Archived Lore Video's

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Many players try their best to role play, and many of them are not very good at it.

My idea of roleplay goes somewhat like this.
Orc : ~kills Dworvins Brother
Dworvin : "You Sent my brother to teh spawn! you bastard!"
Orc : WA ha ha ha no I sent him to his grave! you will never see him again!
Dworvin : One sec I will go get him.

So you can see how their are two different ideas of how to roleplay 1 being to roleplay in a fantasy that is more realistick like you see in movies and the other is to roleplay in minecraft where you don't need to ignore the system.

other example

Dworvin : Goodmorrow traveler.
Traveler : Ahh hello, I am trying to get to XXXX can you derect me where to go.
Dworvin : O but of course! I believe I saw that on the dynmap, just give me a second.
Traveler : The what now?
Dworvin : The Dynmap.... O! you must be new to Aloria The dynmap can be reached at from your web browser.
Traveler : Whatever...

If this is fine or if you think this is how roleplay should be I would like to know.
If not it would be nice to see some videos that introduce proper roleplay from how the staff would like it to be done. Probably video record their minecraft window while playing and add audio of everyones voices that are involved.

when it comes to reading massive amounts of text I am quite discouraged by it all.
I am not very smart when it comes to reading, and young "noob" members are probably the same in that field as well.
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Near everyone uses the realistic "system". Massivecraft is meant to be it's on world, with a ground in reality so that we can maintain order. Minecraft's extra features such as re-spawning and Dynamap are non-lore, and cannot be used in RP as they break any sort of realism. RP basically hinges on common sense really.
Oops, voted the wrong one. I have been seeing the minecraft type roleplay much more often lately.
Umm... Actually, once a character dies, they're usually considered "dead" If killed in RP. However, if it's PvP, then it should be stated whether the PvP will "kill" your character, or if it's essentially you controlling many army members.
Umm... Actually, once a character dies, they're usually considered "dead" If killed in RP. However, if it's PvP, then it should be stated whether the PvP will "kill" your character, or if it's essentially you controlling many army members.

When beaten in PVP you are counted as knocked out. Not killed.
All roleplay is in the "fantasy" setting as you state, role playing using terms like spawn and dynmap and including game mechanics such as respawning and telling people to check their inventory etc are improper roleplay. You should roleplay as if your character is a real person, since you're the character you should rp like "you" are in this fantasy world, therefore dynmap and the Internet do not exist, if a character dies hey are dead thy do not respawn. If you feel the need to mention dynmap or respawning or other non character things use ooc chat which is typing inside (()) or [[]] this is ooc chat and is okay to mention things that aren't rp or lore friendly here, hope this helps.
Also I find videos unnecessary, just go listen/watch roleplay, any of the following
Player would be good examples: MonMarty BandoftheHawk Teddie000 BabaManga ravenwolfthorn ObscureKoala Jaxin along with any other roleplay staff or lore staff if you're looking for a "proper" example of rp, just watching any of these people in rp should show you proper etiquette

Edit:sorry about he short length and typos currently on a phone
When beaten in PVP you are counted as knocked out. Not killed.

Well, for solo battles that works better than faction wars... That's what I was talking about, just being soldiers in wars... but knocked out in solo battle works too.
To further what BboyMVB was saying, "Dynmap" isn't rp friendly, however, having a normal map that you check (Not for people, but for places since many places would be labeled) is rp friendly to my knowledge. Given of course you know what you need to look for.. For example "We need to go to Mithril in order to trade with the Coens" or something to that effect. You can't just simply say "Oh, look, there's a place called Mithril on the map, let's go there for the lulz."
I, for one, believe that the current RolePlay is fine by those who can execute properly. Not everyone is a talented RolePlayer, but every can become one if they put in the effort. The amount of God-RP and Meta is something that is difficult to fix, especially with the community grower bigger everyday and the amount of people who refuse to change how they RolePlay simply because "They don't want too." A good RolePlayer practices his RolePlay and can only get better, while helping those who have problems with their RolePlay. If someone does something contrary to the rules, then try to help them, not ignore them.

Also, I want to thank Blue for tagging me. I have never felt more warm and bubbly inside. BboyMVB
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