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Played Character Louse

This character is actively played.


volitionally extinct
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: 'Louse'—an appointed name, for lack of a birth name proper
Heritage / Culture: Aerun Dragonkin Lanlath
Age: 17
Gender / Pronouns: Male, he/him
Religion: Draconism
Occult: Mundane
Character Occupation: N/A for now
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Golden
Skin Color: Bronzed tan
Hair: Ashy platinum blond
Height: Short perhaps for Lanlath or Dragonkin— though rising from 6'0" (adolescence).
Body Type: Semi-muscular?
Additional Features: Draconic traits: two protruding (as yet not significant) horns, scales along the elbows.
Skill Information
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Strength 7
Defense Stat: Dexterity 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 7
Bruiser Point Buy
Bruiser Slam
Bruiser Parry
Bruiser Feint
Bruiser Agony
Bruiser Tackle
Bruiser Ruin
Bruiser Rampage​
Dexterity: 5
Roguery Point Buy
Fleet Footed
Sharp Reflexes
Close Save
Escape Artist
Nimble Bola
Athletic Point Buy
Steady Body (free from Dragonkin)
Faith: 2
Prayer Point Buy
Desperate Prayer (free from Dragonkin)
Kneeling Prayer
Guidance Prayer​
Hobbies and Talents: Athletic Hobby
Mechanics: Lanlath & Dragonkin mechanics
Languages: Common
An infant, Aerun Dragonkin with the traits of a mutt Lanlath, was found in a displaceable slum in the Holy City's periphery. Marked by his scale and horn, he in his most vulnerable years relied upon the charity of the hungry, though their ignorance of Dragonkin and the politics of the Lanlath saw him refused by a Lanlath community when his hosts had made to surrender him. Thereafter he grew an orphan.
Louse as he was named found charity make way for utility the moment he had use. He was employed in petty crime. He became prudently paranoid of the law and all organized societies of men—and thus adeptly avoided those who sought him out for his traits. In the end, though, a man sought and caught him; Rüzgar of the Argentum Order, who tore him from his lesser life and thrust in his arms a sword, made something proper of him. Ever since in fealty, Louse has served Rüzgar like something of a squire—in his cups and in his steel. All that Louse knows of his heritage and Draconism he knows through his mentor. Louse, in Lanlath terms, is yet young; perhaps it is in his destiny to face those who brought him screaming into this world, and perhaps he will make something of himself worthier of his blood than the street orphan his fate had first consigned him to be.