Preserved Sheet Luatris Auralous

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The Big Gay
Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score





Full Name: Luat "ajo' tjavés ce si colloaj, cjiajé ajo' si hijo ajo' si laco" Auralose
Age: 80
Gender: Female
Race: Altalar - Nelfin
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Religion: Unionist



Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Hair Style: Ponytail with the bangs hanging down
Skin Color: Fair
Clothing: Luatris would sometimes be seen in elegant silk dresses or a black laced top, with a jacket covering her arms partially, with regular trousers.
Height: 6'2
Body Build: Toned


Proficiency Points:
60 (-10 School of Alchemy)
+20 Alchemy (+10 School of Alchemy, +10 Proficiency)
+10 Quick Fingers (+10 School of Alchemy)
+5 Commanding Speech (+5 Proficiency)
+15 Diplomacy (+15 Proficiency)
+10 Battle Command (+10 Proficiency)
+20 Atraves Stave (+10 Racial Bonus, +10 Proficiency)
+10 Nelfin History (+10 Racial Bonus)

Cultural Points: 60
+20 Horticulture (+10 School of Alchemy, +10 Cultural)
+30 Bodycare (+10 Cultural)
+10 Husbandry (+10 Cultural)
+10 Literature (+10 Cultural)

Languages: Age 60
d'Ithanie (+10 Age)
Modern Elven (+10 Age)
Ancient Elven (+10 Age)
Common (+10 Age)
Leutz-Vixe (+10 Age)





How is Luatris Auralous perceived by others?
Luatris would at first glance seem sweet, her soft like appearance feeding this facade, However when talked to she could be seen as harsh & blunt, It would be a big deal for her to trust anyone, however when she trusted someone they would be highly protected.

How does Luatris Auralous feel inside?
Luatris would be confident in her words, never straying to far from what she knew. She however would still have abandonment issues to this day, due to her childhood. She knowingly would push people away if she felt they were going to leave her at one point or another, relying heavily on her instinct.

How does Luatris Auralous act towards family and friends?
Luatris, being thrown away by her family would resent her biological parents. Not knowing who they were had a huge impact on her, not knowing who to hate, but hating someone nonetheless. However her daughter that was stripped of her, Luatris would feel nothing but love for her, she wanted to be there for her but couldn't find her. However Luatris's friends would be protected, She would treat them as if they were her children as it wouldn't be easy for her to trust people, when they were trusted they would be loved.

What is Luatris Auralous's mortality?
Luatris could be seen as destructive if anything got in the way of what she wanted she would make every reasonable effort to destroy them. When it came to her friends (who would be called family to her) she would fiercely protect them sacrificing whatever to protect them. However if she were to find her daughter, Auraline would go on a warpath to protect her. Nothing would stop her, she would die for her.





[Being Born]
Luatris Auralous was born in the city of Ssil, with no mother or father watching her.


Luatris Auralous was left to a stranger, That stranger teaching the basics of life such as stealing however She would eventually be traded and treated like property. However when she became old enough to become aware of her surroundings and realize that she was enslaved. She'd pray to the spirits, and coincidentally the following week she was able to break free and run for her life. She'd hold no titles, have no wealth, however at the age of 8 she was able to use her adorable nature to sneak into homes or markets to steal, as her first parental figure taught her.

At the age of 12 she'd eventually steal and pawn enough items to enroll herself into L'Académie de Bouteil de Mordealé (School of Alchemy). She'd grow into a beautiful women, Her appearance could be seen as elegant and her etiquette proper.

At the age of 22 she'd graduate from the School of Alchemy, She never expected to truly do much in life, being discouraged of the fact that she was never wanted as a child, She'd look for a sense of belonging. Looking to find herself one way or another. She'd find a companion that she'd travel the Regalian Archipelago with.

[Many Many Years]
During their time traveling, her Ailor companion would eventually show signs of aging. Whilst Luatris would find herself not looking a day older from the day she left the School. She'd find herself surrounded by death. Everyone around her dying of old age, or dying to the many attacks she'd endure. She always found herself escaping and eventually she would find herself alone, resorting back to her old ways to stealing to make a living. However She got pregnant on one of her adventures, but when she was resting after giving birth, her daughter would be kidnapped and stripped away from her. She'd go on a warpath trying to find her once she was healed and eventually started travelling again, hoping to one day find her daughter.


During this time Luatris would gain a following of sorts, forming some sort of band of criminals and sellswords alike. Everyone forgetting their path and foraging forward with Luatris as their leader. She'd learn many things during this time. How to maintain relations with people for unnecessary battles & how to lead her people into necessary battles.

Luatris quickly became a very confident individual. However her downfall was becoming overconfident. She'd pillage over bandits and take the belongings off their bodies. She'd often search for any information on a newborn child taken and possible sold, Looking for her daughter. However she found a couple books on her ancestors, reading about Nelfin History obtaining knowledge. Although smart, she'd lead her people into a trap. Becoming overconfident in her people, she'd lead them into a slaughter. She escaped as she always did, going back to her camp, she'd take only the valuables and leave everything else. She'd be devastated and felt unwanted. However she'd find herself traveling by her lonesome hoping to find a place to settle down.

[Present Day]
Luatris now being 80 finding herself alone in the big city of regalia. Hoping to find a sense of belonging.




{Credit to @MidWaifu for the help}
Last edited:
  • You are ten points over your proficiency limit with a total of seventy, please correct this.
  • I want you to expand on paragraphs one and two of personality and abilities by a sentence minimum each as they are currently rather lacking.
  • Why would an Altalar have been born in the Varran city-state of Ssil? This doesn't make much sense, and her general backstory is a little far-fetched, going from an orphan there to a slave to alchemy schooling and then presiding over a band of cutthroats. I implore you to consider revamping this so it isn't so mary-sueish.
  • Petty theft as a child pickpocket would not be sufficient to come up with the coin required to enroll into formal schooling under the School of Alchemy.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @PurrPleh
@Bagley_ Hey, Im deciding to re-work Luatris fully, My apologies for the wait. It'll be at most another week.