Preserved Sheet Loreleia Zilyana Torkrana ✿ The Flower Girl

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hater of men
Jan 30, 2019
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the village


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Basic Information

❧ Full Name: Loreleia Zilyana Torkrana
❧ Nicknames: Leia​
❧ Age: 16
❧ Born May 10th, 291 AC.​
❧ Gender: Agender.
❧ Presents as Female​
❧ Race: Yanar
❧ Shape essence of a Cielothar Teenager​
❧ Sexuality: No Preference

Skill Information

❧ 16 Points to spend from age
❧ +25 Nature Care Sciences | +20 from Racial Boost, +5 from points.
❧ +9 Food and Drink Sciences | Invested Points
+2 Medical Knowledge | Invested Points

Body Shape

❧ 0+0=0
❧ Body Stat of 0
❧ Average Body Shape
❧ Average Body Fat


❧ Modern Altalar | 10/10
❧ Common | 6/10

Visual Information
❧ Eye Color: Green.
❧ Hair Color: Green.
❧ Hair Style: Long, wavy, let down.
❧ Skin Color: Light Green.
❧ Clothing: Childish, Bright, Usually knee-length dresses with socks and flats.
❧ Height: 5'3

Personality and Abilities
❧ How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
❧ Loreleia is often happy, except for the occasional guards, she will usually show her happiness by smiling, jumping up and down, or really anything she does. In addition to this, she would also show contentedness by staying calm, maybe 'fine' is a better word, or 'bored.'​

❧ How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
❧ Loreleia often ducks under anything or something to express her fear. She would often scream and cry about it, and although she is rather childish, only being an adult for six years, she doesn't get scared all that often, except, of course, the occasional guards.​

❧ How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
❧ Loreleia would respond to experiencing stress, much like her fear, by crying. Although crying doesn't fix anything, she feels like she's letting out her emotions that she's bottled in.​

❧ How does your character view Law and Authorities?
❧ Sometimes, Loreleia will fear Law and Authorities. She is quite scared of the Regalian guard force, and wishes not to join, see, or hear of them. Nope. No, Ma'am. On the other hand, she finds some Law and Authorities to be quite helpful. Does she know the names of them? No, but she likes them.​

❧ How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
❧ Loreleia is quite curious about races that aren't yanar. The one she finds most intriguing are the Allar, she finds them to be intriguing because of how their classes, or, caste, system is very interesting. She also really likes their subraces, one subrace she finds most interesting is the Mustasj. How could you become a mistake so quickly? Did she know? Not really, but she sure does like them.​

❧ How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
❧ Much like races, Loreleia finds religion to be an interesting topic. She often wonders what religion different races worship, and why. Although she isn't the scholarly type, she does like to learn about religions.​

❧ How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
❧ Loreleia is absolutely fine with Arcane and Magic in the world. She doesn't really care about it all that much.​

❧ How does your character feel towards their family?
❧ Loreleia never really had a 'true' or 'real' family. Her parents were killed when she was a very young age and was instead in some sort of medieval foster system. People in her colony often took care of her, and she switched from one family to the next.​

❧ What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
❧ Her dress. She loves her yellow dress, it was a gift from the last family she stayed with before going to Regalia. She cherishes it and often wears it.​

❧ What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
❧ Loreleia tries to better her life by spreading happiness around the city. She does this so that at the end of the day, she knows there is at least one person who had a good day because of her.​

❧ What is your character's biggest insecurity?
❧ Her green skin. Loreleia often sees beautiful people with Pink or tan skin around regalia, and envies them. She wants to be them so badly, and not be an outsider, even though there are lots of green-skinned people in Regalia.​

❧ What is your character's biggest fear?
❧ War. War scares Loreleia so much that just the thought of it sends her into a deep, dark, mood. In fact, the word 'War' or 'Battle' is a trigger word for her and will send her into a deep sadness.​

Life Story

❧ Born in 291, Loreleia didn't have that long of childhood, like all Yanar children, her days of childhood were from May 10th to May 20th. On the fifth day of her life, her parent's were murdered in cold blood, but by who? It was a mysterious death, the Yanar among her colony took care of her until that one fated day. The Colony elders decided not to tell her, not now, not in the future, not ever.

❧ Loreleia had a normal childhood, she learned to respect and love nature. She felt close and happy when she was around nature, and wanted to learn everything about every single plant in the world of Aloria. She often switched families during this time, and although she was 10, she still had no idea why she wasn't with her parents. What happened to them? She often wondered if the elders knew.

After a few years, she still never learned why her parents just, like, disappeared. But, she didn't really care anymore. At this point, she just wanted to be a child, so that's what she did. She played with the children of her colony, and often wandered around the colony town, looking at and admiring the plant life. She met a few friends along the way, too!

When she was 16, she finally decided to move to Regalia. This colony was kinda old and was full of both good and bad memories, so she decided that it was time for a new start. Along the way, she met some other Yanar and a few Allar!


Last edited:
Zzuros Al-Yaotl - Acquatince - Often annoys Zzuros for information on Allar, Mutasjs, and other stuff. Once she bought a plant from him! Also called him green.
Cro-Szeulla - Acquatince - Got off on the wrong foot, maybe it was because she called her 'Yelloh!' But, she really enjoys her company, also asks a lot of questions about her.
Please make the following edits:
  • You have 16 points to spend but in the proficiency section you spend 19 total. Did you mean to make the character 19 years old?
  • Expand on the mystery of Loreleia's parents death. I'd recommend leaving some sort of clue that points into a direction for the cause of their death. This may leave something for the character to investigate on through roleplay. It'd be very awkward for someone to ask how loreleia's parents died in rp only to receive a response of "Idk, it's a mystery."
Tag me once you've made the following edits in a color of your choosing.
@PapidaCarrot Hello! Edits have been made, the edits have been marked in red. I decided to say that her parents were murdered (cos i didnt have any ideas on how to explain that they died) I also fixed her proficiencies so now it all matches up.

edit: sorry for making the prefix "needs re-review", my brain and i really had a brain fart huh