Preserved Sheet Lunatheli Redwood

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The huggler
Jun 1, 2015
Reaction score
NOTE: Currently updating to new point system!
Basic Information
  • Full name: Lunatheli (Luna) Aida Redwood
  • Age: 24 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Altalar/Avanthar
  • Main Ambition: Her life ambition is to gain knowledge of helping to attend to those who are injured. By learning basic first aid and more advanced methods of medicine and become a herbalist.
Basic Information Expansion
  • She was born to Riven Arthonnen Redwood (Father, deceased+Avanthar.) and Rillel Arawen Redwood (mother, maiden name: Silkin. Age: 89+Altalar)
  • Luna has other relatives, including her siblings. These are Nherei E Redwood, who is her sister and is the oldest out of Luna and her older brother at 28 where as her brother, Riven E Redwood II is 25. They like most siblings have their rivalry but can get along famously when they have too.
  • Follows the Lothar faith
  • Lives in Regalia, on Assi Street. It is rented by Luna, also her relatives including her brother Riven. The home is warm and cozy. Luna is very happy living there.
  • Luna also wishes to learn and gain fighting experience, so she can defend herself better, instead of turning into a damsel in distress.

  • Elvish; 10/10
  • Common 8/10
Skill Information;
  • School: School of Medicine
  • Level: Learned
  • Source: Mentored by mother and School of Medicine

Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Black
  • Hair style: Long waves
  • Skin Colour: Ivory Bage (pale)
  • Clothing: Dresses, nothing too fancy. Earthy colours (Brown, green etc.)
  • Height: 6'2
  • Body build: Average, slightly toned.
  • Weapon of choice: Fists or a bag (if she is carrying one)
Body Description
  • Luna stands at 6'2, and is an average weight of 149lbs, for someone of her height. Also she is a little toned from constantly being on the move and pushing herself and doing lots of physical chores. Making her just about strong enough to lift her own weight if she was to try.
  • She has pale pinkish skin. Some blemishes include her 'beauty' marks located on her right shoulder, the lower center of her back and also her left hip. She has a noticeable thin scar on her back, running from her right shoulder to the middle center of her back.
  • Much like the usual woman and man would have her fair share of body hair. She would regularly shave her legs and underarms. Only trimming her groin region now and then.
  • Luna would have no other visible blemishes apart from light scars. She would also have no piercings. However she would have a small redwood leaf tattoo on her outer right ankle.

Head Description
  • Luna has a full head of black hair which in some lighting can be seen as a maroon red. It flows in large waved curls to the center of her back and to the bottom of her rib cage at the front, it is well kept giving it a clean shine. Her fringe is side swept to the left side of her face, a few strands falling on the right.
  • Luna has a narrow heart shaped head/face, her complexion pale much like the rest of her skin. She has only one faint scar on her face which can only be seen at a very up-close distance, it is located just above her left eye towards the bridge of her nose.
  • She has thin black eyebrows, shaped. lightly resting above her ocean blue eyes, that are a thin-almond shape. Her eyes would be outlined by her long black eyelashes making it almost seem as if she is wearing eyeliner with how closely packed they are. At the corners of her eyes she would have a few wrinkles from when she smiles.
  • Her lips are pink and thin, very faint grin lines on each corner. Her nose also being small and pointed much like her long Elven ears.
  • She has multiple piercings on her ears, the location of ear ring varying from her lobe to the tip of her ears. She has no tattoos on her neck or head, nor does she have any other scars or freckles etc.
Clothing and accessories
  • Luna had two forms of dressing, from her daily wear to her work clothing as part of the Emerald Rose Crew.
  • Her normal, casual wear is usually a well fitted dress. The dresses tend to be floor length, the shoulders varying between being covered and open with the sleeve dangling over the arm. If the shoulders are covered the sleeve will stretch covering her entire arm being loose and flowing at the ends.
  • She would sometimes wear a rope belt around her waist, allowing the ends to tie and dangle to her side. Also she would usually wear flat, pumps matching the colour of these dresses.
  • Her work clothes consist of a white loose blouse, the shoulders gone with the sleeve hanging on the upper arm, much like a style of her dresses. To keep the blouse close she wears a brown leather corset, tied at the front with beige laces. Blue cotton pants, simple with no decal. Brown leather boots, over the ankle. Quite cheaply made and easily replaceable in case of water damage. Finally she would wear a red or blue rag around her head to keep her hair out of her face.
  • Over her work clothes she would have a heavy brown leather trench coat, made for her specifically as a gift from her husband Rythian.
  • With all outfits she will wear a thin silver chain with a silver leaf pendent attached to it.

Personality and Abilities

Lunatheli is a humble and also intelligent person. She can come off as shy if someone was to first meet her, though once she is comfortable she is quiet open and reliable. It is not easily noted to strangers if she does not like someone she first meets, though if this occurred she would almost act as if they were not present and would be quite sarcastic towards most of their comments. Though with this said, she is also sarcastic to those she knows. Just not as much in a condescending tone.

