Preserved Sheet Lorthel Marcela Anthrol

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Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
~Basic Information~
  • Full Name: Lorthel Marcela Anthrol
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Saivalthar
  • Cultural Alignment: Ania Influence
  • Affliction: Alais Vampirism
  • Sexuality: Hidden
  • Preferred Weapon: Pike
~Inventory Information~
  • Vampire Themed Card Deck - 10 Regals
  • Silver Unionist Eye Necklace - 20 Regals
  • A Pair of Copper Rings - 15 Regals
  • Hunting Knife
  • A Spool of String
  • Hip Flask
  • A Set of Lockpicks - 20 Regals
  • A Flint And Steel
  • A Bone Whistle
  • 5 Nine inch Nails
  • A Simple Broadhead Arrowhead Attached to A Leather String
  • An Intricate Silver Ring Featuring The Silhouette of a wolf's head - 80 Regals ( Anthrol Signet Ring )
Skill Information

Total Points: 50 Age + 10 Hobby
Points Used: 50P + 10H

  • +5 Spear Combat | Points |
  • +10 Fist Combat | Points |
  • +12 Roguery | Points |
  • +18 Schooling | Points |
  • +15 Theater Art | 5 Hobby | 5 Racial Boost | 5 Alais |
  • +10 Dancing Art | 5 Hobby | 5 Alais |
  • 3 Mixology Art | Points |
Body Shape
  • Phys. Stat: 5 + 10 + 15/2 + 10/2 = 27 Capped at 15 (Crimson Form) | 13 ( Normal Form )
  • Body Shape: Toned
  • Body Fat: Moderate
  • Anian Dialect [ Native | Literate | Regional ]
  • Kathar Altalar [ Native | Literate | Parental ]
  • Common [ Fluent | Literate | Free ]
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations


  • Basic
    • Dread Rebirth
    • Dread Binding
    • Dread Tampering
    • Dread Linking
    • Dread Pact
  • Saivalathar
    • Secret Masks
    • Power's Reach
Ritualism Mutations
  • Thelwar
    • Void Claw
  • Lavvanya
    • Exist Carry - Peppermint
  • Alais Vampirism [ Active ]Crimson Cloaking
    • Alais Kit
      • Vampiric Form
        • Shedding her nelfin features, Marcela's face and build shift, gaining the appearence of an ailor. Her skin shifts to a reddened salmon, her eyes lose any distinction between the iris and the eye white, instead becoming a unified golden color, a soft glow emanating from her sockets. A second, slightly smaller pair of eyes forms above the original, seemingly copying the mannerisms of it. Her skin loses all imperfections and her facial features remain generally beautiful. This form seemingly carries over the body shape and hair style of the one before it, though how much of it is down to sire of want shifting things around afterwards can't be told, but apart from that and clothing, there is no way to identify her normal form from the shifted one as her facial features have shifted enough to make her a different person entirely.
Point Buy
  • Roguery
    • Government Forgery Pack
    • Guard Forgery Pack
    • Sleight of Hand Pack
    • Rogue Gift 3
    • Wall Climb 3
  • Schooling
    • Command School | Calemberg Ordner School |
    • Finance School | Narlas College for Commerce |
    • Perfomance School | Door-Inner Huis College |
    • Statesman School | Regalian Statesman Academy |
    • Espionage School | Regalian Informational Academy |
    • Diplomacy School | Regalian Diplomatic Academy |
~Visual Information~
  • Eye Color: Blue Saivale
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Loose Waist Length
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Mix of Anian and Various Military Dress
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Slash - Sword - Left Rib - Small
[ Filler ]
[ Filler ]
Personality and Abilities
The Core List

  • Alignment
    • Lawful Evil
  • Personality Type
    • ENTP
  • Religion
    • None
~Life Story~
  • Born to a pair of Alais in Rumvalia.
  • Has a relatively normal childhood with a minor focus on the family run tavern.
  • 18, While her parents largerly use the patrons for free drinks and smuggling, she takes an interest in using them more directly.
  • 20, Starts her martial training, mainly from the local hunters, "hunters", and mercenaries.
  • 24, Infected by her parents, what follows is several years of vampiric bliss that can only be described as degeneracy.
  • 34, With the duchy exploding, prepares to leave as soon as possible not wanting to get inquisitioned.
  • 36, Gets grabbed along her family by a bunch of mercs turned vampire hunter, takes the sensible option of get cured and not piked.
  • 37, Wanders towards horde lands the sudden rush of emotions making the whole ordeal harder to process. The wellbeing of her psyche is not helped by enrolment in Calamberg Ordner School using what's left to her name.
  • 40, Joins up with a few Szabadock she knew from her former,and now very ashy, business. Reminding them that they are still technically in debt for several unfulfilled contracts and "Refreshments" provided by tavern, even if it's now nothing but a husk, it also may have helped that she at least tried to play off feeding on them during their stay there. With moderate success in her learning, she continues her studies, from finance into espionage and then into other avenues afforded by her mentors and moderately successful business that hasn't been burned to the ground yet.
  • 44, Has found a spot relieving the current commanders of their excess troops.
  • 50, Starts moving towards Regalia, living that nomad life.
  • 56, Aimless wandering and several major magical events her psyche has blocked out later, lands in Regalia.
  • 57, Finds employment with House Slumberwood, re-infection.
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Hello there! I'll be picking this up for staff review, expect a reply shortly!
I apologize for the long time it has taken for you to get a review. Anyway,

My Review:
  • Please remove the terminology "Byala" from their Basic Information, only Ailor can claim to possess that Culture.
  • While Inventories are optional, you have well over 200 self-calculated Regals of material on yourself and I would request either a reduction or a removal of the Regal values to everything. It comes off as a flex of wealth that she should logically have an issue with acquiring given her status.
  • Her Life Story offers a very insufficient explanation for how a Kathar, Elf of demonic origins and a Vampire, was somehow adopted into the Szabadok Culture well past the age that such a thing is normal. I would request a lot more information to help provide an explanation for this.
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @_Grimmy_
I apologize for the long time it has taken for you to get a review. Anyway,

My Review:
  • Please remove the terminology "Byala" from their Basic Information, only Ailor can claim to possess that Culture.
  • While Inventories are optional, you have well over 200 self-calculated Regals of material on yourself and I would request either a reduction or a removal of the Regal values to everything. It comes off as a flex of wealth that she should logically have an issue with acquiring given her status.
  • Her Life Story offers a very insufficient explanation for how a Kathar, Elf of demonic origins and a Vampire, was somehow adopted into the Szabadok Culture well past the age that such a thing is normal. I would request a lot more information to help provide an explanation for this.
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @_Grimmy_
  • Removed Regal values from most things, keeping them for the hard to pawn things/jewelry since those were gathered across multiple decades.
  • The Byala tags doesn't give boosts anyways since it's a non-ailor and culturally speaking she's more that than a normal kathar. There's really no other way to show that.
  • Added a blurb about accenting how it's a "You owe me" thing.
    Changes in nuclear waste green that looks like hyperlinks.
@HydraLana Formating and done, I should've forced myself to do this faster...
  • Added a cultural alignment area for Byala, this would also be where things such as Imperialisation would go.
Approved, but know that you're character is going to have some fairly odd interactions with people.
@HydraLana Shifted Points from squad to magical knowledge, just felt a bit more thematic with the byala thing and being an ex vampire, but not sure if you want some story reasoning behind it.
@HydraLana Added mutations for the eventual reinfection to be easier
@Caelamus , Feels good to be back, shifted points regarding the alais change, added new mutations and form.
Best of luck.
@Caelamus Should be done if I understood the change correctly