Lowe's Municipal Detective Agency


Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score



"Vice may triumph for a time, crime may flaunt its victories in the face of honest toilers, but in the end, the law will follow the wrong-doer to a bitter fate, and dishonour and punishment will be the portion of those who sin."


"An illustration of two partnering Lowe Agents consulting on a case."


The Lowe's Municipal Detective Agency is a newly established independent consulting company, founded by an Ex-Guardsman, Ex-Constable and the Ex-Minister of Information, Malcolm Mallory Lowe, with an impressive track record of successful investigations. Mister Lowe is a progressive mind when it comes to law enforcement, during his tenure in the Ministry of Information he established a scientific forensic-pathology unit, which was early in its scientific development, nonetheless, was effective in its crime scene handling, which the company still utilizes in theory to this day. Lowe's Municipal Detective Agency adopts its structure and main aesthetic from its past, namely Mister Lowe's Ministry of Information. Private investigations, much like spying, require a crafty individual to tackle such a job, thus, the label of Agent is given to an operative of the company to sound slick and professional in their function and duties, however, while the company does structure itself like a government agency, it is not.


Lowe's Municipal Detective Agency specializes in courier work, recovery, hired muscle and of course, public or private investigations. Courier work is self-explanatory, we'll deliver a message or parcel for you with the utmost professionalism and secrecy while guarding the message with legally concealed-carrying Agents, for discretion. Recovery is categorized into two sections, inanimate, or animate. Inanimate means you'd like for an Agent to track down a stolen family heirloom, while animate means you'd like to hire an Agent to track down a missing person. Hiring Agents to work as hired muscle could mean providing security at an event, or hiring as many bodyguards as we have available Agents. We make sure to stay well within the law in our duties to provide you such a service, meaning we background check all of our Agents before hiring, as well as making sure they are legally armed in said protection. Last, but not least, is private investigations. This section is self-explanatory as well, you'd hire an Agent for whatever reason you'd like, whether you suspect a cheating spouse, case-consulting for any Metropolitan Commissioner, or hiring for surveillance on an individual.

New specialty!

With the establishment of the Bill of Rectification, a new specialty has been created to combat anti-state heresies. Agents can now be hired to uncover Ordial Cultists, Void Worshippers or other illegal religious gatherings or plots, resulting in the dismantlement and punishment of said cultists by the State Metropolitan.

Contact Malcolm M. Lowe to hire services.
((Reach me ICly @Testlo, or DM on discord to set something up, eight#1240)).


Modelling after the Ministry of Information, Agents within the Agency will be given a badge and work in civilian clothing for the utmost discretion in their duties.

This is a reminder that they are not a government agency, and thus, are legally bound to civilian laws. Any misconduct or law-enforcement impersonation should be reported to the office of internal investigations within the agency, or directly to the State Metropolitan.


Lowe's Municipal Detective Agency hires individuals from a wide spectrum of careers, as long as you are a law-abiding citizen with a knack for solving puzzles with determination to work in this industry you'd likely be hired. Ex-law enforcement or equivalent are favoured, obviously. Please send in your application to a recruiter with your past jobs and duties.

DM on discord at eight#1240))

Attention to applicants! Due to the recent establishment of the Bill of Rectification, all would-be applicants of non-Unionist persuasion will be investigated thoroughly before any interview is given, and any anti-state individuals will be turned away and reported to the State Metropolitan.

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