Preserved Sheet Lunette Narelle

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p l a t i n u m   l i z a r d
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score




Art by SpoopyKoro
i ntroduction.↴
full name. Lunette Adalicia-Chelsea Narelle
age. Twenty-four
gender. Female
race. Ithanian Ailor-Altalar mixbreed.

;; main ambition. To play the 'Heroine'. By helping others in need and liberating persons from their problems, and mostly take care of her family.
  • Not well, to say the least. As of recently she has come across some financial problems that she cannot help but think about. Such as not having enough money to pay her monthly rent and whatnot. So in a short sentence, she'd be rather poor at the moment.
  • Lunete was born in Ithania, and given an Ithanian name to fit in with the children there. However her mother had given her up for adoption, she still remembers the name " Dorlaine " well. Her adoptive father's name was Celestin Narelle, however. And had stuck with that surname ever since. Her brother, Aldric, is pretty close to her, often cleaning up the mistakes this ""hero"" makes.
  • Help herself afterwards, though due to her nature, it seems that she doesn't plan to make any sort of space for herself -- much less act on things, and preferably be able to PAY THEIR RENT.

Skill Information
  • School:
    • Lancyon.
  • Level:
    • Warrior.
  • Source:
    • A former Half-Songaskia soldier-turned-farmer, named Sekayi.

eye color. Brown.
hair color. Vibrant brunette.
hair style. Curly and let-down, like her mother.
skin color. Tanned, with many tattoos.
clothing. A shirt, Ithanian jackets and pants.
height. 5'11
weight. 146 lb
frame. Rectangular
favored weapon.
  • Face: Lunette has a bit of an angular facial structure; stretching from her once fully elvish roots, with the large, almond eyes of a doll that matches in proportion of every other sight on her face. Her smooth nose is nothing noticeable on her tan-ish skin, though her forehead is just slightly above the average size - her cheeks are bridged by a constellation of freckles. Ears barely as long as the average Elf's, but the obvious link between them and the Ailor.
  • Body: Mostly a rectangular and angled frame she would have, though slightly muscled from long work at the plantation -- if anything, her hips are more defined then her torso, her legs being her strong-point. Her arms are kind of nimble, though not to a noticeable degree. Aside from that - she's mostly skinny.
  • Clothing: Often the most outragious and extravagant clothing she would find - however her brother stops her from going out the door in that, therefore Lunette is often forced to change into something a bit more toned down. The color scheme and the general feel of all her outfits seem to differ in nearly every way, making it seem random on what she likes to wear.
  • Lunette has a thick, Ithanian accent. Though she is aware of it - she doesn't really do anything to change it, considering that it's part of her culture. She speaks in a flowery tone, generally.


personality ☩ abilities.↴

[✰ personality traits ]
  • One way to describe her would be Sanctimonious, as she puts herself after whatever else is important. With that, she wants the best for others, as she believes she could do things for herself much later on. Any feeling of wanting to abandon others with come with a stab of guilt, and so, she'd turn around and do what's morally correct. Though, her thoughts don't reflect her actions, as she does want what's best for herself, although at the end she expects at least a thanks or a gift, as though she tends to see herself as a sort of martyrdom despises the idea of blaming others, with that - feels guilt at these conflicting feelings, but. --
  • The thing that stops her from wanting to take care of only herself, would be her hero complex. She feels like a horrible person whenever she attempts to turn the other way from someone in need. Though, she uses this complex to push herself to do the right thing, if she wanted to or not. If she became an outsider, she'd be restless until she's forgiven for ignoring. Due to this, she may also be a bit over-forgiving and over-tolerant then she should be, as well as being their 'hero', she, deep down, wants to promote herself into becoming someone that's looked up to, though will never say so - seeing it as selfish to want to attain a position like that.
  • With all due to the above, she can be considered selfless, Her traits cause her to put herself in harm's way, all for the victim, and will have no choice to protect someone with all her might. With that, she can probably be called something among the lines of over-protecting, since she feels the urge to protect all those who need protecting, making herself look like hero or some sort.
  • One of her goals would be to make others feel great about themselves; whether it came to promoting happiness in their reach of helping persons solve their problems. With that, this makes her rather felicitous, wanting to make sure others are happy, even when she's not. Therefore, she could make someone's happiness an inspiration for herself to become joyful, just as they seem to be. When it comes to herself, it's noticed that she's a bit more pessimistic since she tends to find problems that will never be resolved when she looks into the topic of one's self.
  • She's aware of her own problems, though doesn't do anything to really fix them due to her pessimism. But though she's aware that the ability to reflect on her mistakes, she procrastinates on doing such, waiting for something about the perfect time for her to do so, and so far -- it seems that has not been a suitable time for doing so. Lunette is self-critical but never does anything about it in the end. With that, she is easily embarrassed when something she could've prevented if she had tried happened, blaming it on it on herself, being blameful and all.
  • She takes might care of who she places her trust into, as she never particularly had been betrayed; she's worried about if it may happen, making her to be a bit distrusting.. She has many high standards to becoming someone who is truly close with. Though she's particularly an open-book, as most people can really, already be able to see through her. With that, she feels the need to be dishonest as to throw people off their tracks when she feels she's being analyzed. Lunete also feels easily irritable, do not be fooled by her self-oppressiveness. She only feels low-self esteem but does her best to refrain from escapism. With that, she tends to be insensitive to others, and actually -- a bit morbid. She wishes to be able to do what she feels to do; but she rejects such hedonism.
  • Due to her background, she had developed a very mellow and outgoing personality, having come from a plantation. As one of the workers, that is. Free-spirited as any other woman as anyone her age would be -- and believing in fantastical things for the sake believing in it, though she is aware it isn't real at all. She also has a liberal outlook on things. Not believing in equality but -- they shouldn't suffer individually, if they had done nothing wrong. Though she'll hesitate when it'll come to more beastly races, but she'll try, nevertheless. Though even then, she seems to be a bit biased and may go using stereotypes for them.
  • In darker times, she attempts to come off as fierce, though in the inside; she's a bit of a softie. Just a bit sensitive. Though attempts to mask this with reckless actions.
» »{ Strengths }
An irrelevant ability, but still a strength nevertheless, growing up as a plantation worker in southern Ithania, she had grown the ability of how to garden, with that - she often attempts to create small flower gardens or things that others may like, though she doesn't actually have any sort of interest in them herself, but hopes that the small children on the block may.

