fireplace or oven is lit. And that is it.
  • The color Pink - Lura despises the color pink, because it used to be her exbestfriends favorite color. Usually Lura is a very forgiving person, but what after her old best friend did, there was no looking back.
  • Pants - You will usually see Lura wearing only dresses. Why? Because Lura absolutely refuses to wear pants. She feels trapped in them because they limit certain activities that you could do.
Relationships (Optional)
  • Lenna Joyra (Adoptive Mother/NPC/Talar/54) - Lenna and Lura always got along. They acted like best friends whenever they where around each other. Lenna currently live in a small village in Hyarroc with her husband Garynnon. Lura occasionally writes letters to her mother and father to let them know that she is doing fine.
  • Garynnon Joyra (Adoptive Father/NPC/Talar/58) - Lura and Garynnon didn't talk to each other much. They had a neutral relationship, but Lura still cares about her father.
  • Alexander Falish (enemy/NPC/Talar/26) - Alexander and Lura used to be the best of friends. Always around each other and helping each other out, until Alexander's mother divorced with his father and married an Ailor. The Ailor was very strict and had a hatred for Slizzar and Yanar, so when he met Lura he encouraged Alexander to call her houseplant or other offensive names. Lura was very heart broken but she decided to ignore him and carry on with her life.
  • Niantha Merrit (Close friend and boss/@Eccetra / Yanar/N/A) - Lura and Niantha have been friends for sometime now. Recently Ni accepted Luras application for being the gardener at the apothecary.
  • Ztril Merrit (Acquaintance and boss/ @Eyrok / Naylar/ N/A) - Ztril and Lura briefly met when Lura was tending to the garden outside of the apothecary. They later talked in the alchemy lab and he gave her a notebook on tips and advice while learning alchemy.
  • Jo'efh Espuasia (Husband/ @Biggums9001 /Yanar/ N/A) Jo'fh and Lura have known each other for sometime now. Lura has fallen quickly for him after she saw that he waited three days for her to get released from greygate. Ever since, she has been around him and she usually follows him around.
  • -{will be updated as I rp with her more!}-
Life Story (Required)
  • Lura was born on January 3rd, 282 AC. When her adoptive parents found her she had just hatched from her seed pouch. They gaver her the middle name Alyssum and the last name Ivy because she was birthed in a place where those two plants where very common.
  • On July 7th, 288 AC, Lura found her love for gardening. This is when she saw her little plant sprout and bloom into a beautiful flower. After seeing her flower sprout to life she decided that that's what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
  • Not a lot of interesting stuff happened until her 15th birthday came around. When it was January 3rd, 297 AC (Luras 15th birthday) she recived her first own little herb garden where she could grow all sorts of cooking herbs, alchemy herbs, and medical herbs.
  • A few months after Lura turned 15, her friend Alexander started harassing her and calling her names because of his racist step father. This hit Lura hard, but she eventually got over it knowing that Alexander was not making much friends after the other Talars figured out what happened.
  • Life was all good until she turned 20. After Luras 20th birthday she decided to set off to Regalia to start off her new life in a city. This made Lura sad to leave her parents but she knew it was for the best.
  • After 1 year and 10 months of living in Regalia, Lura met a nice Yanar by the name of Ritzue. They talked for hours upon hours about themselves. Ritzue was a nice elder Yanar, he was very wise and kind. But a month after meeting him he told her something that made her shocked but ecstatic. He was an Expert Mage in Evergrowth Magic. At first Lura didn't know what Evergrowth Magic was, but he taught her. She now goes to meet Ritzue every day in the sewers to learn about and train in Evergrowth Magic.
  • Lura currently lives in a nice house and is awaiting a letter back from Merrits Apothecary about her job application. She is still studying Evergrowth Magic, and is making all sorts of friends.
  • (8/19/304 AC) A few days ago Lura has gotten the job at the Apothecary but things have been a bit hectic. She recently got arrested for defending her innocent boss Niantha, but sadly Niantha was arrested anyways.
  • (8/20/304 AC) Lura has recently met a nice Yanar by the name of Jo'fh while saving him from a mekket back at the apothecary. They have become great friends but he confessed his attraction to her, which threw Lura off guard.
  • (9/4/304 AC) Jo'efh recently engaged and married Lura, they now live in small home close to the park, apothecary, and tavern.
  • (9/5/304 AC) Lura recently purchased a property and turned it into a shop named Espuasia's Herbs and Cosmetics. Upon buying the shop she quit her job at Merrtis Apothecary to focus on running her store.
  • -{will be updated as I rp with her more!}-
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I like the character design. Would be cool for you to flesh out a lot more details on her.
~I will be adding more visual information for Lura in the near future!~
Art is not a weakness because she doesn't uses it.
Being bad at something isn't a weaknees. Find something which will always negatively affect the char.
Don't have to constantly bump up the thread. Someone will come along and review it soon. Also, for weakness, it doesn't ALWAYS have to negatively affect the character. Just going to point that out.
Well it is my thread so yes :3 and I know :P

I didn't say it wasn't your thread. Wait a few weeks before bumping it up. Otherwise, try not to bump it too much.