She is somewhat indecisive at times when she would have time to ponder on something, though something that would need a split decision she can give an answer almost instantly. She understands that this is something she must work on as it shows that she doesn't have complete confidence in herself where she has for others. She is quite happy within herself, and has generally a positive look on life and sees herself generally as quite bubbly and nice to people even if they may not think this themselves. Overall Luna wants to be a people pleaser, and will go to extents to fulfill this

To those she is more comfortable with, Luna can be more outgoing and a bit of a goof. Her siblings even with her age is just like they are teenagers, pestering them and in some ways annoying. Respectful to her mother, with her being the only parent she has left she is wary of not wanting her to come to harm which can mean she is sometimes a little too protective of her. Flirting isn't always something that Luna can strive for success in. She comes off quite playful and only the real winners catch on to this.. if only. When it comes to a serious relationship, Luna is faithful and honest with them, she will try her best to keep them happy though she may generate a shorter fuse to tolerate them just as most do. Though this said, she will be more protective of them and be very affectionate and bare all to them.

Luna is thoroughly good inside even though she can sometimes get a little moody. She likes to see the best in people and push them to get where they want to, even if it means she is having to let them go. When Luna looks to others who may not seem to follow such morals, she will go to lengths to make sure that those people around her are safe and not harmed by those with such. That, and she is not one to force her views upon others and more so quietly judge them from afar.

  • Physique: Luna being average for her weight but also toned makes her quite fast on her feet. Which comes in handy for when she eventually decides to fight or flee in situations. When her words and indecisiveness slows her down this more than makes up for it. Making her capable of quick get away or swift movements towards her opponents (If in a fight).
  • Perceptive: Keeping her eyes open of her surroundings and analyzing threats. Is something she has learned since she was child and her mother taught her about dangers around them. She observes not only with her eyes but through other senses too. She has sharp hearing, again something she has in a sense tuned herself to. Knowing of which noise pans from and identifying various sounds that others may commonly mistake.
  • Can understand and speak common and Elvish: There is no language barrier when it comes to speaking with common Ailors or her own Nelfin folk. Provided it is one of the two languages. With both being highly used languages. This makes it easier for her to befriend others. She also understands some northern. But only small phrases. All together this gives her more charisma in being able to start conversations despite her being somewhat quiet.
  • Self-Conscious: Though it is hard to tell and not really seen from how she holds and presents herself. Luna is undoubtedly conscious of herself and her appearance. Under and over her clothing. If someone makes a compliment of her appearance, her appreciation is shown. However if a rude or mean comment is made negatively of her she is most likely going to take it to heart. A change in her body language would surely change. She would seem more uncomfortable for sure.
  • Stubbornness: Luna's stubborn personality as much as it may seem it should be a strength with it keeping her integrity and such, is more of a weakness. Seeing as her sister was always one to tease her Luna only learned to really stand her ground by staying put and trying her best to verbally fight back. But this with her being older never necessarily works out anymore and can often get her into more trouble than what it is worth. The results normally leave her to running out of words and sometimes looking foolish and allowing embarrassment to fall upon her.
Personality Traits
  • Quiet: Luna is one to stay quiet around new people and can often be seen as being shy but that is simply not the case. She uses silence as a way of observing her acquaintances to weigh up there chances of being a threat. This indeed is a way of defending herself due to her lack of trust in everyone. However for those who 'pass' her test of worthiness she does open up to be more talkative.
  • Virtuoso: Like most Elf's Luna takes much interest in the arts particularly those of the musical kind. Luna has taken much time learning to play the flute fluently creating the most beautiful melodies of sorrow and happiness. Luna only plays according to her mood and thoughts which do unfortunately lean towards her sorrows, and these sounds can only be heard by her neighbors when she is in her home. Also along with the flute she also uses her vocals to create tunes much like those on her flute.
  • Intelligent: Again like most Elf's/Altalar Luna is intelligent even with her unusual upbringing. She can process most things twice as fast s the typical Ailor making it hard to interact with Ailors due to her impression of them being quite slow. With this trait Luna has learnt a lot of her Elven ancestors including the wars however her family tree is not apart of that as the trail went cold with the loss of both parents.
  • Humble: Unlike most of her fallen ancestors, Luna is humble right down to her core. She has much love for nature and all creatures despite some unkind thoughts which may sometimes dwell when her intelligence gets the better of others. However despite that she will only present kind words to all who interact with her, keeping close to her Lothar faith. With being humble she is also very modest and will not credit herself for any work she does which some may see as not so intelligent. But you know what they say "what goes around, comes around".
  • Resourceful: Need to make a quick buck? Luna is that kind of person, which works out very well with her humble attribute. Were many have failed from her kind to follow a good faith and live well, Luna has found her way through the kindness of her heart to the pockets of those around her by giving those what they need at a small price. She scours markets to see the prices and see if she can do better but also trying not to profit at a loss. Her helpful attitude brings comfort to those who need something which makes her a reliable source for supplies.
  • Reliable: Luna with her kind nature is also very reliable. It could be anything you could think of, whether its looking after your pet or maybe just having your back...providing she likes you, she'll be there. This has brought many people to enjoying her sometimes comforting presence. It being quite a relaxing feeling to know you are in her safe hands.
  • Stubborn: Luna can be incredibly stubborn especially when trying to prove a point. Even when she knows she is wrong or mistaken. She will drive through with reason after reason just to make sure she isn't wrong. She will stand arguing with someone proving she is right until someone pulls her away.
  • Indecisive: Many times decision making has gotten her into trouble. Choices are just too hard to make. The simplest choice can be hard for her, even if it will not affect her in any way. Most in particular her fight or flee choice comes under the microscope a lot when in confrontation. Leaving her speechless and seen as a weaker person in some situations when trying to decide this.
  • Moody: Her mood swings on a daily basis not just when on her time of the month can be some what drastic. Leaving those close to her frustrated and sometimes annoyed, especially when it is between being angry and upset. The emotional roller coaster she can never get off is something that she cannot control. The way she was brought up being a main source to this issue.
  • Sarcastic: With her intelligence, the occasional sarcastic comment will be spit up from her mouth. Like a hand-in-hand relationship. If someone, even someone close to her makes perhaps a stupid remark or does something stupid. She can be almost too quick to snap back with a sarcastic comment. Despite her humble nature. The amount of sarcasm depends on the amount of stupidity displayed. Which would most likely have to be really stupid for her to comment on it.
  • Flowers: Luna the nature loving freak, absolutely adores flowers. Especially as a gift. This is something her husband learned about her quite quickly after gifting her with some and having her face light up. The type of flower does not matter to her. If it's a flower. It's still a flower. So she will love it. Even if it's a painting or sculpture of a flower. She is still bound to love it!
  • Adventure: Hiking? Sure. Sailing? Love to! Something Luna also likes is nothing short of a good adventure. No matter how dangerous or insane it might seem. She doesn't mind getting caught in the rain or being thrown about on stormy seas whilst her and the Emerald Rose have set sail. Every moment is an adventure and she loves every minute of it.
  • Children: As much as she will try and deny it, she loves children. Despite her awkwardness around trying to hold someone else s child and how terrified she feels to be left alone with them. Luna still loves children, she loves how at peace they are with the world with all their joy. She also wants her own for this very reason and was quite disappointed at first learning she couldn't physically have her own with Rythian. But is over the moon that they can since he's cured.
  • The Sun: Being from Daendroc, it is no wonder she loves to soak up the sun and it's warmth. It's quite the must have for her Altalar/Avanthar life style.
  • Loneliness: Being alone is something Luna finds. Well... Lonely. She loves the company of others. even if they are strangers she can't trust. This links to her also disliking loosing people. It only adds to her becoming more likely to be on her own.
  • Doing Nothing: Being sat twiddling her thumbs is something she probably even hates. Stopping and smelling the roses is nice and all. But not for too long. She has to be doing something productive with her time. Despite her life span being around 200 years. She wants to make the most of everyday.
  • Orcs: Though she has a friends/acquaintances who are in fact Orcs. She does find a small fear to them. This is put down to her mother telling her tales. Whether they are true or not. She doesn't know. But the fear is there.
  • Violence: Whether its with words or physically. Luna doesn't like to hurt others. Nor does she like seeing others being hurt. Which itself comes as a bit of a weakness.
  • Cold weather: Again being a Altalar/Avanthar from Daendroc makes the cold a big pain for her. Even her heavy leather trench coat barely keeps her warm. Maybe a woolen jumper made by 30 sheep and a tailor would do?