Even if she can't, she enjoys trying to put anyone in a good place, whether it's for her or not, out of the good of her heart. Though, she will try and avoid those who she despises, as much as she hides it, she wants those that dislike her to be disliked, and generally live a better life then they do. She is bursting with positive energy to try and help all in need with childish innocence, no matter what they may have done impersonally in the past.

lightning magic!
Yes, lightning magic, an obvious strength that allows her to shoot lightning at others when needed. Though she only knows Lightning strike, though would rather have Static Field due to the fact that she'd rather be able to protect herself, rather than actually fight someone, but she she gets what's available.

She's fine with being embarrassed, actually, finding humor in laughing at herself. She believes that it's good, since she feels as if she has a guilty conscience almost all of the time, along with that, she also believes that i's to make sure she doesn't become an egotistical person.

» »{ Weaknesses }
With less than enough, she feels that others deserve more then her, and so -- she barely takes anything into herself, and whenever she fails to pretend to be the image of a hero that everyone admires; she feels as if she had failed an important mission that she set off on at the beginning of her life. As much as she wants to stop, and do other things, she feels no choice but to continue on her path. And so, she nearly feels the urge to hate herself when she lets loose and attempts to do a hedonistic act.

She acts like a child, no less. With that, she finds it hard to keep acting mature when something serious comes up, preferring to keep things simple instead of planning, with that - she can also tend to get lost within an expand of planning for something. With that, she's rather troubled when it comes to acting like acting she's not, though if it's to do something, she'd try.

She's picky about what others would like. Not about changing herself to what other's want; but when she attempts to help one whose perspective is far from her own -- she often attempts to please them in the way that she'd like, such as giving them only the gifts that she'd want, and helping in the way that she'd want it. She also has a tendency to be panicky about helping others, as well. She has to get someone's need, perfectly. Even if one says that it's fine, it won't be fine for her. Lunette doesn't notice when she does it.

Lunette has many scars, many of them are burn wounds from a fire. tthese parts tend to be extremely sensitive due to some improper healing, due to harsh punishments that she'd be put through. These spots are the back of her knees and calves, her upper-back, and left arm.

  • Lunette tends to:
    • Tap her finger on her thigh when irritated.
    • Stretch, right after dealing with someone.
    • Flipping a coin to make a decision she already made.
    • Curl her hair when ignoring something.
  • Lunette has a green-thumb from working, after all - it's hard to stay hired on a plantation if you can't farm. Even though it might not have so much worth after so long -- she's happy to care for plants and whatnot, and is especially good at growing potatoes.
  • Lunette has a natural affinity for teaching and care-giving, her talent focusing mostly on children, but there's no word that says she can't do the same for manchildren, although. This makes her good with children, and at the same time -- she can easily teach things to others in a way that they could understand.
  • Tales and Lore: Stemming from her childhood past, she has a true interest in fantastic stories that take places where people need helping. Idolizing these fictional figures, she continues to do so to this day. Though some may call it childish - but she still loves the ending to eat story, where it hits it off with a satisfying ending.
  • Ballet: It's feminine standard is aesthetically pleasing for the Ithanian woman, who - though she has never once seen a ballet show -- still finds the dance to be breath-taking, if she was ever to see a professional do it. Though she wouldn't continue training for it after a couple of days, the idea of learning ballet is intriguing.
  • Wind chimes: The high notes tend to charm her, since - well, like above the elfing finds them to sound pretty to her. Lunette will not even mind you if you're carrying a wind chime in the middle of the street.
  • Calligraphy: Having studied this a bit herself, this certain hobby is something she enjoys, even though it's as simple as writing in a pleasant way.
  • Extravagant clothing: Something obvious, as Lunette constantly attempts to dress in a similar way; though tends to come off as even more ridiculous then constant fashion trends.

