Archived Lore Update: Nenya + Large Scale Yanar Event

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The Crazy Lore Writer of Worlds
Jan 2, 2016
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Somewhere with crayons...
Hello, my name is Devoruku and today I wish to bring up quite possibly my favourite two lore pages on the Wiki - the Yanar and the Nenya.

I have been playing massive for a while now and I am fast approaching my third birthday from joining - ever since I discovered the wiki I began diving headfirst into nature magic and Yanar, which lead me to the Nenya. The Nenya page for starters is a fairly average page for a Magus creature yet... well... its rather outdated. For starters Evergrowth magic has been removed from the lore, second is that the Yanar page is rather long and deprived from the Nenya page yet the two seem to explore different lore paths and third its just generally outdated.

Yanar Event:
I know this has been in the works for ages but I couldn't resist suggesting a Yanar event. Yanar, in biological terms, are a rather mysterious yet extremely powerful race yet they lack all in all NO SPECIFIC LORE EVENTS OR HISTORY ABOUT THEM!!! Its nice that the mods added an update on them, I just feel like they are treated less and don't get a good say in the lore itself, so I have designed an ideas for the lore:

Event Idea: Fated Rebellion
Over the course of the dragon occupation, Yanar from all over Regalia gather in large flocks to start a meeting between communities to talk about the problems they face with the fire spitting menace Rikkhia.

The Yanar, being soulless and having a higher magical background than any other race, will begin research into old Elven texts and discover a surviving Nenya sapling, bring it to Regalia and then use it to scare off or kill the dragon.... somehow.

(This plot seems unlikey but considering how messed up the lore is and how much of a "magical hotspot" the city actually is, I doubt anyone would care.)
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I tend to disagree with racial events. There's more than a dozen player groups bound together by race or culture in roleplay, though there are far more overarching "binds" as well. And of course, whenever one of these groups gets some treats the others cry out in demand too.

The wiki part, you can post reports and feedback on that in the wiki feedback section. I heard lovely @Scribbe loves doing those.
Yanar are a very underused aspect in progression, which many non-ailor races are also, but Yanar especially right now, during a time when Estel is off being a Disney Princess gods know where, and another Elven Empire is forming around them, etc.

Would be interesting to see the Yanar actually organize for once (in the wild specifically) and pick a side, or make some proclamation against Estel's actions. Or finding out they've been with their creator this whole time, and suddenly just a freaking army of warrior plants marches out of the woods. A lot of options, given how deep their ties to Estel, and the elves run.
Yanar are a very underused aspect in progression, which many non-ailor races are also, but Yanar especially right now, during a time when Estel is off being a Disney Princess gods know where, and another Elven Empire is forming around them, etc.

Would be interesting to see the Yanar actually organize for once (in the wild specifically) and pick a side, or make some proclamation against Estel's actions. Or finding out they've been with their creator this whole time, and suddenly just a freaking army of warrior plants marches out of the woods. A lot of options, given how deep their ties to Estel, and the elves run.

Agreed, considering firstly Yanar in biological terms breed better than Ailor they can duplicate and replace their numbers extremely fast they should be the most populous race in Aloria. Id also like to see what the lore staff meant by the Yanar distinction: "Plant-Like Humanoids with a mysterious past and dangerous future", this would mean two things - Either the Yanar will FINALLY rule Regalia (which would actually be beneficial for all parties as Yanar can easily be related to no matter the ovalation or personality. (I want this one as id love to see a beautiful Yanar queen rule the empire as I added it to my Eshria's Curse massivecraft manga) or Estal will be killed again and the Yanar will go confused like after the cataclysm, causing them to become asily pickings for murder and genocide from the Ailor.
Hard to see something that can be beaten by a lit match taking over regalia, honestly.

I'd be curious to see what happens with Estel, though. She hasn't been mentioned for some time.
I kind of hope its revealed that either Estel or the Midnight Court are responsible for Dragons returning. A good, overarching background antagonist for world progression that doesnt come into direct conflict but kind of, is hinted at as pulling strings etc would be a nice way to tie all the random, coincidentally annual crazy shit together lol
-My thoughts-

Why would such an under played race take over Regalia? I think humanoid/Nelfin races will have a better than the Yanar.

I don't believe a fire-spiting dragon will be defeated by Yanar. An army of can easily be defeated by a fire/elemental mage. Yanar aren't the strongest race either, making Orcs, Avanthar, Ailor, Qadir, Varran, and vice versa easily take them down with their physically capabilities.

Due to the Ch'ien-ji being somewhat related to Seraph (Which is the reason why they have gold eyes) makes Ch'ien-ji the dominant race for magic.

