Archived Lore Suggestions

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Governor of Altorai
Jul 27, 2017
Reaction score
Simply put, I think it'd be awesome if we the players could suggest things for the lore, minor things of course and not major amendments or anything, but perhaps the player-voice could be heard with a grain of salt aye?

We could have some sort of system or forum form where you could enter in a Lore Suggest with different tabs relating to the lore topic or archetype being suggested upon.

Some personal Lore Suggestions I have are as follows:
  • A mutation for soul mages where a tattoo appears on their back that represents their spirit animal in a sort of seraphic language/code which details every part of the spirit animal.
  • A magic character section on the character sheet template so magic characters can register their spells and mutation information in a neat and controlled manner.
Do you have any lore suggestions? Would you like to see a lore suggestion sub-forum opened?
Comment below!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
There's currently the Player Writing Prompts section where you can choose from a list of subjects to write about. Currently this is limited to Peoples, Consumables, and a lot of Animals. That's about all of the minor things players can contribute to. Most of everything else is generally too tightly bound and must be handled by Lore Staff.

Over a year ago there used to be a Player Submitted Lore section, but it had a huge backlog with over a page of content and was ultimately closed since Staff simply didn't have the manpower to look over all of it and didn't want to just leave it all hanging. If I recall, it was said that most of the suggestions weren't up to par anyway.

If you have an idea you really think is great, you can continue using this Feature & Idea Discussion forum or the Roleplay Information forum to post and discuss them.
In my view you have two options:
1) Prove that you have the commitment, maturity and skills to write lore. Join the staff and work on your idea.
2) Convince a lore staff that your idea is great and that they should work on it.

My guess is that you are trying no2.
For that you can pm (Shayin, Monmarty, Eccetra, Hydralana and Doc_Cantankerous)
They have been the ones that have written and processed the article on soul magic.