Rillel Redwood - Mother (Heaven_Of_Ash @littlemonkey101 )
Their relationship is distant but is still intact. Rillel was very close to Luna when she was an infant until she was 15. From there their relationship crumbled a little as Rillel left Regalia for unknown reasons.

Nherei Redwood - Older Sister (@xSketchedCrystal )
Like most siblings at a young age they would fight over the most ridiculous things, but eventually grow out of it. However with Luna and Nherei this is not the case. They continue to fight like squabbling teenagers despite being in their twenties. Which most find annoying and frustrating if witnessed.
Riven Redwood II - Older Brother (@Zombiel3ait )
Unlike her relationship with Nherei, Riven and Luna got a lot quite well. Though Riven didn't spend much time with either of his sisters and more time with other boys & men having lost his father. This since kept him a little distant from Luna but also seemed to gain him a little bit more arrogance compared to Luna and Nherei put together. However that said, he confided in Luna a lot with her being much closer to her heart than Nherei.

Rose E Hayward - Step-Daughter (@FluffyMunchkins )
Rose is one of Rythian's children he had before meeting Luna. Rose is 12 and has only recently met Luna after being introduced by Rythian. There relationship is new and there is not much to tell.

Ronaen Athius - Ex-Fiance (@Genecide65 ) & Paige Athius (@Prometheus2007 )
This was a rather strange.. friendship? Luna met Ronaen through Ronaen's 'wing-woman' Paige Athius. Who is Ronaen's adopted Klein daughter. Paige came to Luna when she had gotten lost in hopes for safety till her father Ronaen found her which is exactly what Luna gave her. Luna kept an eye on her till finally Ronaen came and found her. It was then she met both of them. Ronaen offered to return the kind favor by buying her a drink, she got to know him better till finally he began courting her. Which lead to him eventually proposing to her. Through this relationship Luna felt herself unsafe seeing as Ronaen had too many enemies for her liking. Which eventually lead to her returning his ring. Since then they have grown distant.

