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Played Character Lunivera

This character is actively played.
LuniveraMagePic.webp Character Information

Name: Lunivera
Nicknames: Loony
Heritage: Vexit Isldar, Evolver
Age: 49
Pronouns: She/Her
Occult: Mage, Exist Affinity
Faith: Draconist, Successionist of Felicula

Appearance Information
Eye Color: Light Blue
Skin Color: Pale Skin, Crimson Scales
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 6' 2"
Body Type: Lithe

Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents: Fishing
Languages: Sulvaley, Altalar, Common

Isldar 1, Isldar 2
Urlan 1, Urlan 2, Urlan 5

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

  • Magic Snare
  • Magic Smog
  • Magic Resist
  • Magic Bolster
  • Magic Disengage
  • Magic Warp
  • Magic Isolate
  • Magic Reduce
  • Magic Shove
  • Magic Revive
  • Wardrobe Pack (Magic)
  • Duelist Invokation
  • Deadeye Barrage
  • Deadeye Crit
  • Magic Cleanse (Isldar Perk)
  • Iron Will (Evolver Perk)

Backstory and Plothooks
Army, just Army

Lunivera is a daughter of Ellador, her true parentage known only to the frost. To such an unfortunate orphan, salvation was found in the local garrison. She would be a conscript thrown to the meatgrinder of Dorkarthi war, levied to hopefully stem the sanguine tide. Many might consider this a dismal fate. Lunivera would call it her ticket out. Proving to be a naturally talented magician, she was provided an arcanist's education, climbing the ranks from mere cannon fodder to somewhat expendable.

[Lunivera has a martial background, and prefers violent solutions.]

The Schism
With the eruption of the Civil War, Lunivera had a choice; worship Frisit-now-Ravaal, or adapt and find faith with the returned Dragons. She adapted, in more ways than one. No war, especially no civil war, leaves one unchanged. Lunivera threw in with the proto-Evolvers, and over time incorporated much Wyvern biology into her own person. She believes others should too, though finds technological solutions to be barbaric.

[Lunivera is critical of perceived weakness, but loathes technological solutions.]

[Lunivera thinks highly of those who embrace similar concepts.]

Seer, Sibyl, Sage
If not for a few Peculiarities, Lunivera might have been a prestige soldier, a bodyguard to a respected general or an officer of her own Wing. Eccentricity and obsession moved her to a different path. Lunivera pushes the boundaries of acceptable Successionist behavior, proclaiming that Felicula guides her in her dreams. She has a fascination with advanced, almost forbidden schools of study like Time Magic, and though she is no great mage yet, thirst for knowledge possesses her like nothing else.

[Lunivera has an obsession for forbidden Magic and Knowledge.]

[Lunivera will sometimes be compelled to act against perceived interest.]

Cold War Blues
The Regalian intervention and Urlan incursion froze both the War and her martial ambitions in Ellador. As Isldar society formed along the divides between Rexit and Vixit, she found herself mustered out of the army. For one who knew nothing but the army, this was a curse. She quickly found civilian life unbecoming and turned to vice as a distraction. It was a spiral, but in her descent she found a glimmer of hope; Regalia. An old commander was rumored to be there. What for, who, why, she did not know; but any place was better than where she was. So she went.

[Lunivera is a teetotaler and will refuse all drinks.]
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