Preserved Sheet Lucio Santibanez

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Lucio Osvaldo Santibanez
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Daendroque Ailor - Medivanti
  • Sexuality: Gotem
  • Preferred Weapon: Mason's hammer or Fists
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 Core + 10 Hobby

  • +9 Unarmed Combat (+9 Core)
  • +10 Sculpting Art (+6 Hobby, +5 Honed Skill 2)
  • +15 Construction (+5 Hobby, +10 Core)
  • +6 Rogue Skills (+6 Core)
    • Rogue Gift 4
    • Honed Skill 3
  • +12 Rogue Pack (+12 Core)
    • Burglary
    • Government Forgery
    • Guard Forgery
    • Art Forgery
  • +9 Engineering
    • Environment
    • Hooking
    • Biotics
  • +3 Linguistics (+3 Core)
    • Dressalo
Body Shape

  • (11*.5) + 9 = 14.5 → 15 Physical Stat
  • Athletic
  • Low Body Fat

  • Common
  • Daendroquin
  • Dressalo
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations



  • Black Steel Claws
  • Ursine Hibernation
  • Scattering Claws
  • Iron Jaws
  • Leaping Freedom
  • Forever Behind
  • Honed Skill 2
  • Omniaware 1
  • Destined Body 2
  • Super Self 1
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Wild and curly
  • Skin Color: Tanned Brown
  • Clothing: Simple Commoner Clothes
  • Height: 6'2
Personality (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ENTP - T
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • The Silvershroud Sect, mainly focusing on Exist - based Silven due to Werebeastism: (8/10)

Life Story (Required)

Lusio was born in Hallonq in 285 AC to Mariana and Samuel Santibanez, deep within the grimiest parts of the city. Having an abundance of brothers and sisters, the family was usually tight on money, many of his older siblings going to work quite young to support them. Lucio's initial years were spent simply learning and surviving, as young children do. Unfortunately, at the age of five, his mother had an affair. The child of said affair was subtly looked down on and neglected by Samuel and by extension Lucio's grandparents. This usually left Lucio In charge of his half - brother. Eventually, around the age of twelve, his mother left with his younger brother to the Crown Isle, where she wouldn't be seen again for another three years.

Shortly after his mother left, Lucio started training in the art of masonry, picking up on his father's profession with ease. It wasn't long until he was taking frequent trips with his father to Daenshore to help build houses and other structures, filling his pockets with the runoff coin that his father didn't spend. Just before his sixteenth birthday, Mariana came back to the family house in Hallonq, having lost his half brother while in the Crown Isle. Furious, Lucio exclusively stayed with his grandparents, avoiding his mother and only speaking to his father when on business. Using the money he stocked up, he made his trip towards the Crown Isle. His main objective was to send money back towards his family in Hallonq, his secondary objective was to find his little brother.

Despite being very skilled and having trained as a mason throughout his entire life, he couldn't find much in terms of work, usually taking up small construction jobs or selling sculptures for half as much as they should be sold as. So he ended up taking his savings and going into academies to study espionage and statecraft to try and find a new career he could take up instead of masonry. Notably the academies he involved himself in were the Regalian Statesman Academy and the Regalian Information Academy. Dedicated as a student he took those years in stride, his time away from class usually spent doing odd jobs around the city, many of them being illegal, and even learning a sorcery spell from a street performer at one point. Recently, he has tried to put his skills to good use and earn a comfortable life for himself.

Progression Information
Level 2 Rogue, Forced
Level 1 Engineer, Forced
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@Caelamus Accidentally deleted the approved tag when I was creating spoilers for mutations and changing colors, my bad. Could you put it back for me?