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Played Character Luciana Pirlo

This character is actively played.


kicking the gens
Staff member
Nov 6, 2022
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name: Luciana 'Luci' Pirlo
  • Heritage: Half-Ailor (Cantaluna), Half-Eronidas (Kissut)
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Femme (she/her)
  • Religion: Unionist
  • Occult: Void Mage, Corruption Arkenborn
  • Character Occupation: Composer, Socialite

Appearance Information

  • Eye Color: Yellow iris, red sclera
  • Skin Color: Light brown
  • Hair: Wine red
  • Height: 5'9" / 175cm
  • Body Type: Slender

Skill Information

  • Hobbies and Talents: Composing, gardening, instruments
  • Languages: Canta (Native), d'Ithanie, Common, Droque (Fair), Anglisch (Poor)


  • Corruptionborn Mechanics 1-3
  • Eronidas Mechanics 1-3
  • Ailor Mechanics 1 & 5


  • Luciana Pirlo was the first (and only) child shared between an Arken and an Eronidas. This Eronidas' name, lost in the fields of Anglia, would never be known by the young halfing. Luciana was not given- it was assigned. She was brought to an orphanage in the Vultaro Peninsula, as a final kindness by the mother who birthed her. The child resided in this orphanage for many years to come. She was an odd thing, or, supposedly so by the other children who lived with her. A quiet girl, with a blank face, but a 'wicked' look in her Demonic eyes. She was feared, much as she was isolated by her peers. The girl wished to overcome this obstacle as she aged. Quickly, she adapted to the social behaviors presented by others, becoming kind and talkative. Much to her surprise, there was a swift turn-around in how the orphanage treated her. No longer was she a reviled entity, but another child, who deserved the Everwatcher's compassion. Luciana Pirlo finally earned her name after two court servants adopted her.
  • She was loved. The girl, now double-digits, fit right in with the life that she had been brought to. With no other siblings, her parents invested all of their time into her. They were a slick pair, who thought themselves decent saints with adopting the odd-eyed girl. The Pirlos earned themselves a great position in a Baron's court. While they would never be considered aristocrats, they were treated as such, as payment for their unwavering loyalty. Luciana was liked by one of the Baron's many daughters. Around the same age, they became a quick pairing, feeding off of each other's impulsive streaks. Much was learned inside those splendid halls. Some say that this Baron had a direct part in promoting Luciana's work, after she showed a talent for the violin. Only this much is known. The rest is... left for better friends.
  • She was meant to be a star. The girl learned exactly how to raise the ladder that called itself life. She would see herself out of the hole that she was born into, no matter the pain that it would cause. Reaching gentry status through the wealth that she surmised, the girl's past was no longer relevant. There is much more life left. That said, her introduction to Ryker Lamperni's court was akin to a type of rebirth.


  • | Between a rock and a hard place. |

    Luciana is the offspring of the Corruption Arken. She has no familiarity with said Demon, nor imagines that she ever will. In her eyes, she was a mere happenstance of an odd affair, never expected to be anything more. This truth paints a familiar story that most other Arkenborn face. When she was younger, bitterness was harder to swallow. What was her purpose, if she was estranged from the greater power that sired her? Is it part of her destiny, to pursue the silver-tongued shapeshifter? Fellow Arkenborn of the Void take her favor. Those of the Exist? Not so much. Furthermore, she looks down upon any that are not Arkenborn or Godborn.
  • | It is what it is. |

    Signorina Pirlo rings a bell to some of those familiar with modern music. She is first recognized as a talented violinist, having performed at the finest estates around Vultaro. Second, she is known for her work as a composer, with many Cantaluna songs having her name attached. Through this work, she has earned an impressive amount of wealth- enough to be titled as Gentry. Prestige aristocrats are sure to mingle with the right kind of girl.
  • | Golden dreams. |

    Luciana is recognized as the Court Host of Ryker Lamperni. Her position comes with a lot of autonomy, which does not necessarily mean that a character could get close to the Iron Duke through her, but the connection is still noted. There are much better chances that she could connect a Regalian with another member of the Court.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: None
Defense Stat: Wisdom
Proficiency Points:
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Command Stance
    • Attack Command
    • Champion Command
    • Chase Command
    • Defend Command
    • Overwhelm Command
    • Resist Command
    • Shield Command
  • Magic: 5
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Curse
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Trip
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Disguise Pack (free)
    • Escape Artist
    • Smoke Screen
    • Thick Hide (free)
  • Faith: 0
    • Sacred Siphon (free)
Template created by @OkaDoka

Character bust by @vulnyacura
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