Preserved Sheet Lucien Hath

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Sep 18, 2016
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◈ Full Name | Lucien Oberyn Hath
Typically goes by Luci
◈ Age | Twenty-four years of age
⇝ Date of Birth | March 29, 284 AC
⇝ Zodiac | Aries​
◈ Gender | Male
◈ Race | Ailor
⇝ Culture | New Ceardian [Nautilaan Lineage]
◈ Sexuality | Unexplored
◈ Weapons | Rapier

Sketchbook & Charcoal Stick
10-20 Regals
Needle & Thread




Core Points | 29 Points To Spend
+10 Fist Combat (+10 Core)
+8 Rapier Combat (+8 Core)
+6 Linguistic Science (+6 Core)​
+5 Stealth Rogue (+5 Talent)
+5 Perception Training (+5 Talent)​
+10 Sailing Art (+5 Hobby, +5 Racial)
+5 Drawing Art (+5 Hobby)
+5 Thread Art (+5 Core)​

Body Shape
⇝ Body Stat | 23 (+10 Fists, +8 Rapier, +5 Sailing Art)
Body Build | Athletic
Body Fat | Low Body Fat​

Common | Fluent and Literate
Alt-Regalian | Fluent and Literate
D'Ithanie | Fluent and Literate​




◈ Eye Color | Cobalt Blue
◈ Hair Color | Deep Brown
◈ Hair Style | Wavy and unkempt with a few curls
◈ Skin Color | Fair
◈ Clothing | Typical Regalian School-boy attire
◈ Height | 5'11"

Facial Structure | Just by looking at his face, one can tell he's rather young. The boy's face is rather thin and oval shaped, and he closely resembles his father. He has a pair of deep blue eyes, and wavy dark brown hair. Upon his face are a few small scars from childhood mishaps.

Body | The boy appears to be lean and toned, but doesn't have any noticeable muscle definition. He stands at about 5'11" and weighs about 125 lbs. His fair skin is often covered in a number of minor cuts and bruises from accidents.

Apparel | Lucien's clothing choice is much akin to his fathers. He wears anything from sweaters and coats to the most simplistic of clothing. He mainly sports a loose-fitting peacoat with an undershirt underneath, along with an ordinary pair of trousers, with boots as his go-to footwear. He likes any sort of vibrant color, often trying to mix and match those colors with his clothes.

Voice | Lucien sounds like any ordinary man in their mid-twenties. His voice occasionally cracks when trying to speak louder. The pace in which he speaks depends on what kind of situation he's in, speaking faster when stressed or scared and speaking slower when upset or bored. The only languages he knows are Alt-Regalian and Common.




◈ Alignment
⇝ Chaotic Good
⇝ ESTP-A | The Entrepreneur​
◈ Religion
⇝ Unionism | 6/10​

◈ First Impressions | Upon first meeting the boy, he appears as a vibrant, fun-loving individual. Some would say friendly and carefree are two words that describe him well, while regularly holding an optimistic attitude. However, those around him get an occasional taste of his teenage angst. The teen can be stubborn and far from mature, considering he rarely acts his own age. To some, Lucien is seen to be but a nuisance. Those first meeting him can become quickly aggravated and overwhelmed by his talkativeness and his barrages of irrelevant questions. Privacy and personal space seem to be foreign to the boy, as he does not seem to care if he breaks any boundaries.

◈ Inside The Mind | Socializing is not an issue for the teen. Unlike his father, Lucien is fairly confident when it comes to talking to strangers. However, the Hath can be a bit temperamental at times, letting his anger and other emotions get the best of him. Nevertheless, he does have a few anxieties, like being separated from family and friends for extended periods of time. The boy is also afraid of failing in general, which causes him to be competitive and unrelenting. Furthermore, the teen struggles with ADHD, which makes it harder to focus on one thing or keep still for long periods of time.

◈ Close Relations | Among those he holds close is where Lucien finds himself most comfortable. The teen treats his good friends and family with undying love and affection. Around them he is a lot more open than he usually is, willing to spill his deepest and darkest secrets he holds. However, a few of his beloveds would say he can be a bit clingy at times, not wanting to leave them be when wishing to be left alone. The Hath can often be found in the best of moods around those he cares about, though that doesn't mean they aren't susceptible to his irritable moods.

