Preserved Sheet Lorik Yalod

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Local goblin enthusiast
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name:Lorik Oglar Yalod

  • Age: 29

  • Gender:Male

  • Race: Talar

  • Main Ambition: Knowledge, Justice, magic

  • Special Permission: Fire magic mage level
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: broen

  • Hair Color: white

  • Hair Style: medium length hair

  • Skin Color: porcelain

  • Clothing: Clean gray robes

  • Height: 173cm

  • Weight: 63kg

  • Body Build: Thin

  • Weapon of Choice: Mage level fire magic

Personality and Abilities

Personality traits

- Overconfident: He believes in himself and doesn't doubt himself when in darkness. His overconfidence has been useful and not so useful as he can be surprised, and his overconfidence scares other people to challenge him. This personality trait has showed many times in the public sometimes offending nobles and guards.

-Observant- He likes to observe more than talk much. He thinks it's better to analyze first and then approach someone. He checks their gear, and personality. He usually checks the environment for any henchmen or weapons nearby just in case. He usually take a very long time to observe and if he is very interested he useally stalks that person before approaching him/her

-Fair- He is very fair to other people and only acts to a point o f fairness. He sometimes betrays someone else for fairness. Many times he was offered to judge many arguments and debates. His fairness has lead him to some popularity among people on the streets.

- Trusting- he is very trusting to people as he trusts people who believes in him or who he believes. He tries to trust everyone who is kind to him and can be very gullible. He usually cannot trust a person he just met.

-Unorganized- Lorik does not like to be organized and is very messy. He usually like to throw and put stuff in random places. He usually forgets where he puts stuff. This trait has affected others as he usually has debts to pay and he usually cannot remember where his wallet is. His organization skills has proven as a not so good skill.

- Independent- Forced to be independent from an early age, he accepts no help or any act of kindness from anyone. He tries to be independent and occasionally speaks with random people. This causes relationship problems with his friends. He sometimes offers help but rarely does it and and he usually likes to travel alone in the city and if a person follows, he tries to trick them into going somewhere he is not going.


  • Fire magic-He was taught by a mage human called Tom Silverwane. He is a very good fire mage and uses Dragons fire more than cold fire. Since being taught from Silverwane, he has practiced and learned a lot of fire magic and testing out his limits in secure areas such as the sewers. His fire magic skills has been proven in an ambush or when in need of a quick and quiet kill.

  • panic resistance- He is very resistant to his worst fears and to add he does not fear much because of his overconfidence. His panic resistance includes resistance to most of his fears but not his worst fears. During tense situations, he usually tries and think of happy memories to calm him down, or if he is really scared, he tries and forget about what he is facing.

  • Smart- he is one of the smartest person in regalia. His strategies are used when helping people and sometimes escaping the regalian guard. They have been proven useful in tricking people into doing something. He always seems to like his schemes and plots. His plans have failed many times and has backfired because his plan includes some luck in it.

  • Endurance- He lacks endurance even though he has an athletic build. His lack of endurance comes from not running much but always using shadow magic to travel or escape. He usually tries not to run at all because he gets very tired. When he is in public and cannot use fire, he tries to hide and then ambush the attacker with fire magic.

  • Detached- After all his family member died, he has not liked anyone except for himself. This has proved to not be good since this weakness has hurt other people's feelings as he does not love much. He tries not to be manipulated by feelings such as, anger, love and sometimes hate.

  • Armed inept- His lack of training with weapons have proved to be a very bad during combat as fire mages cant really do much in the public. Due to this he tries to run away more than fight. This has showed that he can be very vulnerable when he cannot use magic. Because of this weakness, without any weapons so it has been hard for him to duel if needed.
  • Lazy- He is pretty lazy even though he tries not to be. When he is at home, he always eats a lot and lies down automatically. He always tries to sit down instead of standing up and always complains if all seats are taken. He always tries not to use energy unless it is a life threataning situation.
Life Story


Lorik was born on 275 A.C in Regalia. His loving mother, Andenere Yalod died in birth. He and his father lived together in many mansions, moving to many cities and continents and exploring new land. The Yalods family were quite rich from a family weapons and amour shop. Lorik, during that time, was a troublemaker and had brought some shame to his family. One includes, stealing drinks and food from the Regalian tavern. Lorik Yalod prized his families money most. When Lorik was 6 years old, his father had died by the guards after being bitten by a vampire. The families money has been passed down to Lorik along with the shop and Lorik returned to Regalia. He closed the weapons and armor shop as he thought it wasn't the right job for him. At Regalia, he was adopted by a mage named Tom Silverwane. He was taught by Tom Silverwane fire magic and have been experimenting since.


