~ Love Is Lost, Love Is Found ~



~ Love is Lost, Love is Found ~
A Story from the past of Matthias Heinrich

This is a story that I have not told anyone else. Many people know the outcome, but not the story behind it. I trust that you will tell no one of what I am telling you today and that you will respect the privacy of the subject, releasing no information to any one, not even your closest of friends. Do you understand? Then we'll start.

I'll start from the beginning. I have not told you as of yet but I have had a wife previously, as well as a daughter. Katelyn Heinrich and Isabelle Heinrich... I loved them with all my heart, I truly did. A few years ago we left Regalia behind, just the three of us, and headed to New Caerdia. We had bought a humble home in the countryside, far away from any urban areas at all, all by itself with the closest populated area nearly 35 miles away. We knew little of the threat that lurked in the darkness, the Bone Horrors.

We lived in peace and harmony for a very long time, our relationship had grown stronger as Isabelle grew bigger. She was 14 months old when it happened... Funny how life works isn't it? There are people out there that should be dead, that are too old to be living and instead they take a child? A child that had her whole life ahead of her, that could have been something great and instead this stupid bloody world decides to take that all away from her. Why? It was all my fault, really. I could have protected her...

You would think the world had taken all it all it needed, right? Wrong. It decided to take Katelyn too, everyone that I ever really cared about taken away from me in one foul swoop. What did I do wrong? Why did all of this need to happen? Once again, it was all my fault that she died. I could have protected both of them... I could've stopped those damn piles of bone from devouring them in front of my eyes... The screams... I can still hear the screams every night when I lay my head down and go to sleep. Every night since it happened, I ask the world why the hell it couldn't have been me. Why couldn't I have been the one to go? Then when I don't receive an answer I ask another question... Why won't you let me join them...?

Then one day... Everything changed. I met you. All of a sudden, my life seemed whole again, like that giant hole that was missing was finally filled. I smiled for the first damn time since the incident when I met you, you made me happy again. I know we will laugh, we will cry; we will fight, we will hate but one thing will always be there. No matter how much it hides itself, through the good and the bad, we will love. No matter how much we may deny it, we will always love each other.

I loved them with all my heart... I thought they were the only two people that I could ever love. Until I met you.

- Matthias Heinrich to Jacqueline Moreau
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~ Love is Lost, Love is Found ~
A Story from the past of Matthias Heinrich

This is a story that I have not told anyone else. Many people know the outcome, but not the story behind it. I trust that you will tell no one of what I am telling you today and that you will respect the privacy of the subject, releasing no information to any one, not even your closest of friends. Do you understand? Then we'll start.

I'll start from the beginning. I have not told you as of yet but I have had a wife previously, as well as a daughter. Katelyn Heinrich and Isabelle Heinrich... I loved them with all my heart, I truly did. A few years ago we left Regalia behind, just the three of us, and headed to New Caerdia. We had bought a humble home in the countryside, far away from any urban areas at all, all by itself with the closest populated area nearly 35 miles away. We knew little of the threat that lurked in the darkness, the Bone Horrors.

We lived in peace and harmony for a very long time, our relationship had grown stronger as Isabelle grew bigger. She was 14 months old when it happened... Funny how life works isn't it? There are people out there that should be dead, that are too old to be living and instead they take a child? A child that had her whole life ahead of her, that could have been something great and instead this stupid bloody world decides to take that all away from her. Why? It was all my fault, really. I could have protected her...

You would think the world had taken all it all it needed, right? Wrong. It decided to take Katelyn too, everyone that I ever really cared about taken away from me in one foul swoop. What did I do wrong? Why did all of this need to happen? Once again, it was all my fault that she died. I could have protected both of them... I could've stopped those damn piles of bone from devouring them in front of my eyes... The screams... I can still hear the screams every night when I lay my head down and go to sleep. Every night since it happened, I ask the world why the hell it couldn't have been me. Why couldn't I have been the one to go? Then when I don't receive an answer I ask another question... Why won't you let me join them...?

Then one day... Everything changed. I met you. All of a sudden, my life seemed whole again, like that giant hole that was missing was finally filled. I smiled for the first damn time since the incident when I met you, you made me happy again. I know we will laugh, we will cry; we will fight, we will hate but one thing will always be there. No matter how much it hides itself, through the good and the bad, we will love. No matter how much we may deny it, we will always love each other.

I loved them with all my heart... I thought they were the only two people that I could ever love. Until I met you.

- Matthias Heinrich to Jacqueline Moreau
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