Paige on the other hand remain in close contact with Luna. Spending a lot of time at her house. Even having a bed there for if she ever wishes to stop over in case Ronaen is ever absent.

Kami - Distant Friend (@SuperKamiWarlock
These two met on travels through Teled-Methen. They then became more acquainted upon finding Kami had moved/lived in Regalia. It was during the summer time. The smell of alcohol in the air as they both coincidentally went for a drink in the Willow. They hit multiple bumps in the road during their friendship, even almost ended up being more than /just friends/. Luna made it quite apparent that they were to be nothing more despite him getting a few kisses out of her.

Argo - Friend (Also @SuperKamiWarlock)
Argo met Luna when he first arrived in Regalia, asking her for directions. After Luna gave him a short tour, she also offered him a place to live until things got a little awkward. Then he was asked to move out. However they have both still close friends. Argo at a few points also admitting to liking her that little bit more (cause of awkwardness). It is also thought that Argo may have been from the same camp as Luna.

Shane Marth - Close Friend (@DolittleGuy )
This friendship I recall being another that was found in the Willow. Luna needed help as someone need medical help. Herself at the time still practicing first aid. Shane turned up being Mr "Dr Dolittle" and helped out. Turned out the man was just drunk and passed out. After that a few more times Shane was called for help, and with her being a regular 'customer' they became friends. They remain this way still.

Nintaga Knightly - Close Friend (@Lexxo900 )
They had a brief greeting in the sewers during her Sanguine curse. He was eyeing her from the distance whilst she was being attacked from what seemed to be vampire hunters. But Luna was never really sure who they were. However, they have spoken more a lot since then. Nintaga being on Luna's continuing list of men who confess their attraction to her. Despite this. They are close friends, Luna always being there for him. Vise versa.

Thasitalia - Close Friend (Heaven_of_Ash @littlemonkey101 )
Thasi and Luna are quite the close friends having so much in common including their use of medical knowledge and the fact they are Altalars. They met through their friend Nintaga Knightly near the waterfall in Regalia. They have had many laughs pulling a few pranks on Nintaga. Along with a fair share of heart to heart moments and more argumentative ones. Yet they remain close friends.

Theodore Artiemus - Husband (@Zombiel3ait )
Theo and Luna met occasionally in the Tavern, them also both knowing Shane Marth brought them to know each other that bit more. They also both are apart of Earl Blacks Merchant Guild. Theo and Luna's friendship is still new but they get along well, despite Theo getting many unwanted hugs from her.

F'aervel - Friend (@thecrazy13 )
Luna knows many Klein folk. F'aervel being a common one to be seen with. These two met like any Klein meets someone. The need of hunger and the smell of tasty cookies. Luna is much like a mother towards F'aervel. Though she is happy to have it that way. Luna has also offered F'aervel shelter within her home along with his other Klein folk friends. Especially during the cold weather.

C'ora - Friend (@Gaming_Murphy )
Being the adopted Klein of Shane & Thasi. Luna has since met C'ora through them. Their friendship is quite new. She has had only a few conversations with her.

Earl Black - Friend (@Film_Noir )
Earl Black and Luna have met multiple times. Their first encounter being when her and Argo lent them their first aid knowledge to fix both him and Jared Silverhand up after they had an encounter with an undead. Since then they have met in merchant meetings and also on occasion with general friendly greetings with mutual friends. He has also assisted her on a few guard related issues.

Jared Silverhand - Acquatintance (@Jared4242 )
As with Earl Black they met after he had encountered an undead. Luna provided her first aid skills and stitched up a wound on his stomach. He was certainly more happy to have Luna stitch him up than Argo. Since then they have only spoke on occasion for example, when the four (Argo, Black and them both) had a small reunion and spoke in the Willow of the event. Jared and Luna remain on favor terms. After the event Luna since assisted Silverhand in healing a victim of a crime with her first aid. But also he has assisted Argo in getting her to the clinic after she had her drink drugged.

Halsey - Acquaintance/Enemy (@Gaming_Murphy )
Halsey to Luna is known as Argo's crazy ex-fiance. Luna has been harassed by Halsey multiple times under accusations that Luna and Argo where in an intimate relationship during their engagement. Which was merely a rumor. But still Halsey insisted on pestering Luna whenever she got the chance too, calling her every name under the sun.

Torikku Sagi - Acquaintance/Enemy (@Paulinator47 )

During Luna's Sanguine curse she spent a lot of time in the sewers. Praying on her next feed. During a time she was going to attack a poor defenseless Tigran, Torikku used a puppet to attack Luna. Which resulted in multiple injuries, which have since healed. However the puppet has left her with the scar as described further up. There was also another time after Luna wanted to try settle the score with him. Which again itself did not end well on Luna's part. Since then Luna has had a small fear over string mages and Torikku himself.