  • Sanguines:
  • tba

Aldric Narelle - Twin Brother/First Mate - @TcareyWasTaken
This young man is often the center of Lunette's attention, attempting to look over Aldric as much as possibly to - first; make sure he's able to get to their house everyday, safe and sound. Another reason would be to make sure Aldric doesn't get into any unnecessary problems with the law - or mostly with other people. Though he enjoys being involved with any sort of mischief he might cause.


Life Story

While born out of a Wedlock from their female nelfin mother, from her Ailor father - a father of which she ended up never knowing, in the grand town of Camtoise. She was left with a small scrap of paper that had the name of the mother, that neither that she was able to know. While at the Orphanage that was supplied by the busy trading ports that invited merchants and inland merchants to come to meet and trade. With that, one of the traders - a couple named Anastasie an Celestin Narelle. With that, from that day forth, they were soon taken into the countryside, to be raised in the southern parts to help out on the farm, raised as their own.

In their childhood, they had attempted time and time again to find who their original parents were - their elvish roots and whatnot; though this came up with no results. Unlike her brother - she focused moreso around exploring her surroundings. This included wandering around grown forests in pretend to be a sort of adventurer, pretending to be some sort of protector of the wood, she aimed to be some sort of hero that she would constantly read about in the many fantastic stories she would delve into in childhood.


With the occasional trips to the larger town and even rarer; the city -- she back a knack for helping others. Helping older ladies cross the street to snitching to the local guards about deeds that shouldn't have been done in the first place. WIth that, Lunette became a well known citizen for being a prudey, nosy young lady who tends to help people in the street that she doesn't even know. Not that it was bad; but she often attempted to get Aldric to not pick-pocket others, forcing him to return things that wasn't his. She had also attempted to get a job in the city, but failed on a daily basis.

Lunette did her best to keep her head above the water from the regularly dirty life-style that being poor would give you. However, after the time that Aldric ended up tripping and falling off a ledge while exploring while Lunete was still trying to get a good job -- though after the incident with Aldric, she began to take a turn for the worst. As soon enough, she felt that she could've done something; but she was too weak to do it at that time. The beginning of a guilt complex was planted inside her, as she attempted to 'make up' for it by going into the dirty life-style she oh-so avoided.


Even into Adulthood, she still attempted to help the unfortunate lower residents of the town. Though - after her exposure to the moreso harsher and darker side of the world; her morals slowly became shook as she took note that she would not be able to keep the tight hold on her black-and-white morals for any more longer. But -- she had somewhat achieved the image of the neighborhood hero, though at the cost of letting go of anything else that mattered to her, to take hold of the hyper-exaggerated image she dreamed to be. She constantly made herself out to be absolutely selfless, even if she didn't want to, suppressing her own desires - dragging herself into exhaustion from overworking herself often came about with some lack of self-care.

After that, she attempted to flee her problems under a new guise; temporarily disappearing from the public eye; aside from her brother - to simply work at another farm in an attempt to calm down. Though she wasn't the only farm worker out there; she soon grew disturbed as she found how troubled the persons there were as well. Though - she was there to escape. Lunette - then known as Parisiene, didn't make many friends -- that aside from a certain Qadir named Mayeso. A soft rivalry as she disregarded Parisiene's offered help, though her father had decided to reward her with tutoring, for her generous help after a certain incident.

Even though the time at the plantation was nice, she found it time to leave after a couple of years. after another incident happened, of which includes the plantation burning down anyways -- to return to her possibly lonely brother. After hearing word of Regalia, the two decided to head out to there.

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Peer Edit Time! *Waves*
    • Body:
    • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
    • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.
    Miiiiight wanna add something here, as it's from the template.

  • Also do that to your "Personality Expansion" tab or remove it if you don't intend to add anything, though this is not vital to the reviewing/approval process.
Though I haven't read through all of your personality traits here, what I see is amazing! You've done a great job developing your character and explaining her traits. Might want to double-check that each trait in bold has its 4-5 sentence explanation, or that you distinguish the ones that have that explanation.

Overall, I think this app is great.
Keep it up!
@ntfury i have done the thing ( mostly. )
@Pastellanar Review complete!
  • Elaborate more on the Strength "Zest". Currently, I'm not quite sure how it classifies as a strength.
Aside from the point above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you're finished. Pending!
@Pastellanar Review complete!
  • Elaborate more on the Strength "Zest". Currently, I'm not quite sure how it classifies as a strength.
Aside from the point above, I cannot find any further lore inconsistencies or other mistakes. Please highlight your changes in blue, and tag me in a reply when you're finished. Pending!