Preserved Sheet Lucas Twee

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Lucas Twee.webp

"For the hive."
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Basic Information.webp

Full Name | Lucas Twee (Often goes by 'Lou')
Age | 35 years
Gender | Male
Race | Colonial Ailor [Scorrico Werebeast] [Medavinti Lineage]
Preferred Weapon | Mace​

Proficiency | Lucas has 40 Proficiency points, 10 Hobby points, 10 Talent points, and his Racial Boost is in Needlework Art.

18 Metallurgy
Utility | Weapon | Finecraft | Armor | Iron Family | Bronze Family​
4 Shielding
3 Blunt Combat
10 Leatherwork Art [5 hobby + 5 core ]
10 Needlework Art [ 5 hobby + racial boost ]
5 Wooden Art
5 Stealth Rogue [talent]
5 Strength Training [talent]
3 Percussion Instrument
2 Vocal Singing​
Body Shape | Lucas has 23 bodystat. ( 9 metallurgy, 4 shielding, 3 blunt, 2.5 wooden, 5 strength training).

Lucas is at an athletic body shape with low body fat, which causes him to appear rather wiry.
Languages | Lucas knows 1 language

Common | Parent Language
Special Traits | Lucas is infected with the Scorrico werebeast line.
Medavanti Racials

Werebeast Fusions

Burrowing of the Scorrico
Fortitude of the Beetle
Sting of the Wasp
Venom of the Scorpion
Werebeast Forms
Halfbeast: Lucas' halfbeast has no defined form, as he can manifest however many or however little insectoid features as he wishes. He often manifests mandibles within his mouth, and plating along his shoulder, back, and forearms.
Beastmode: Lucas's head is replaced with that of an ant's, with long and beetle-esque antennae and horn-like extensions that are vaguely reminicent of horned beetles. Large, wasp-like wings unfurl from his shoulderblades and are capable of beating loudly, though the gossamer winsg are not strong enough to give him any lift. A second pair of insectoid arms push themselves out of Lucas' abdomen, and these arms often help Lucas with simple taskwork (often in the context of blacksmithing) though are not strong enough to wield weapons. Lucas become bigger and bulkier as a matte black exoskeleton coveres most of his exposed flesh.​

Visual Info.webp

Eye Color | Slate Silver
Hair Color | Dirty Blonde
Hair Style | Short, messy
Skin Color | Desaturated tan
Clothing | Pragmatic
Height | Five foot, six inches

The Core List

Alignment |
▸ Chaotic Neutral​
Personality Type |
▸ The Commander​
Religion |
▸ Atheist, though was once a strong Unionist. (Werebeasts cannot be religious.)

Pre Werebeastism | Age 0 - 20

Lucas Twee is born in Essalonia to Markus Twee and Samantha Bole on June 5th 277AC in a small colony village. He is the youngest of three brothers. The town he grew up in and the area he's lived in for most of his life was always bordered by expansive salt marshes, deltas, and swamps.
Growing up, Lucas took to his father's trade, blacksmithing. He spent most of his time with his father, and took after him. He learned woodworking alongside his father as well.
Lucas was never terribly sociable as a child and teen. He had few friends, and prided his work more than his social ability. Though, what few friends he had, he made a close bond with. He was close with his brothers as well.
Starting at 15, Lucas picked up the swords he made and began to learn how to use them. He was taught by local mercenaries, who acted as a sort of pseudo law enforcement in his village. At 18, Lucas joined the mercenaries that had taught him.
Just past his 20th birthday, Lucas joined a small force of mercenaries to deal with a werebeast problem in the nearby marshes. Scorrico were menacing the town and surrounding countryside. The mercenaries were defeated by the local werebeasts, Lucas was captured, infected, and turned.

Werebeast Infection | Age 20 - 35

Lucas's werebeastism was a rocky and sudden change in his life. He suddenly felt disgust towards the townspeople he grew up with, and soon, he cut them out of his life just as they had ostracized him for his affliction. Instead, Lucas began to commune with his werebeast brothers and sisters, joining their hive deep in the heart of the marshes.
Lucas quickly became an asset to his hive. He brought a number of skills to them - he could forge weapons and armor from stolen steel, could make and repair weapons and tools, and he could make clothing and padded armor. Lucas joined many raids as a werebeast on the surrounding hamlets near and in the swamps, including his own hometown.
Lucas spent a decade with his werebeast pack, gaining and losing insectoid brothers and sisters along the way. As the year weaved into 308, however, things started to go bad for the hive. Many hamlets have declined due to raiding, and now larger cities were starting to pay attention to the scorrico hive. After a small army of armored men marched into the marshes, the werebeast hive was shattered, many members killed or forced into hiding. Lucas stowed away on a ship, and soon, found himself in Regalia, lying low and making a new life as a blacksmith.
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@birdsfoot violet Not sure if this requires a cre-review, but I re-shuffled Lou's points and took 5 out of fast blades and put 5 into stealth, and also changed one scorrico mutation (from creeping crawlies to biotic acidity)