Ishryniel A Nhaddarrin - Acquaitance/Enemy (@MaliciousIntent_ )
Their first encounter was in the sewers, which was not a pleasant one at that. Luna has no real recollection of this encounter. However they have met in the Willow again since. Being on negative terms.
Life Story:
Luna was born in Daendroc year 280 and was born to Riven Arthonnen Redwood an Avanthar and Rillel Arawen Redwood an Altalar. Luna lost her father not long after she turned 3 due to an incurable illness, leading her mother to look after her and her siblings. Once she reached the age of ten, her mother took both her and Nherei on a boat to Regalia, it was from this time that Luna began learning of first aid and other medical practices from her mother. Her brother Riven stayed at his request with their tribe. The three spent 5 years in Regalia living in the old poor district before her mother went back to the tribe due to attacks from Orcs, Nherei also took it upon herself to sneak back with her mother which meant at 15 Luna was alone in Regalia.

When Luna turned 16 craved more knowledge of medicine to which she went to join the School of Medicine which after heavy consideration she was accepted. Then through a program, any free time she gained she would work cleaning and serving others for a wage to help fund this.

Eventually after years of hard work, of slaving over other people. At 22 she managed to move from the poor district to somewhere much more comfortable. It was then she met her first fiance Ronaen, yet that ended abruptly when her life became endangered from various situations at fault to said fiance. Due to her time spent with Ronaen she became fond of a child he had adopted, it was thanks to chasing after her and keeping her safe that she met her 2nd fiance Rythian also at 22 years old.

Not long after Luna turned 23 eventually took a job at the once great clinic of Regalia, The Helsen Haus Clinic. As much as this was a happy time for Luna it only drifted her relationship with Rythian apart which lead to them separating. She now at 24 searches for someone new, as well as a new job since the closing of the clinic but is happily spending time with her brother who has recently arrived in Regalia. Though, with the upkeep of rent and the ever evolving Regalia under her feet, who knows what her future has in store...


The Beginning
The smell of new life is present in the air of the jungles on Daendroc. The spring brings new nature a new life, fresh flowers and the fresh air hustles through the trees on this beautiful morning. Although this is not the only new life present. Rillel Redwood a Altalar had been carrying her 3rd child through the boiling sun and harsh winter for her to be born under the vibrant jungle trees surrounding their camp. The camp was made up of Altalars and Avanthars from Rie who's ancestors had once been neighbors to each other before the invasion of the Orcs. Many other Avanthars and Altalars had also joined them in their travels.

Rillel was wife to Riven Redwood who was the notable leader of the camp before his death which was 3 years after Lunatheli was born. The death of Riven was caused by an illness. One of which that could not be cured with mending light as it was too late when it was finally discovered. Both Rillel and Riven practiced in the Lothar faith making them a perfect match. However, Rillel was much like elven women before they gained more independence and equality to the men, yet she adapted over the years after the loss of her husband, gaining more pride to her feminism.

The birth of Lunatheli was very smooth, and had no complications. She was cared for like any child would be, despite being their second daughter and third child in general. She was nurtured by both parents and even by close friends within the camp. After Riven passed away Rillel continued to raise Lunatheli, Riven (II) & Nherei alone. She did not wish to re-marry, though the thought may be different now that 20 years have passed.

As a child Lunatheli always seemed that little bit more mature for her age. However, when paired with Nherei they would cause havoc around the camp. Nherei was always a bad influence on Lunatheli throughout their childhood and even today. If Nherei wasn't winding her up, they would be working together on some sort of prank, such as a time when Nherei convinced Lunatheli to cry wolf and tell everyone Orcs were invading whilst Nherei snook some goodies from the supply tent. Riven (II) however kept to himself as his sisters got up to mischief, being quite arrogant to them and being quite full of himself. He tended to stay with the men and boys of the camp after his father past. Also throughout Rillel, seeing as Nherei & Riven never showed any real interest, would slowly teach Lunatheli how to use first aid. Though she would only use text book methods until she was older. This was plain and simple word teaching and showing Lunatheli how and when to use it. She would again. Never request for Lunatheli to participate and demonstrate until she was 10. This gave Lunatheli a little bit of a head start to learning how to use this form of magic.

Time to travel

Multiple times Rillel would take Lunatheli, Riven (II) and Nherei out of Daendroc. Normally to go to Teled-Methen. This was to give the camp a break from Luna & Nherei's crazy antics as well as allow them to explore the world a little more. By the time Lunatheli had gotten to 10 her mother decided it was time to move on from the camp seeing as it seemed to be drifting apart after the loss of Riven. She took both Nherei and Lunatheli to Regalia. Riven (II) however, made an independent choice to stay with the remains of the camp and it's people. It was during their time on the ship that Rillel began giving Lunatheli her first physical lessons of how to use first aid and other medical practices.

Lunatheli picked up her mothers teaching quite well allowing her to advance herself at an abnormal rate. Rillel at first found a small place for the three to live. It was located in the poor district and was very small and cramped. Certainly not something they were used to. At this time Lunatheli felt quite disappointed not to be able to explore the jungles surrounding the camp she once lived at. However, she slowly settled into the new surroundings, it wasn't long before her and Nherei began tormenting their new neighbors with again small pranks.

The years began to quickly pass whilst they settled. The tormenting also continued to her neighbors, a few even moved out to escape it. Then when Lunatheli was 15, her mother Rillel got note of a need of her presence back at their old camp. There had been multiple attacks on them from bandits and Orcs, which meant healers were needed in case of anymore. So Rillel made her leave back to Daendroc, leaving Lunatheli supposedly with Nherei. But instead Nherei made the choice to follow her mother without her awareness. Leaving Lunatheli alone in Regalia with some supplies and regals to get her by till she could find some way to make money.

