Preserved Sheet Luān The Moon Walker

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Aug 19, 2021
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  • Full Name: Luānahc Ranvanokh Srizzńaiirn Mor-Rokh Na-laar
    • Nicknames: Luan, Moon, Moth
  • Race: Kathar (Dominate), Cult of the Wyld; Half Altalar Suvial
  • Age: 68 (Appears 20)
  • Gender: Biologically male, Demiboy
    • They/he
  • Eye Color: Golden eyes with a red limbus, black sclera
    • Envy Silven

  • As mystical as the moon, and as quiet as a flap of a moth's wings, Luan is a mage and an alchemist with a passion for entomology.
  • Luan is largely atheist, though makes an exception to follow Onu the Warper. They look down on all those who reject more magical elements of religion.


  • Strength: 1 Unarmed Pack
  • Constitution: 1 Resilience Pack
  • Wisdom: 3 Soulrend Wisdom, Morphing Alchemy, Common Alchemy
  • Dexterity: 1 Parkour Pack
  • Magic: 5 : Void Aligned Casting, Illusionism, Alteration, Enchanting, Materialism
    • Airwalking, Self Control, Lunar Power, Arcane Mastery, Celestial Element, Memory Break, Sanctum Vessel, Evil Tongues, Heat Immune, Scan Sight, Starwalking, Light Element, Wind Element, Arcane Wardrobe, Pranking Bag
  • Charisma: 3 West Linguist Pack, Stupid Luck,

  • Common (Free)
  • Pannarokh/Katharic (Native)
  • Suvial (Linguistics)
  • Altalar (Linguistics)

  • Kathar Abilities & Specials
  • Silven: Envy

  • Mutations: Glowing hair that looks as though the moon itself has formed on Luan's head. Their skin is gray, though with a slight cyan coloration. Their legs mimic those of a moth and they have two large, luna moth wings on their back, as well as moth-like tendrils on their head.

  • Luan is 7'0, though due to their hairy moth-like legs, they usually stand slightly shorter at 6'11. Their skin is naturally a grayish brown tone, and their hair is naturally auburn, cropped at the shoulders. Luan's ears are rather long and thin, and pointed like a thin knife. Their frame is lanky and slender.


  • Luan was born on September 24th, in Avela Astradhani along with their sibling, Chae. Their Arken mother loved them both in her own unique ways, reluctantly leaving them at an orphanage to only later to be abruptly taken by Kathar during the Dread War weeks later. This Kathar claimed them as her own only because of their Silven heritage.

  • Adulthood for Luan was slow and agonizing. While their sibling enjoyed the goodness in life, Luan was left behind, forced to fend for themselves. Throughout these years, Luan dove into the world of magic.
  • Aside from learning, they found a need to educate all who weren't well versed in their preferred, "purer" ways of magic. On a quest to educate, Luan turned to more dastardly means, taking refuge in underground void cults.
  • Luan came to regalia to find his sibling, partially for a long awaited reunion, and partially to better educate their relation in a better, more pure way of magic.
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Here is my review:
  • Allocate ALL 15 specials you would get from your 5 point magic investment.
  • Why does your backstory say they have Exist magic when they have Void and can ONLY have Void magic. Remedy this.
  • Why does a Katharic Void Mage who wasn't raised by their Suvial parent worship Elleyon, an Exist deity? Either explain this somewhere or make them worship a Void god.
Tag me when you are finished with your edits.
Here is my review:
  • Allocate ALL 15 specials you would get from your 5 point magic investment.
  • Why does your backstory say they have Exist magic when they have Void and can ONLY have Void magic. Remedy this.
  • Why does a Katharic Void Mage who wasn't raised by their Suvial parent worship Elleyon, an Exist deity? Either explain this somewhere or make them worship a Void god.
Tag me when you are finished with your edits.
Changes made @WingedJade