You have the alchemy people, aka, Allar which lead the alchemy industry.


The paragraphs that I said at the top are just a few reasons why those races would have a better shot at taking out the Dragon and be on future event (Aka, having a spotlight). The only thing I see that benefits the Yanar is that they live really long and use flowers as their way to keep their memory.

I like this font.
Agreed, considering firstly Yanar in biological terms breed better than Ailor they can duplicate and replace their numbers extremely fast they should be the most populous race in Aloria. Id also like to see what the lore staff meant by the Yanar distinction: "Plant-Like Humanoids with a mysterious past and dangerous future", this would mean two things - Either the Yanar will FINALLY rule Regalia (which would actually be beneficial for all parties as Yanar can easily be related to no matter the ovalation or personality. (I want this one as id love to see a beautiful Yanar queen rule the empire as I added it to my Eshria's Curse massivecraft manga) or Estal will be killed again and the Yanar will go confused like after the cataclysm, causing them to become asily pickings for murder and genocide from the Ailor.
-My thoughts-
Why would such an under played race take over Regalia? I think humanoid/Nelfin races will have a better than the Yanar.
I don't believe a fire-spiting dragon will be defeated by Yanar. An army of can easily be defeated by a fire/elemental mage. Yanar aren't the strongest race either, making Orcs, Avanthar, Ailor, Qadir, Varran, and vice versa easily take them down with their physically capabilities.
Due to the Ch'ien-ji being somewhat related to Seraph (Which is the reason why they have gold eyes) makes Ch'ien-ji the dominant race for magic.
You have the alchemy people, aka, Allar which lead the alchemy industry.
The paragraphs that I said at the top are just a few reasons why those races would have a better shot at taking out the Dragon and be on future event (Aka, having a spotlight). The only thing I see that benefits the Yanar is that they live really long and use flowers as their way to keep their memory.

I like this font.

Yanar are a good pick in my opinion because nobody expects them, but they have good reasons. They were caught up in the Genocide we ran against the Elves recently, but also have many reasons for not wanting another Elven Empire to form (I imagine their opinions tend to be the same as the Cielothar, given their proximity and interactions in their homelands), and they almost reverently follow Estel barring some standout cases and some in Regalia. Finding out that Estel has corrupted some group of them and turned them militant would be a fun twist from the Peaceful Salads TM, plus it would show Estel is still doing shit.

Her corrupting the Elves doesnt make as much sense since as far as I can glean from lore shes never liked them for various reasons.

Overall I think the biggest need for progression is some from of overarching antagonist, my preference is the Midnight Court followed shortly behind by Estel. Someone who wont be defeated for a few years, and can be implied to be behind various calamities that rise up to bring the world down and ever closer to the implied impending Exist Invasion and subsequent Cataclysm Mark 2.
Overall I think the biggest need for progression is some from of overarching antagonist, my preference is the Midnight Court followed shortly behind by Estel. Someone who wont be defeated for a few years, and can be implied to be behind various calamities that rise up to bring the world down and ever closer to the implied impending Exist Invasion and subsequent Cataclysm Mark 2.
When I see this it got me thinking (and yes I know that's dangerous for me), consider RP in an lore point and then compare Regalia with anywhere else in modern day Aloria... It has more magic attacks, more monsters, less stable economy, failing religion and an army of non-ailor that outnumber them 2 to 1... All this adds up to prove that REGALIA IS A MAGICAL HOTSPOT!!!

About the Cataclysm v2... If it were to happen I doubt Regalia would be left standing as for one its the capital, secondly I doubt Estal is dumb enough to not attack it and three, Yanar follow Estal no matter the option, meaning if she did appear - Yanar or anymore close to one is safe. Other than that, Regalia in either the coming few months or years is doomed to fall, by comparison to other empires and magical events.

Idea for Estal: While I get she is angry about a lot of things... she hasn't done anything to fix her problems... she has not tried going back to the Exist like she wanted, she hasn't made herself a false physical body so she can feel and she has not left that statue at all... meaning either the mods cannot think of something for her or she is completely stupid (most unlikely since her magic and IQ status is close to godly).
-My thoughts-

Why would such an under played race take over Regalia? I think humanoid/Nelfin races will have a better than the Yanar.

I don't believe a fire-spiting dragon will be defeated by Yanar. An army of can easily be defeated by a fire/elemental mage. Yanar aren't the strongest race either, making Orcs, Avanthar, Ailor, Qadir, Varran, and vice versa easily take them down with their physically capabilities.

Due to the Ch'ien-ji being somewhat related to Seraph (Which is the reason why they have gold eyes) makes Ch'ien-ji the dominant race for magic.

You have the alchemy people, aka, Allar which lead the alchemy industry.