The Lonely Years
Lunatheli spent many years alone in the once cramped apartment, which seemed much more empty without her mother and Nherei. Rillel had left Lunatheli all of her notes on herbalism and first aid and how to use it, which meant Lunatheli could carry on practicing it.

Jobs seemed to come quite easy to Lunatheli with her being young. She slaved over multiple people, cleaning houses and making meals for others. Which all have set to help her in the long run. Luckily the work payed off and she was able to upkeep the small apartment and keep herself fed. With any free time she had Lunatheli would continue to read up on how to deal with various medical situations. The fact she would sometimes go home with burns from stoves or cuts from cleaning came in handy for her to practice first aid and herbalism.

Over the years of this, she was quite lonely. She didn't have time to meet people. Nor have time for any fun like she used to have with Nherei. The anticipation of also waiting for her mother and sister to return was also unbearable, leaving many nights she would even feel sorry for herself and cry into the night. Scared and alone. Something she never got used too.

Finding hope
When Lunatheli turned 22 she felt like much hope of a happy, friend filled life was... hopeless. Eventually as Lunatheli kept most of her money aside instead of spending it on luxuries, she was able to lay of the work load. Giving herself some extra free time to wonder around Regalia and even have a drink now and then at the Willow. It was on one of her day's of having this free time a small Klein came to her in need. This Klein was lost and looking for her father. Little did Lunatheli know that, that one Klein was going to start a chain reaction of events which would change her dull life into a roller coaster of ups and downs.

The small Klein introduced herself to Lunatheli as Paige Athius. Lunatheli by now had started to go by Luna, this was down to her bosses who were most of the time Ailors giving her a more suitable name for her to go by in the Holy City. Paige explained to Luna she was needing to find her father, Luna responded with her humble nature offering to stay with the Klein in hopes that her father would turn up at some point. Which by no surprise, he did. Luna was then introduced to Ronaen Athius. Paige's adopted father who was in fact a Talar himself. It was from that moment Luna befriended both of them, also becoming rather close to Ronaen. Luna's mother had always put the idea in Luna's head that she should marry another Talar, for purposes of pro-creation. Eventually Ronaen began courting Luna and it wasn't long before he popped the big question. Luna said yes which lead to her moving out of her small apartment to Ronaen's house located on Petunia Street. His house was much bigger and roomy, filled with luxuries Luna had not been capable of having before now.

During their engagement Ronaen attracted some negative attention from a rather hostile Tigran. Things began to become dangerous as Luna and Paige's life's were put at risk. At one point the Tigran and some of his followers/friends broke into Ronaen's house. In attempt to ransack it and also harm those inside which was all three of them (Ronaen, Paige & Luna). Luna eventually had enough of this, leaving Ronaen and his ring going to find somewhere else to live. She felt rather upset making the choice but thought it was best for her safety. She also felt heartbroken she was leaving Paige behind. But swore she would always be there for her. Which is exactly what she did and still does today.

After Luna left Ronaen, she found herself a new home just a few doors down with her saved up money, she purchased Petunia Street 8 which at first she lived alone in.

The Sanguine Curse
As promised to Paige, she was always going to be there for her, which came ultimately at a price. To protect Paige meant taking measures that she never thought she would have to do for someone so small. This said, with Luna wanting to be there at all costs meant she came into contact with unwanted attention, some being those who were infected with the Sanguine curse.

At at one point Paige got kidnapped by a Tigran when Ronaen had gone to run an errand. When Luna went to check round at the house to make sure they were both okay, it was then she found the door kicked open and the place trashed. She searched the place before noting and confirming that both Ronaen and Paige were absent. It was a note left for Paige from Ronaen which alerted Luna to thinking something had happened to Paige whilst Ronaen was gone. Sending her on a search for her.

Luna didn't take much precaution when looking for Paige, she was too worried to think about her own safety and with this she headed down to search the sewers after searching the streets of Regalia, despite it being against the law for people to go down there.

After moments of scouring the sewers Luna eventually came across the Tigran and tried in all her capability to get Paige back, though with her lack of combat skill she was unsuccessful and was also attacked by a presumably allied Kydaer to the Tigran, resulting in the beginning of her infection. Eventually help arrived after Luna and Paige were both made captives. They soon escaped but with a price that no one was quite aware of. Not even Luna herself until it began to kick in.

As Luna learned that she was infact infected with the curse, she felt lost and did not know who to turn to. She was scared and felt she could not tell anyone. Her lack of knowledge on the curse nor bloodline made matters even worse. However eventually Luna, keeping herself a prisoner in her own home, slowly took on the slow and painful turning process. Taking no house calls neither.

When Luna eventually turned she then found her living situation difficult. Soon turning to the sewers during the day and only returning to her home during the night. Though the curse at first seemed horrid and unusual to her, she soon found it brought her a new lease on life, becoming almost someone new. She became manipulative, deceiving and quite confident with herself. It was during this time she met her current husband Rythian, at the time Belledin.