I'll be keeping an eye on this character, I am interested in roleplaying with you in the future.
I didn't say it wasn't your thread. Wait a few weeks before bumping it up. Otherwise, try not to bump it too much.

I'll be keeping an eye on this character, I am interested in roleplaying with you in the future.
Okie! I'll be glad to see you around Regalia! :P
But I think because of our time zones we won't be seeing much of each other.
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • Add one more sentence to your fearful personality trait.
  • A lore staff might have something to say about the weaknesses, but I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on that one.
  • You might want beef your life story out a bit.
  • Maybe add some more details about how she learned Evergrowth magic? I only found 1 sentence about it in the life story.
Other than that, nice application :D
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • Add one more sentence to your fearful personality trait.
  • A lore staff might have something to say about the weaknesses, but I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on that one.
  • You might want beef your life story out a bit.
  • Maybe add some more details about how she learned Evergrowth magic? I only found 1 sentence about it in the life story.
Other than that, nice application :D
I will tag you once the edits have been made!
Overall - I think this is a very good idea for a character, she seems like one of the few people that my char Finwe would like lol. I (Finwe) was there when Niantha and Ztrik had a run-in with the guards but didn't see the whole scene. Based on my very limited experience with Yanar (so don't take this too hard), she does seem a little bit like a stereotypical free-spirited Yanar, although I'm not sure if that's a stereotype or just what Yanar are actually always like, but I do think that a major thing that makes her unique, whether it be a hobby, a personality trait, or something else, but since I don't know much about Yanar, I may be wrong about this. I do think that Regalia needs more characters like this who don't base their RP off of fighting, which I am guilty of as well. I can't go into the tavern at all on a given day without seeing a fight there or on the way, which is good and bad I guess. Anyway. Great char, think she should be more unique but I'm still kinda new do don't take that too hard.
Overall - I think this is a very good idea for a character, she seems like one of the few people that my char Finwe would like lol. I (Finwe) was there when Niantha and Ztrik had a run-in with the guards but didn't see the whole scene. Based on my very limited experience with Yanar (so don't take this too hard), she does seem a little bit like a stereotypical free-spirited Yanar, although I'm not sure if that's a stereotype or just what Yanar are actually always like, but I do think that a major thing that makes her unique, whether it be a hobby, a personality trait, or something else, but since I don't know much about Yanar, I may be wrong about this. I do think that Regalia needs more characters like this who don't base their RP off of fighting, which I am guilty of as well. I can't go into the tavern at all on a given day without seeing a fight there or on the way, which is good and bad I guess. Anyway. Great char, think she should be more unique but I'm still kinda new do don't take that too hard.
That's for the review! Naturally Yanars are very peaceful creatures because of their religion and their overall opinion on things. There are bad yanars out there, but since this is my first yanar I decided to go with a peaceful optimistic type personality since my other 3 characters are sorta violent.
I'll be taking over the review! Apologies for the wait!

  • Minor spelling mistake here. Pardon my nitpicky-ness.
  • Whilst not necessary, I'd recommend what seedling Lura is in the Basic Information.
  • I feel as if 'Confident' and 'Outgoing' could be merged into a single trait, and to maintain 6 personality traits, add another positive/neutral personality trait.
  • 'Picky' isn't a personality trait on its own, but it could be part of something more broad - like fussy or critical.
  • It's a given that any mage is going to be physically weak, and as such, isn't really a weakness for that character. Replace it with something else - it doesn't have to be physical, necessarily.
  • Ensure that all strengths/weaknesses have at least 3-4 phrases.
  • Given that the weaknesses 'Sensitive' and 'Stressed' are quite similar, you can either merge them into one weakness and add another in its place, or add a fourth weakness. Up to you.
  • Overall, this is quite a nicely-written app! Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done.
I'll be taking over the review! Apologies for the wait!

  • Minor spelling mistake here. Pardon my nitpicky-ness.
  • Whilst not necessary, I'd recommend what seedling Lura is in the Basic Information.
  • I feel as if 'Confident' and 'Outgoing' could be merged into a single trait, and to maintain 6 personality traits, add another positive/neutral personality trait.
  • 'Picky' isn't a personality trait on its own, but it could be part of something more broad - like fussy or critical.
  • It's a given that any mage is going to be physically weak, and as such, isn't really a weakness for that character. Replace it with something else - it doesn't have to be physical, necessarily.
  • Ensure that all strengths/weaknesses have at least 3-4 phrases.
  • Given that the weaknesses 'Sensitive' and 'Stressed' are quite similar, you can either merge them into one weakness and add another in its place, or add a fourth weakness. Up to you.
  • Overall, this is quite a nicely-written app! Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done.
I have made all the edits! Please tell me if I missed anything!