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Played Character "Lozundryll Amondiirn"

This character is actively played.
Jul 10, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

"Full" Name:

Lozundryll Amondiirn
Divine Cult Kathar
Marya Court Slizzar​





True Voidal Mage

Character Occupation:

Appearance Information:


Lozundryll Amondiirn is a "Drakon Cult Kathar" with a more slate-grey (#212528 if we're being specific) skintone and pale bone-white hair. His eyes are inverted- black sclera and white irises- though his pupil remains a deep black. They keep their hair in a braid akin to a scorpion tail, the length reaching past his mid-back. Other than that, they have longer, black nails, and keep the appearance of someone in their early 20s. However, it will be notable, they constantly adjust tiny details about themself just to mess with people, such as eye color, height, and other little things…[/center

As with many Slizzar, Pravasu's base scales are a deep grey, matching his Kathar disguise, though they have some faint patterns of white in there. They sport even more pops of teal and cobalt blue in their scales and hair- Teal being the dominant of the two. As for their legs, there are none! They've got a long, snake like lower-body, one they would use to construct and/or cuddle those they hold dear… however it will be of note that they are much longer than your average Slizzar.​

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:

A composer by trade, Lozundryll has a stronk set of skills regarding instruments. As they say: "you can't make a part unless you know how to play the part." This being said, they have a lot of knowledge regarding instruments in general, and can pick up most new ones easily.
Slizzar are immune to any type of mind control or mind scrying from mortals, particularly Mind Control, but also Mechanics that would result in thralling, emotion-reading, emotion influencing and so forth. Additionally, if someone is actively attempting to do any of these things to a Slizzar, that Slizzar becomes aware of the attempt, and who is attempting it.

Slizzar can perfectly mimic Afflictions and Affinities, including Transformations and even the aesthetics of Abilities and Mechanics, even if they do not actually work that way. For example, a Slizzar can perfectly mimic the appearance of a Vampire and then use fake Vampire teeth to engage in fake blood drinking. There is no way to distinguish this from the real thing, meaning Slizzar can seamlessly infiltrate groups. Anyone attempting to call out a Slizzar for not being authentic in their mimicry of something they are not, is engaging in meta-gaming. Note, however, this does not actually give them the Mechanics. They can for example summon Archon-like wings if they are mimicking Archon, but that does not give them flight or the function as described in the Archon Mechanic.

Slizzar have an advanced network of off-screen politicians and Nobles under their control. As a result, whenever an Imperial Assembly is called, Slizzar are able to sit in the noble section of the Assembly, and their votes count for 2 Votes instead of one. Votes are always cast as "Aye" or "Nay", in order to use this mechanic, the Slizzar must say "Aye (a: Political Power)" for the vote to work. Additionally, Slizzar can be embedded into Noble Families, attaching to their Family-Leader as either an Ally or Manipulator. So long as both the Family Leader and the Slizzar are present at the same Imperial Assembly (in absentia or proxy voting does not count), the Family Leader may also use this Mechanic (but must be sure to use the formatting described above for it to count). Additionally, for this to count the Slizzar must self-register as embedded into a particular Noble Family through the Ticket Bot. It is not possible to stack this effect multiple times for multiple Slizzar embedded.

Slizzar have an advanced network of bureaucrats, bankers, and other wealthy persons they can call upon, to give them access to the new wealth of the Regalian Empire. Firstly, this means they have access to an off-screen wealth that is close but not equivalent to registered Aristocrats. It essentially means Slizzar are wealthy, and have money to throw around. Secondly, it creates a situation where Slizzar can "claim" Noble Countryside Estates. These claims are not exclusionary, that is to say, we only have a limited number of Estates available, and multiple players trying to "claim" the same Estate. For this reason, we request players make use of the holographic display to indicate if players are already present, and suspend disbelief about who owns what Estate. Chances of multiple players trying to use the same Estate at the same time, is low.

Slizzar are natural Persuaders with their ability to get into the heads of others. Any Persuasion Rolls done by a Slizzar, have their final Dice result increased by 1. This effect does not stack with other Mechanics that have the same effect on Persuasion Rolls.​

Common: Learned
Katharic/Pannarokh: Learned
Zoram: Native


Lozun's Tale:

A woeful kathar born into a life of poverty, it is rumored that Lozun climbed the ranks originally as a bard, eventually earning praise and adoration across the continent. However, about a decade prior, they hung up their instruments to begin composing, creating and crafting works of art throughout the land.
Pravasu is a Slizzar, raised among their kind for a while before they set out to "collect". They set out rather early compared to some of their kin, being only around 16. This, however, was more than enough time for them as they explored the world, not yet having chosen an alternative form. They were found by a kathar... the original Lozundryll, who was far more malicious and greedy. A vampiric Kathar with the same trend of "collecting"... but rather this Lozun collected people. With their bright blue accent colors and serpentine form- Lozun was fascinated with Pravasu. So, they made it a goal to catch and contain the Slizzar. Beaten, bruised, and captured like a wild animal, Pravasu fought against the chains that bound them for weeks- until they found an opening... listening and waiting as Lozun led his coven in a ritual for luck and good feeding. Pravasu began an incantation of his own, warping out of the chains with a grin... and moving to watch the coven. However, they chose to watch it as Lozundryll, taking his form to take down the vampire himself. Cornering him, it was a battle of the fakes, the other vampires confused and concerned as they dueled. Then, in a decisive play, Pravasu took control of Lozun's mind... forcing them to kneel. The other vampires followed, the ritual interrupted... and Lozun successfully replaced. However, Pravasu wasn't going to just let this coven exist... so first they took every single eye from the vampires, turning them into small orbs infused with magic... and proceeded to get explosives with Lozun's money to blow up the location with the vampires within. Unfortunately, they stood a little too close and got blasted back- thrown off a small cliff in which they broke their hip. Pravasu struggled to stand before an Automata found them, taking the Slizzar into their home. Pravasu refused to let anyone else see his Slizzar form, and the Automata was fine with that, just letting him rest and recover. Weeks went by before Pravasu could even slightly walk, the Slizzar in that time finding a profound fascination with Automata. After healing enough to hide as Lozundryll alongside this new and strange fascination for Automata, they left to seek out someone who would understand how powerful yet alive they are... and so they were drawn to Regalia- both for gossip and for their search. They figured, the best way to both collect and connive would happen here so... who knows what they'll do?

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities



Mind Control Pack (Slizzar Mechanic Free)
Shapeshifting Pack (Slizzar Mechanic Free)
Wardrobe Pack (Magic Variant)

Magic Bolts
Magic Revenge
Magic Resist
Magic Cleanse
Magic Shove
Magic Bolster
Magic Smog
Magic Curse
Magic Snare
Magic Warp
Magic Revive
Magic Isolate
Magic Reduce

Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Magic

Proficiency Points:
[14/14 points spent]
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 14​
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