Overall for Luna the experiences she had and from what she remembers does not phase her as much as some would think. Sometimes she often ponders in her mind what it would be like to in fact return to having the curse. This being said however, her love for wanting children returned to her, making her more sure of her "humanity" and keeping herself away from all Sanguine's.

The cure of the curse came about when her friend Kami and Ronaen found out about her being infected, despite the two disliking each other, they disliked Luna's new personality more. From that they put their differences aside and in a way elf-napped her and took her to a light mage to be healed. During her time being healed, Luna had to be pinned down and strapped onto a bed with chains to stop any escape she tried to make from having this done. The curing itself took a week, Luna was force fed at the time as despite her being exhausted from the process tried to refuse eating seeing as she was reluctant to the cure itself. After the cure, Luna went though a somewhat rehabilitation state, where she regained her strength. She like after most cures got busing around her ribs and various other areas and had to take time to gain her self awareness to her surroundings, with her not fully being "with it". She has since filed her fangs however down to a substantial size, and can only be noted when pointed out.

Also during the time she was being healed it was apparent that her beloved Rythian was searching for her after her mysteriously going missing. When she returned and explained what had happened to her this sparked a disliking between the 3 studs.

After the curse and her story so far.
Luna after the curse went back to a what seemed almost normal life, she went on like most days of any normal Elven folk. Though she to many was living the apple pie life, behind closed doors she was keeping a secret for her beloved Rythian, his secret of his very own curse. The Dra'lonais curse. With Luna becoming uninfected, meant it became a little harder on the two. For him mainly, fighting urges of blood and such, but Luna allowed him to use her. To use her for his very own walking blood bag. She didn't mind this at all, although the constant piercing of her neck and such wasn't exactly appealing, she did it to help keep his secret safe. The less people he feeds on the less people who might know, right?

However with taking the job, her and Rythian drifted apart and eventually separated. But in brighter news since the recent events of undead in Aloria, her brother came to Regalia and is now staying with her. Their relationship is yet to unfold and create its own chapter for them.
Last edited:
I am reviewing this character!
  • So a job at the clinic, but surely she has some short-term goals? Perhaps she fancies someone, perhaps she wants to achieve some sort of title, perhaps he wants to learn something. Write down some goals you can work at whenever you log in, and how to achieve them, especially the clinic thing.
  • Put your family into a paragraph format, that flows with complete sentences, as opposed to a bullet point list.
  • You need one more like.
  • Add one more personality based weakness, and add a few sentences to your skimpier strengths/weaknesses; go into detail about how she gained these traits and how they developed.
  • Go into a bit more detail, in her life-story, of how the curing process affected her. That can scar some, so consider how Luna would've reacted.
  • Tag me when you're done @Charlizard96
Your Progress: Under Review!
@Jared4242 Made the additions/changes. Hope they are changed where you wanted them changed, if not I'll be happy to make anymore edits/addition to details.
I would like to make some edits to this. Basic information such as occupation and also some additional information to her life story.

Changes made:
Basic Information:
(Bullets 7,9,10 & 11 edited)
Red: Removed
Green: Edited

  • Together Luna and Rythian also have a adopted son, Calise Riven Hayward, who is only 7 months of age. Calise was adopted before Rythian decided to take the cure for his curse. Which meant at the time the pair were incapable of having children of their own which lead to them adopting. Also since Rythian is now cured, they have a child on the way seeing as they were both eager to put a bun in the oven.
  • Lives in Regalia, Petunia Street 8. It is rented by Luna and her husband Rythian, his daughter Rose and their adopted son Calise living with her. The home is warm and cozy. Luna is very happy living there. For the time being also, Luna hopes for a healthy pregnancy and smooth birth of her first born child.
  • Currently is part of the Emerald Rose Crew.
  • Her life ambition is to use her healing light magic and knowledge of first aid to heal people across Regalia by getting a job at the clinic. Other achievements she hopes to make over time, as well as being in connection to her life ambition, is gaining more control and experience with her healing light magic. Another note, Luna also wishes to learn and gain fighting experience, so she can defend herself better, instead of turning into a damsel in distress. She also hopes to have ("more") children of her own and to share that experience with her partner Rythian.
Life Story:
Chapter: After the curse and her story so far (The bottom chapter)

Added: "Luna has had her first child with Rythian and has also started work at the healing clinic."

Job Approval:
Helsenhaus Clinic

Lemme know when you're done

Done the edits.

I made changes to the her name, which is just changing it back to her maiden name. Also the Basic information, this was to remove her being married to Rythian but I did add it to her life story of them separating. As well, I edited the race names to update them to the new lore.

Finally, I added a new more short life story and moved the expanded version into the spoiler labelled "Life Chronicles".
Slight adjustment given the new copout weaknesses page. Make it clear she's not just untrained at any weapon, she's like, bad. She has a dagger, and can use it, but combatively she's got little.
Slight adjustment given the new copout weaknesses page. Make it clear she's not just untrained at any weapon, she's like, bad. She has a dagger, and can use it, but combatively she's got little.

I looked at the section and made changes, not sure if I've explained it any better though.
Made changes. All are additions.