The paragraphs that I said at the top are just a few reasons why those races would have a better shot at taking out the Dragon and be on future event (Aka, having a spotlight). The only thing I see that benefits the Yanar is that they live really long and use flowers as their way to keep their memory.

I like this font.

Desperately want more Isldar based storylines.
When I see this it got me thinking (and yes I know that's dangerous for me), consider RP in an lore point and then compare Regalia with anywhere else in modern day Aloria... It has more magic attacks, more monsters, less stable economy, failing religion and an army of non-ailor that outnumber them 2 to 1... All this adds up to prove that REGALIA IS A MAGICAL HOTSPOT!!!

About the Cataclysm v2... If it were to happen I doubt Regalia would be left standing as for one its the capital, secondly I doubt Estal is dumb enough to not attack it and three, Yanar follow Estal no matter the option, meaning if she did appear - Yanar or anymore close to one is safe. Other than that, Regalia in either the coming few months or years is doomed to fall, by comparison to other empires and magical events.

Idea for Estal: While I get she is angry about a lot of things... she hasn't done anything to fix her problems... she has not tried going back to the Exist like she wanted, she hasn't made herself a false physical body so she can feel and she has not left that statue at all... meaning either the mods cannot think of something for her or she is completely stupid (most unlikely since her magic and IQ status is close to godly).
I think there was some explanation for the magic based shenanigans because Regalia was literally just built over an older Seraph city (maybe even their capital? I dont know or remember). If you really wanted to go the extra mile with progression and explain why everything always focuses on Regalia, the revelation that the Seraph city is being harvested for tech and soul essence, and that the Elven and Quadir and Songanskie empires all know it, and want to stop it so Regalia doesnt get overpowered, and take it for themselves. As a secret overarching goal? I just woke up to go to an event then ima go sleep again, so I might be sounding stupid.
the revelation that the Seraph city is being harvested for tech and soul essence
Soul Essence, the construct of the soul itself and guess what, YANAR DONT HAVE SOULS!!! Soul essence in regalia has many different forms and comes from many different sources, ranging from ancient Seraph ruins underground (radiation form) to fresh off the market essence from the dead... And since when Yanar die their soul essence is dissipated into the air... roughly 70% of soul essence caught from Regalia is from dead or slain Yanar.

This can cause an uproar against the new magic system as it is in Yanar society like taking someone's life and grinding it into dirt, an insult onto their very existence and their "afterlife". Also this would promote Yanar to take a stand against magic as a whole or make them extremely protective of themselves or others.
How are they, they don't suck blood (unless dulofall infected), they don't kill to take forms, they lack hormones, they lack mortality and they barely eat.
Breeding Parasites in a lot of ways. They evolved to be able to bone anything and everything to ensure their race's continued existence forever. Even to the point of evolving immortality. (assuming they evolved and were not made by a Statue Lady for some sinister purpose)
This thread is getting a little bit off topic now, so I'm going to weigh in as Lore Staff (and fanatic Yanar roleplayer).

Quickly reviewing the Nenya page, I can tell you that it is still up-to-date enough not to warrant a rewrite at present. Lore staff are currently focusing on racial and cultural rewrites, which are much more vital to the general population of players. If you find something specific on the page which is contradicting, I encourage you to make a Wiki Report about it so that can be fixed!

There is nothing stopping the players themselves from making Yanar-centered events! As for a progression entirely surround them however, this is unlikely. It could be argued that many other races are "treated less" in the lore, as Regalia is an Ailor-dominated and inherently racist society. This is not just limited to Yanar; and in my opinion, Yanar are actually treated fairly well for a race that is essentially a soulless, magical construct of nature.

Yanar, in biological terms, are a rather mysterious yet extremely powerful race yet they lack all in all NO SPECIFIC LORE EVENTS OR HISTORY ABOUT THEM!!!
There are more lore events and history surrounding Yanar than most other races in fact. Their presumed ancestors (the Nenya) have written lore, they have a pivotal event in history (The Night of the Falling Stars) focusing them which played a part in the downfall of the Elven Empire, and in recent progression, a Yanar event was responsible for the destruction of the poor district just over a year ago. This is more than can be said for most Nelfin races, even.

