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Played Character Lujayn, Messenger of the Stinging Nettle

This character is actively played.


Sep 21, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name:
  • Lujayn
Heritage / Culture:
  • Reclaimer Skyborn, raised amongst Finullen
  • Age: 29
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/Her
  • Religion: Agnostic
  • Occult: N/A
Character Occupation:
  • Courier / Messenger (also a Smuggler, but that's less common knowledge)

Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Pink as coral
  • Skin Color: Brown, tanned darker from long weeks of travel beneath the sun
  • Hair: Thick curls of dark blue that spill over her shoulders and down her back.
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Body Type: Lean with some muscles toned in her thighs and biceps, built for limber activities
  • Additional Features: Typically, Lu wears a nondescript courier's outfit, the large satchel at her side often taken for a letter-carrier (which it is, but they wouldn't know about the false bottom that holds… other parcels.) She wears a simple cap that struggles to hold down the curls near her scalp, and a pink sash around her waist to match her eyes.

Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Magic Tricks** (not done by real magic)
    • Street Games & Gambling
    • Socialization
    • Recently, Alchemy

  • Mechanics:

        • Skyborn do not need to choose a Tech Branch for any engineering or technology tinkering they do. They can build/edit/repair any Branch. Even if a unique Technology Branch has specific requirements they do not meet (such as Religion, or Affliction), then they are not able to build or make it, but can repair or edit it. They can install security systems in their Rentals, requiring OOC notification of Break-ins.
      • Skyborn have a unique sequential memory that allows almost perfect recall. With mechanical equipment, they can extract their own memories including all sensory experiences, and copy them onto so-called Memkeys. Memkeys in turn can be used by other Skyborn to "watch" such an experience and feel as If it was them who experienced it, or use a virtual-reality-like device to allow non-Skyborn to experience them.
      • Skyborn have a high analytical ability to perceive and understand the machinery that is witnessed or operated during Events. This may allow them to learn more about the devices that are seen or used, or discover hidden features or functions that other people cannot perceive. Make sure to contact an Event Dm for any potential uses in Private Message during the Event or beforehand to learn more.
      • Skyborn have a sixth sense for manipulating technology, even without directly touching it and just laying their eyes on it. Skyborn can "hack" or hijack any technology made by anyone in viewing distance and cause it to operate or change its functions. Think for example forcing a mechanical tea pot to boil over, or a music-machine to play off-key. This may not apply to Event Machines.
      • Reclaimer Ancestry Mechanic: Reclaimer Ancestry Skyborn have extended analytical abilities when it comes to understanding component ingredients, and material identification. They can identify any metal or material that they can touch and are able to smell what ingredients or compounds are present in any alchemical mixture. This extends itself even to smelling poison in their drinks.

  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Zahram
    • Sign (limited)


"If you gaze upon the horizon long enough, the sea and the sky will merge into one cloth of brilliant blue."

Her mother's words echoed through all of Lujayn's childhood memories. Blue had been the anchor of her life, hanging over it like a tapestry woven from every dream and nightmare she'd ever had.

Born on a privateer's vessel, the Stinging Nettle, Lu had never known a settled life, nor did she yearn for one. She and her mother, Perla, lived amongst the Nettle's crew of Finullen, who accepted and cared for them as if they were of their own kin. The vessel's less-than-legal cargo was an open secret to those familiar with the black market, though in her early years, Perla would ensure Lu was kept far away from the more disreputable contacts who'd sometimes board the ship.

Lujayn learned swiftly from the hardened sailors, learning to use her limber build to her advantage. By the time she'd reached fifteen years of age, the captain had begun to charge her with collecting secretive packages from further within port cities. Perla was displeased by this, having herself barely stepped foot off the Nettle in all the years Lu observed her (later, Lu would wish she'd questioned her mother about this fact). But the argument soon died, and Lujayn continued these "special deliveries" for years.

One day, shortly after Lujayn's twenty-second birthday, she received an offer from one of the Nettle's suppliers. "A simple delivery," he'd said, pale wrinkled hand beholding a small reed-paper bag. "I'll reward you handsomely." And Lu's mother had recently fallen ill, and they had little funds with which to pay the land merchants, and Lu could do nothing but accept the offer.

"Bring the reward to my mother," she bargained. "If I do not complete this task, you may have my head." The man smiled. "Very well." And the deal had been struck.

For nearly two years, she traveled, and traveled, and traveled to what felt like the ends of the earth, to a dilapidated cottage, wood rotting at the frame and moss sagging the roof. Inside, she found only the bones of who should've been her recipient. Furious at being slighted, with tears burning at the corners of her eyes, she stomped the chest of the bones to dust, collapsing onto the exposed stone foundation. Lu looked at the flimsy bag in her hands, and decided that she should at least be allowed to keep the materials– clearly this person had no need for them.

Dried herbs. Dried herbs. All of that for- for what? The gears in her head turning, Lu decided that these herbs must hold some value, for them to be taken across such a distance. She'd figure out what they were, after returning to the Nettle. She hoped her mother could help her. Before she left the rotting cabin, a blink of jewels caught her eye. A book, suspiciously new and un-touched, gems studded into the cover, sat on what must've been a bookshelf at some point.

The Hourglass. Lujayn read the book during her journey back to a port. It told of an altruistic but naive thief, who sought to plunder an artifact of immense power, subsequently turning to dust in the process. Lu scoffed at the girl– she'd never be so simple-minded, herself. But upon further inspection, the pages held a code. Various cyphers were inlaid into the text, and she set about deciphering the secret messages. By the time she returned to the Nettle, she'd deduced that this book had been written by a secret order of scoundrels, though she still had much to translate.

Unfortunately, the crew of the Nettle informed Lu of her mother's passing. Many emotions swirled within her, but the primary one was determination. She did not weep, nor did she immediately search for the giver of the strange quest. Rather, she began pouring everything into The Hourglass. She left the Nettle for good, establishing her own livelihood delivering goods (and not-so-goods) on land, all the while remembering her mother, patiently waiting for her chance to serve justice to the man who stole years of her life with a false promise.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Dexterity
  • Cutthroat Stance
Defense Stat: Intelligence

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Rebound
  • Intelligence: 5
    • Tech Resist
    • Hook Shot
    • Tech Exhaust
    • Wardrobe Pack
    • Mind Control
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Technique Parry
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Fleet-Footed
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Venomous Strikes
    • Cutthroat Dodge
    • Cutthroat Tears
    • Cutthroat Flash
    • Escape Artist
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0