Basic Info:
  • First bullet addition: "However she is now Lunatheli Artiemus after marrying Theodore Artiemus."
  • Also have updated her age.

Addition to Theodore Artiemus relationship (Not really relevant):
"After much time of growing distant with their busy lives. Luna and Theo have since rekindled their friendship and has since developed it further and are now married."

Addition to Life Story:
"Luna has rekindled her relationship with Theodore Artiemus and has also gone further to marrying him. Also since the new rule of the Dark Queen, Luna at first was taking refuge at Black Castle but has since moved with others to the Coen Fort."

That's all the changes @LumosJared
Hey which ever person is so kind to read this. It has been a while since it was looked at and I have made some edits to it to kind of update it. I know there is a new template but wasn't sure if I needed to follow it.

Please let me know of the possible endless edits I should make with the new lore etc. ^.^ THANK YOU
Hey, @CharlieML !! To start off with I am going to direct you to the Character sheet format, as things have changed since you made this app. Please re-format this sheet to the new layout before a proper review can occur.

So I have made the changes to match the new layout as well as going ahead with some edits to my app regarding magic. Just not sure if it counts as a special permission.
Just not sure if it counts as a special permission.
Magic works as a trusted permission, so you're best bet is to ask a lore-y to vouch for you at their team meeting this Sunday. until then, you would be unable to play a mage.

In the chance that trustee is a no go, I would look into an Alchemy role, as your character seems to fill a healer class, and this would be the best replacement for any magic. Besides School of Medicine of course.
As FireFan said magic now runs on a trustee permission which you can read more about here!
Once magic is removed, or trustee is acquired I will be more than happy to peer review this app!
I suggest you read the peer edits above because they essentially hit the nail on the head. Magic is now contained behind trustee permissions and make the proper changes to the character to reflect the magic rework.
I suggest you read the peer edits above because they essentially hit the nail on the head. Magic is now contained behind trustee permissions and make the proper changes to the character to reflect the magic rework.

Till I can get into the trustee system. I have removed I believe all references of magic use and changed it to general first aid/herbalist healing methods etc.
Hey, @CharlieML ! I'm here to do a player review! So, let's go!
  • Basic/Visual information.
    • Full name: While the name is fine, I would suggest looking at this page here, just in case you wanted to look into a more-proper Elven name.
    • Weapon of choice: Even if she is not a fighter something should be listed here. Even if it's something as silly as "Random sticks".
  • Personality paragraphs.
    • First paragraph: Looks good! Remember that this is not about how she acts with friends, though. You reference it some.
    • Second paragraph: Add another sentence our two. Currently you only have two sentences; albeit very run-on, but still only two.
    • Third paragraph: How is it Luna would act with a proper lover? Not simply just someone she flirts with.
    • Fourth paragraph: Though not required, another sentence might be good.
  • Talents.
    • Physique: This one seems fine!
    • Intellect: Being generally smart isn't something to consider a talent. Perhaps she has a certain field in which she excels?
    • Languages: This looks good! I would suggest looking at the format page again, and adding the section called "Skill information", and adding a "Languages" tab. That or add it to her Basic/Visual information. With each language she knows please score it 1-10, 1 being she hardly knows it, 10 being she knows it completely. Example: Common: 10/10.
  • Weaknesses.
    • Self-Conscious: Looks good!
    • Stubbornness: Once again, this is fine.
    • Inexperience with weapons: A lack of a skill is not a weakness, as its not a normal thing to usually possess. I would suggest removing or replacing this with another weakness.
  • Life story(the knit-picky part)!
    • I would suggest breaking this apart some more, as it's rather blocky. Periodically add in the year, and her current age that is being discussed.
    • What day was she born/ what area of Daen? It's rather large.
    • With the basic first aid I will ask you to read the page I've linked... Here! This would fall under School of Medicine, which also should be added into the "Skill information" tab, and should be a talent.
    • It mentions her becoming a Sanguine, though, never her being cured. If she is a sanguine please mark as such on the "Race" tab, and change her eye-color to red. If she was cured, simply add this fact.
Overall, this is a great app! I just tend to look too deep into things. I hope this review helps!! Reminder that this is just a player review, making none of this required. Have a great day!
Hey, @CharlieML ! I'm here to do a player review! So, let's go!

I have done the following;
  • Kept the name because it has personal closeness to me and I really don't want to depart with it.
  • Added a weapon of choice, I dont know if it is adequate.
  • Amended the personality paragraphs as you suggested. Making a few edits to make them.. well, make more sense and appropriate for the areas.
  • Changed intellect for perceptive and amended the paragraph to suit.
  • Added Languages also under skill information.
  • Removed the Inexperienced with weapon weakness. I believe from the template I do not exceed the amount of talents to weakness ratio by doing so.
  • Regarding the life story, I've made edits after re-reading it. It was my least spent time when I made edits last time. But, hopefully it makes more sense etc. I personally to avoid it becoming somewhat of a novel, kept this area broken down and added more details within the Chronicles section which holds basically everything in detail.
Hey, whoever reviews this. I need help understanding the system as it comes a little confusing to me which is why no changes have been made. So in regards to my app what do I do, please Help!

(I have been looking at the wiki and the other docs on the forums but still confused)
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