◈ Moral Alignment | Morality wise, Lucien would be classified as chaotic neutral. Being a child with few boundaries and little discipline, he is very much a free spirited individual. The teen refuses to abide by any regulations or restrictions to his personal freedom, as rebellious as he is. Nevertheless, only when necessary will he commit acts of kindness or violence. Unless such evil deeds effect Lucien personally, he wouldn't bat an eye at it.

◈ Worldview | Overall, Lucien is unsure about the world. The Hath is still young, and therefore he has little understanding on how the world really works. Religion matters not to him, claiming he doesn't follow any at all. The teen views both common folk and nobility equally, viewing some to be good-natured and easy to get along with, while the others are corrupt and evil. As he doesn't have a good understanding on what life is like for other people in Regalia, he doesn't think much about his privilege.

◈ Quirks | Being someone with ADHD, it's hard for the boy to focus on one thing for very long. As a result, he tends to fidget with things a lot, whether is be his clothes, a random object, or anything else he can find. As someone who does not like to wait, Lucien will tap his foot impatiently or bounce on his heels if kept on hold for too long.

◈ Small Skills | Since his father is an artist, Lucien is fairly decent at drawing and painting. He can also sew and knit fairly well, considering both of his parents partake in the pastime regularly. Other than these skills, he knows basic first aid procedures and how to patch up minor wounds.

◈ Likes


◈ Dislikes





◈ Chapter I | Dreamer of the Day

A short while following the fall of Freya Lo, Lucien Hath was brought into the world. The child and his loving parents, Aethelind and Keanu Hath, lived in a small townhouse in the Crown City. He was a rowdy and prying child, always getting into things he shouldn't.

Overall, the boy's childhood was loosely structured and based mostly on fun and games. Little Lucien had always wanted to explore and go off on adventures. The father of the child wished his son the best life to make up for his own, as he ran off with him to partake in such activities and adventures, while his mother wanted a well-mannered, educated and disciplined son.

As the boy grew and became more inclined to play around, his mother grew tired of trying to discipline him and occasionally sent him to her aunt. Through her, he learned of the harsh realities of the world, which was frightening for someone such a young age. Still, the life lessons his aunt gave him were an eye opener, making the child a slightly more mature one.

At the age of five, the father-son activities grounded to a halt once Keanu picked up a new job as a Rosendahl house guard. Because his father and the Rosendahl's were so close, Lucien was allowed to play with the little ones of house Rosendahl, as well as the opportunity to learn a new language: Alt-Regalian.

As for the rest of his childhood, the boy went back to his roots as a boisterous and annoying child. Lucien began to sneak out of the house and roam around the city streets as his parents became preoccupied in their work. However, he did not get very far, as his father was quick to find out he was missing and caught him soon after. These short lived trips only urged him to sneak out more often.​

◈ Chapter II | Off on an Adventure

As the boy got into his teens, his parents allowed him to roam around the streets unsupervised, with a few restrictions. Being the unruly child he is, he ignored the restrictions, the main one not allowing him to enter the slums. The Old Town was the place he mainly ventured to, believing it held a plethora of amazing and interesting things there. This however was not the case for him.

The gates shut and the drawbridge was raised, leaving the teen trapped inside. During that time, he got a taste of what the slums were actually like. The boy would be beaten, harassed, and for the most part, alone. It wasn't until a friend came along to help him escape from that cruel place.

Now aged twenty-four, a slightly matured Lucien has his mind set on a new goal: to become an archaeologist and explore uncharted lands.​
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Approved! Though as it goes, in roleplaying a mental illness make sure you uphold a respectful portrayal of it!
+5 Rouge Training (+5 Points)
+5 Fast Blades (+5 Points)
+5 Visual Arts (+5 Points)
include cultural bonus, they get it by default.

Common | Fluent and Literate
Alt-Regalian | Partially known
common is also no longer a free language, i would recommend removing one or the other, you're welcome to still roleplay out his learning a different language however.