If you want to host some Yanar-focused events relating to current world progressions, such as collecting Regalia's Yanar up into a resistance group, you're welcome to. You don't need lore staff intervention to accomplish that!
If you want to host some Yanar-focused events relating to current world progressions, such as collecting Regalia's Yanar up into a resistance group, you're welcome to. You don't need lore staff intervention to accomplish that!
I was thinking about something along those lines. I think a lot of times we as players wait for lore staff to make a story for us, but we should at least try to add to Alorian progression ourselves. Our characters live in Regalia and with enough collection we can definitely change things. Maybe not a "take over Regalia" sort of change, but maybe bring back the cult and make some Estel RP or something along those lines. With enough effort our actions as a group could be recognized and either we could be helped out by lore staff, or continue to drive our own narrative. Or, if we wanted to keep it small, I'd be open to Yanil or Seedling Festivals or Fated Faith processes anything to spark up some RP.
How are they, they don't suck blood (unless dulofall infected), they don't kill to take forms, they lack hormones, they lack mortality and they barely eat.
they gradually replace populations, don't die of old age, can produce offspring from a partnership with any other race but will only ever produce more yanar
they're parasites as a species, not as individuals
Old lore. Ya'll need to read up!
Yanar breed entirely asexually now.
you miss the point
a relationship formed with a yanar takes that person out of the gene pool for their race
this was the case before, still is now
those relationships can have children, but they'll be yanar children made by the yanar partner
you miss the point
a relationship formed with a yanar takes that person out of the gene pool for their race
this was the case before, still is now
those relationships can have children, but they'll be yanar children made by the yanar partner
Yes but it has nothing to do with the partner, example I know another Yanar who has a Nelfin partner who also has a second lover who is a Shender. Yanar are free constructs, no one can reduce them, and thanks @Eccetra , this thread is back on track.

There are more lore events and history surrounding Yanar than most other races in fact. Their presumed ancestors (the Nenya) have written lore, they have a pivotal event in history (The Night of the Falling Stars) focusing them which played a part in the downfall of the Elven Empire, and in recent progression, a Yanar event was responsible for the destruction of the poor district just over a year ago. This is more than can be said for most Nelfin races, even.

If you want to host some Yanar-focused events relating to current world progressions, such as collecting Regalia's Yanar up into a resistance group, you're welcome to. You don't need lore staff intervention to accomplish that!
I meant as in official lore, something to really bring about the /WOW/ factor of the Yanar, also I may actually make a large RP group considering my mate @Terisary has a 331 year old Dakkar Yanar so she can be the core of it. Also a resistance would be nice for lore in general as Yanar, as long as the Yanar keeps its ovulation recorded, can become a great face for Regalia. A symbol of peace and power in the world should be portrayed by the Yanar as they are immortal and powerful in numbers (not including the fire aspect).

Quickly reviewing the Nenya page, I can tell you that it is still up-to-date enough not to warrant a rewrite at present. Lore staff are currently focusing on racial and cultural rewrites, which are much more vital to the general population of players. If you find something specific on the page which is contradicting, I encourage you to make a Wiki Report about it so that can be fixed!
It says on the Nenya page a lot about Evergrowth magic which was removed from the wiki, I myself saw the lack of Evergrowth and made Botanic Magic on my lore dump (link here), maybe we need a new nature magic for Yanar only or druids as a whole to fix this problem??? I don't know...
Yes but it has nothing to do with the partner, example I know another Yanar who has a Nelfin partner who also has a second lover who is a Shender. Yanar are free constructs, no one can reduce them, and thanks @Eccetra , this thread is back on track.
what? i don't think you understand
while individuals may vary, as a species they're still a parasite of a kind
I meant as in official lore, something to really bring about the /WOW/ factor of the Yanar, also I may actually make a large RP group considering my mate @Terisary has a 331 year old Dakkar Yanar so she can be the core of it. Also a resistance would be nice for lore in general as Yanar, as long as the Yanar keeps its ovulation recorded, can become a great face for Regalia. A symbol of peace and power in the world should be portrayed by the Yanar as they are immortal and powerful in numbers (not including the fire aspect).
I feel like this is obviously quite biased to your own love of Yanar. If you want Yanar to become a symbol of peace for Regalia, then as a player you should start laying down the groundwork for that and creating a group of your own. Yanar may be included in future progressions, but there are many other races who are still suffering from underrepresentation / old lore that need to be catered to before Yanar receive any huge, niche updates.

As an aside, a 331 year old Dakkar Yanar is not compliant. Don't make this the leader.

It says on the Nenya page a lot about Evergrowth magic which was removed from the wiki, I myself saw the lack of Evergrowth and made Botanic Magic on my lore dump (link here), maybe we need a new nature magic for Yanar only or druids as a whole to fix this problem??? I don't know...
Yanar already have a racial nature magic through Bond Sharing which additionally goes by the nickname "Evergrowth". I want to request that you read through the entire page fully before making any redundant requests that are already present in lore.

Since I don't foresee this thread going anywhere else but in circles, I am going to lock it here. Hopefully this has cleared up some of your concerns!
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