At around 11, after learning more about fire magic, he learned more about weaponry to defend himself. He was taught how to use a sword (he is a decent sword wielder)but he is unable to battle unarmed, or with an axe or a bow. His fire magic lessons went on and Lorik had made some enemies by then. One of his enemies, a 14 year old human named Gotham Young who had almost impaled him. Gotham Young had cut a arm during battle. Lorik Yalod was severely injured for days, found a healer and the healer healed him. During his free time, he had started to practice more of his fire magic. He tried to solve fights than join or create one. By then, his mentor, had died of old age. Because of his grief, he has naturally slept in the sewers and spent a lot of time at the tavern. By the time when he was 16 he realized he was wrecking havoc in the city and started being nice to the citizens and the city. By the age of 17, he was respected by many people for helping many people.


As he aged, he showed less publicity of his fire magic. He rarely used it to hide, or to teleport through the city. He soon found out that he wasn't a good navigator and that he shouldn't dwell in strange places long. He was soon very poor as he was after helping and funding many businesses. He still tries to help people. During his adulthood, he learned to respect and mourn the dead. That is why currently, he mourns his mother, father and mentor over time and rarely visits their tombs. He has found proof that his father was a lightning mage. He found books about lightning magic and taught himself with some help of a gang of lightning mages.
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can you guys approve or disapprove it quickly?instead of ignoring it? @Staff
relax, your application isn't the only one waiting for a review. most sheets take about a week to get their reviews and you just posted yours yesterday. Just sit back and wait, and maybe bump it if it happens to fall onto the 2nd page.
Righto! Here is my little peer review:
  1. The name has always been a pet peeve for me, you said that your character came from a rich elven family yet they all bear ailor names. I'm not saying it's neccessarily wrong, but I personally don't like the sounds of it.
  2. You mentioned "Wealth" in his ambition, but I don't see any notion of trying to earn more money anywhere in this sheet. Personally, it sounds like he simply spends from an unlimited pool.
  3. Black eyes is a sign of demonic possession if I recall correctly, unless you're talking asian-ish deep brown you should change that.
  4. Silvery hair only applies to Isldars and Drowdars, he, as a normal Talar shouldn't be having that
  5. I'm only seeing one or two obvious negative personality trait, try to balance it out with 3 positive + 3 negative (or 2 of positive+neutral+negative if you want) and maybe mark them with color or symbols to indicate their alignments.
  6. And add more detailing sentences to them, how he came to have this trait, how it affects the others around him.
  7. Your strength point "Strategic" seems far fetched, your character didn't received any form of official tutoring apart from shadow magic from what you've mentioned, and Regalia has a professional school dedicated to churning out strategists. So you should tone that down, maybe change it to being street smart for a more fitting one.
  8. You also mentioned that he likes scheming and plotting, usually that nets for a less-than-good intention. So this would be an opportunity to include that as a negative personality trait.
  9. There's something odd with "Coping with fear" point, I myself think of that as a quicker recovery from being frightened and +panic resistance, not a complete lack of fear like you've mentioned.
    he has not been scared since he was 5 after his father had died.
  10. Your weaknesses, change "Affecion less" to something like "Detached" maybe? And change "Lack of training with weapons" to "Combat inept"?
  11. Life story, you never mentioned what business did your character's family has to be rich. And would he not be set to inherit said business, being the only child? You made it sound like he just took the money and go live with a mage.
  12. Getting bit by a vampire and getting cut down b guards sound a bit shoddy to me, flesh this out more if you could.
  13. You said that he gets drunk a lot, wouldn't that make him an alcoholic?
  14. He sometimes picked fights with people but tried to be fair and solve fights.
    Can you like, clarify this? It doesn't make sense in its current state.
  15. In Regalia, being public with magic is a bad thing especially with shadow magic, the guards will literally hound you for it. Besides, normal people wouldn't even see him as a nice guy if they knew he had magic, as Regalians do hate magic (and non ailors) very much.

That's all I've got for now.
right thx Fillyjonk
I want another type of magic that my character uses as caster level. Does it have to be in the void magic section? @Fillyjonk
Can you guys claim or let some other staff claim this thread soon?may be in an hour? @Staff
For weapon of choice, you need it to be fire magic, not shadow.

For panic resistance, go into detail on what he does to keep a level head in tense situations.

I like the way you put armed inept. However, I'd like one more weakness to counter his fire magic.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done